Dragon Talisman

Chapter 487: Divine lore

"Abandoned Divine Land, laid out the battlefield, and the people temporarily moved to the barren wilderness? Then waited for the demon to occupy the middle-earth Divine Land, and suddenly moved into a large array, using the power of the entire Divine Land, to bury all demon heads in it?" Gu Chen considered Some clues came out. > ≧ a novel W ﹤ W ≦ W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

This is the layout of Emperor Tianfu.

Middle-earth Divine Land actually has incredible power. The whole earth does not know how many gods and sages have been bred. In fact, the tyrannical figures in the various mysterious gates of Xiandao are basically from Middle-earth Divine Land.

Therefore, the people of Xiandao and Xuanmen have come to seek disciples.

People who were rumored to be born on Middle-earth China have contaminated the blood of China and will achieve great results in the future.

If there is no spirit in Middle China, how can it be called the center of Endless Big 6?

However, how to attract the power of Divine Land to move this lore, the ancient dust sand has no clue, but he believes that the Emperor Tianfu has been laid out for so long, and he will definitely have the most severe blow in the future, and it may even bring the world family. All counted in it.

"You can learn about the secrets of the Middle China Divine Land. If you can understand the operation of Divine Land and the vicissitudes of history, then there will be no problem in the promotion to the Twenty-Three Change and a glimpse of the past." Gu Chensha Changed and entered the city of Niezhou.

He is still assisted by the enlightenment and various conspiracy changes.

Self-cultivation is still the first. No matter what the conspiracy plan is, it must be based on strength. With the current practice of ancient dust and sand, each promotion of the realm can get huge benefits. In the future, one more strength is in the catastrophe Survive.

If he is promoted to the Twenty-three Change "Looking at the Past", then the art of change is even more subtle, and it can even be deduced that many things from previous lives, even some of the secrets of the ancient times can be learned by him.

Even if the average immortal reaches this realm of cultivation, the calculation of back and forth is only a few years, at most decades. But he is the quality of the heavenly law, and his ability to trace back time must be greatly increased.

In addition, he was able to turn ordinary mountain rocks into something more mysterious, not just as simple as turning stones into gold.

In this way, the refinement of various magic weapons is far from ordinary immortals, even if they are born sages, they are not as good as him.

Twenty-three changes "seeing the past" is a huge threshold. Lou worshipped the moon and did not cross it. Not only that, ancient bullet swords, ancient Xuansha, Wudang Kong are also stuck at this pass.

Gu Chensha killed many demons higher than him, and absorbed the memory of these demons. From the earliest Skeleton Demon Emperor to the later Doujiu memories, they also gained their breakthrough experience, but every time The methods of existence of breakthroughs are all different. Most of the breakthroughs happened by accident, and they reached that state. In hindsight, I didn't know what was going on.

This is an epiphany that belongs to the flash of aura.

Trying to find a breakthrough from other people's experience is not so realistic. Because others ca n’t stay in the state of epiphany all the time.

Gu Chensha was also looking for that epiphany.

In fact, after arriving, every monk's ascension to a realm depends on rich savings, and then at a certain point, there is no sudden epiphany, and even the three heavenly deities cannot forcibly elevate the realm.

If you have good luck, you have an epiphany, like a bamboo shoot, and if you have bad luck, you ca n’t realize it for a lifetime. You are stuck at that juncture, and you ca n’t get in. In the end, your life becomes dry and falls into dust.

The entire population of Niezhou has begun to migrate, and has migrated outside the customs.

This is what Yasuji made.

Jingxianji cooperated with the reclamation, transferred the people and families of Niezhou, and settled out of the customs again, so that after the explosion of the evil, the life of Niezhou was covered with charcoal.

The way to do it now is to clear the wall.

Every time the magic disaster explodes, Niezhou is basically involved in the blood and rain, and all the people in one state die. This time, we must prepare in advance.

However, there are still people in Yinzhou. They are adventurers, scholars, and hidden fairy characters and masters. They are all here to find opportunities to kill the demon, obtain merits, or to refine various magic weapons to catch the devil. of.

Although the devil's head is ferocious, the demon qi is also feared by the people in Xiandao, but turning it around is also an excellent material. Many magic weapons in the immortal path require the devil to refine them, such as various magpies.

For the people in the fairy path, the 傀儡 is very important. You need 傀儡 to build caves, arrange arrays, plant elixir, and mine amulets.

A long time ago, Gu Chensha and Lou Baiyue caught six millennium bone monsters and worked diligently in the barren land, constructing houses, bridges, roads, planting, reclamation, raising, and arresting. It is equivalent to a million people.

In the eyes of many people, the invasion of the demons is not a disaster, but a wealth.

Many monsters have gathered in the steppe deep in the bottomless sea, and some bold monsters have also rushed out in an attempt to seize a large number of humans, and at the same time refine the magic weapon.

