Dragon Talisman

Chapter 492: Divine Body

Gu Danjian will not cooperate with Wudangkong to deal with Jingxian Division. In his opinion, the more mysterious Jingxian Division is, it is difficult to be sure, but it will be achieved with Wu Dangxing's plan, and then make plans. One >> Novel≯W ﹤ W ≦ W≤. <1≤X≤I

In addition, he is willing to deal with Jingxian Division Wudangkong first, it is best to lose both. He comes to pick the bargain.

"You don't follow me to deal with Jingxian Si, then at the most critical time, don't take advantage of it." Where does Wu Dangkong still don't understand the thoughts of Gu Danjian: "I know you have the giant spirit **** and witch ancestor behind you, but these two Existence is a little bit worse than Xingqiang. "

"Have something to say, don't give birth to this." Gu Xuansha came out and rounded off the field: "I think Jingxian Si is a bit troublesome to deal with, it is better to grab the troubled disciple first, so that shows one thing, you Wudang empty The people killed by Jingxian can't keep it, which is a huge blow to Jingxian. You forgot that the father once left Jingxian with a death penalty, and then many sages did nothing. Now there is one in Jingxian's hands. If you come to the token in person, you know that there is no divine power in this token? "

"The descendant of the Buddhist sect is called Qin and Han. I have already identified all the identities. I occasionally traveled up the mountain once and reached the ruined temple. I got a small broken statue of a Buddha. In the future, such people will be as many as crossing the river. "Gu Dajian was well-informed, his eyes rolled, and he seemed to be interested in the successor of the Buddhism.

"Ancient Tanjian, you wouldn't want the magic weapon of Buddhism." Wu Dangkong sneered again and again, "If you have this thought and want to **** the things in my hands, then I will never give up on you. "

Gu Danjian's eyes also became cold: "Wudang Kong, you seem to be more and more powerful and domineering. After all, we are all cooperating in the world, and you should not be aggressive. If so, we will not be able to beat it." The Buddha statue urged by Qin and Han Dynasty is not a magic weapon, but a body left by a Buddhist giant in ancient times and a saint-level strong man. It has the wonderful function of suppressing the supreme demon and exorcising the vicious curse. It is the nemesis of all magic. Even witchcraft can be eliminated. If I get this body, I can inject it with mana, without saying how to integrate into my body. Over time, I can practice avatars and suppress one side! The deciduous gold body of the Buddha's giant is comparable to God's The body also has a magical effect, which is equivalent to a supreme armor. "

After the master of Buddhism went out, everything was empty.

No body power exists in the body left behind, and the body left by God has the supreme divine power, which is generally impossible for masters to occupy.

After the master's body of the Buddhism master is obtained, it is best to be transformed into an incarnation with great power.

The ancient bullet sword already knew the condition of the city of Yinzhou, and naturally coveted the body of the ancient Buddhist giant.

"Well, since you are so, I will suppress you now." Wudang Kong's eyes appeared a strong killing intention, and suddenly he stood up, and he would start with the ancient bullet sword. God and the ancestor can't protect you! "

"Hey, then you come." Gu Tanjian didn't take it for granted. He felt that Wudang was bluffing.

"Don't do anything, you can talk about everything, let's talk about the world." Prince Gu Xuansha frowned, and he also felt that Wudang Kong has been too tough recently.

Of course, in his opinion, if the current situation is not a tough counterattack, I am afraid that the gap with Jingxianji will become wider and wider. In a few years, everyone in the world will only know about Jingxianji, and he does not know that he is the prince. Go to the study.

"Wudangkong, let's compete for the body of the Buddha Sect by virtue of our ability." Gu Tanjian's body disappeared.

He didn't want to entangle with Wudang Kong here.

"Huh!" Wu Dangkong did not conceal his killing intention, staring at the ancient bullet sword: "It is just a puppet, manipulated by the giant spirit **** and witch ancestors, and sooner or later will die in the hands of these two deities."

"This matter is prudent and I will not bother." Gu Xuansha also hurriedly left.

He felt that Wudangkong was becoming more and more dangerous.

When Gu Xuansha left, Wudang Kong suddenly asked the void: "The sphere of the Jingxian Division, I now urge the Divine Armor, it can be broken."

A voice was heard in the void, and it was actually Xingqiang's: "Take your current practice as a way to urge the Divine Magnificent Armor once. It is better not to cast it easily. And there is indeed something in that sphere that can be killed. My strength, you look down on that gold medal too much. Tianfu Emperor Ancient Immortal is an existence that I can't understand. You also have his twisted power in this sacrificial heavenly rune, which cannot be eliminated at all. "

"I don't believe it, he is an invincible being." Wudang Kong said angrily: "If so, he need not disappear."