Human monks need a large number of magic weapons for the refining of the demons, as do the demons.


The ancient dust and sand landed at Niezhou City, and the situation here can only be described as a mess of soldiers and horses.

The entire city has seen no ordinary people, all of them are adventurers, messy chambers of commerce business bases, of course, there are masters left in the court to cover the institutions of the people's retreat, and the Jingxian Division is also building a stronghold here, selling Long Dan, human dragon armor, human dragon sword.

Even the monks who are above the "glazed jade body" of the nine changes in the immortal mysterious gate, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be invaded or injured by the magic gas.

Taking human dragon dan can resist magic energy, replenish physical strength and congenital qi, and even Yuanshen power, even Jin Danli, if you carry a large number of human dragon dan, basically the innate qi source is endless, and human dragon armor and human sword It can protect the body, fly extinct, and split the strong armor of the demon head.

The monks in the three sets of immortal gates like it very much. Even the disciples of the family, all kinds of scholars dream of it.

However, the three-piece set is expensive, and it is difficult for anyone to afford it. Fortunately, it can be rented now.

In addition, the shops opened by Jingxian Division in Niezhou can allow adventurers and scholars, and even the sects of Xiandao Xuanmen, to swear by renting armor and swords for free, and exchange them with the souls of the dead corpses.

After the sky demon tree became a wish tree, the dragon sword born by Jingxian Division possessed the ability to absorb its soul in an instant.

Today's human sword is no different from the immortal's painstaking training for decades and even a century of flying sword power.

This is a powerful manufacturing ability. The wish tree is closer than the sky demon tree. It absorbs chaotic elemental power, and can be processed, refined, re-pushed, refined, and a large amount of Dan sword armor can be produced in a blink of an eye.

Now the wish tree does not create other magic weapons, but makes all three things. This is a strategic material. Think about it. In the coming calamity, if the people in the world can have a large number of three-piece suits, the demons will have to weigh it.

After the sky demon tree changed into a tree of wishes, the created human dragon armor and human dragon sword were extremely tyrannical, even after ordinary people put on them, their defense and killing power are almost equivalent to the strong person in the Nine Transforms Glazed Jade Body. .

Among the demons, the demon head of the Nine Change Realm is also absolutely high-level. If the high-end combat power is not counted, all the people in the Yong Dynasty are equipped with human dragon armor and human dragon sword.

Unfortunately, the wish tree is not big enough, and the intensity of production is not enough.

Because of the main role of the wish tree, it is still consolidating the world of the wishful sphere, drawing chaos, transforming the world itself, and integrating various magic weapons instead of manufacturing, so it can only be divided into a small part now. Power to make these things.

Up to now, the human dragon armor and human dragon sword made by the wish tree are less than 300,000 sets.

Of course, 300,000 sets are a huge number for any Xuandao Xuanmen, but for the vast world, this is a fortune.

The population of Dayong now has almost exceeded 10 billion.

Twenty-five years ago, Tianfu had a population of less than one billion.

In these years, the number has increased tenfold. In addition, with the policy of the imperial court, in another ten years, I am afraid that the population will increase tenfold. At that time, with a population of 100 billion, it expanded overseas. In the desert, the eastern desert, and the desert, it is definitely not an easy task for the demons to easily exterminate human beings.

Gu Chen is pushing hard for this.

With the promotion of Jingxianji's policies, the thoughts brought by the people have completely passed the National Games Party, the Mingkong Chamber of Commerce and the Fortune Fair.

Landed silently and reached the city of Yinzhou, the ancient dust and sand saw that the entire city of Yinzhou was gray, and the sun was cast a shadow, knowing that this is the magic energy, if it is absorbed by people, over time, people will be crazy. At first, it was like getting rabies, and then it might turn into a wild zombie ~ www.readwn.com ~.

Around the city of Niezhou, tall towers were built.

The strong suction from these high towers absorbed the magical energy in the sky and turned them into some black cement, and then a special person poured some liquid into this black cement, and immediately, These black clays have become extremely fertile soil, and things used to grow medicinal materials will grow wildly.

This is the transformation of genie.

Magic energy is also an energy. If it can be transformed well, it can still be used.

The transformation method of the spirit demon is one of the highest secrets recorded in the Capricorn Prison Scripture. Jingxianji obtained the full version of the Capricorn Prison Scripture, and will naturally use its skills to break the magic and return to spirituality. In the magic confrontation, he tried his best.

Ancient dust and sand also turned into a scholar, walking around the street at random, observing people's sentiment, this is the first line of resistance to magic, where you can feel the courage and struggle of the people of the Dayong Dynasty.

Right now, we must break through the 23 changes in the state of affairs, "see the past," and learn the secrets of time. It is the best way to travel and understand among the people.

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