"I'm also exploring the secrets, but I and you are just the object of cooperation. With you, you can study the sacrifice of the sacrifice of heaven. This amulet itself is the tentacle of the heaven, and it contains endless mysteries and powers. Enlightenment is thorough, but now it is distorted by Tianfu Emperor's ancient stepping fairy, then there is a flaw. At this time, it is the best opportunity for enlightenment and your great opportunity. "Xing Qiongshi didn't know where. The distance is very far, it seems to be in the depths of time and space chaos: "However, when the Buddha was born, the body of the Buddha's giant was very useful to you. If you can get it and integrate it into the armor of Divine Thousands, it can make you It doesn't take much force to procure this. "

"I must get this body." Wudang Kong's intention to kill is getting stronger and stronger: "Xing Qiong, you give me some more support and let me ascend to the realm, how? I already know the secret of the return of Fa Sheng, rumored that In the middle, Fa Sheng has practiced the Nine Heavy Dragons, and now I am stuck in the position of the Five Heavy Dragons. Even I am a Wizard of the World. Even the ancient bullet sword has become a natural saint. "

"The sacrament of Fa is extremely tyrannical. He wants to understand the Tao of Heaven, but it is so simple. However, it is very difficult for me to kill Fasheng now. After this saint was born again, he has crossed the realm of saints. God and witch ancestors can do nothing but him. "Xing Qiongshi seems to know the truth of many things.

"The giant spirit **** and the witch ancestors join forces, they are also their own calculations." Wudang Kong tried to know the secrets between some giants.

"Witch ancestors will be calculated by the giant spirit **** sooner or later. The giant spirit **** has the key things that the ancestor wants. Only by swallowing the giant spirit **** can the witch ancestor be restored. It will not be so lingering now. And the giant spirit **** It is to seduce the witch ancestor with the most critical things on his body, and wait for it to be swallowed directly to achieve the strongest power. "Xing Qiong said:" Be careful of the giant spirit god, the deceit of this god, I ca n’t even take it lightly. In ancient times, he took advantage of many of the ancient emperors, and even the fall of Jiang Gongwang, the Lord of the Seven Ancient Stars, could not be separated from him. "

"I know that Jingxianji always wanted to get the burial coffin left by Jiang Gongwang. Zhugeya also thought that this thing was inherited by himself and always wanted to get it from the chaos of time and space. But how can I make this person wish? Jingxianji now It has already become a climate. If we get the burial coffin again, I'm afraid that it will go to heaven in the future. "Wu Dangkong sneered again and again," I just want to pick peaches and let the burial coffin belong to me, for which I already have Ready, Jiang Qi, come out. "


A figure appeared here.

This figure is a young man, wearing a black strong suit, slender figure, ape arms and waist, so handsome, we can see that he has extremely powerful power in his blood.

This young man is about twenty-four years old.

This man ’s cultivation is the seventh change in the state of affairs, “off the ground,” and he can free his congenital suffocation, be firm and flexible, and fly into the air. These cultivations are almost the level of the officials of Fengjiang, and are rare Talent.

"Subordinates see your mother." The young man knelt down on one knee, saluting Wudang empty.

"Let's get up." Wu Dangkong pointed at this young man Jiang Qi facing the Xingqiong's Void in the Void: "This person is the bloodline of Jiang Gongwang's lineage. The bloodline is extremely rich in the body. I have searched for many years in the folk and found Many people who profess to be descendants of the Jiang family have just come to see this person and train them. What do you think? "

"It is indeed the blood of Jiang Gongwang, the Lord of the Seven Ancient Stars. It is pure. It seems that you have many plans." Xing Qiong's voice passed over again: "Since you have a plan, I want to see if you can do it To what extent? "

"I hope that you can purify the blood of this son again, and strengthen the cultivation for this son. You can do this with your strength. However, you are even more arrogant than the three celestial beings. Generally, gods and saints cannot. You can completely ignore it. "Wudang Kongdao ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am more powerful, and there is still a gap compared with Tiandao, but if you do n’t use this sign, you are afraid that the boy will know that boy ’s ancient dust Much better than you, fun and interesting, so I will help you. "Xing Qiongshi suddenly thought, a black hole suddenly appeared in the void.

This black hole suddenly absorbed Jiang Qi.

In that black hole, Jiang Qi seemed to be broken down, shattered, and then regrouped.

"Divine magic!" Wu Dangkong saw this method with a slight jealous look: "You actually forged him a divine magic, which is the highest secret rumor that you are enlightened. Middle-earth Divine is the center of Endless Big 6. Divine Land has endless secrets. Since ancient times, no one can come to understand Divine Secrets. "

"Yes, I am the person who knows Divine Land the best, otherwise I wouldn't be called the first divine person in Divine Land." Xing Qiong said: "I train this person to become the first divine body of God, and he can wave it perfectly. Jiang Gongwang's blood, as his own practice progresses, can even grow Jiang Gongwang's blood. I am reborn after this calamity, and I have been enlightened at the University of China for a long time. If you reach the number of one hundred, you will get rid of the odd number, and reach a level that no one has reached since ancient times, you may be able to challenge Tianfu Emperor Ancient Immortal. "

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