Dragon Talisman

Chapter 494: Renlonghui 3 more

Qin Han also understood that he had collected so many armors, and it was definitely inappropriate to stay, and he might not be able to control them. > 1 small ≧ say W ≦ W ﹤ W <. <1 ≦ X ≦ I ≦ AOSHUO. Com. But if you return the "Sun Concubine" Wudang Kong's Sun and Moon Division, it is tantamount to enemies, it might as well give it to the Jingxian Division and make the relationship iron.

Long Xinyi of Jingxian Division naturally did not want it. This is a huge asset, but he is not in charge. Moreover, the Jingxian Si Chamber of Commerce pays attention to credibility when doing business. If it accepts the worship of the Qin and Han Dynasties, it will damage its credibility.

"Dear everyone, this is our Longxian tea from Jingxian Division. Please also taste it. Today, brothers who speak out of justice, we at Jingxian Division will each give you a dragon-dan." Out of the plate, there was Long Dan.

Even if one person is a dragon, it is very precious to those who cultivate.

Even if it is not taken by an elderly person who can not practice, it can also transform the body, prolong life and restore vitality. The better the medicine is, the more powerful the medicine is, the less powerful it is, it cannot be taken at all.

Renlongdan does not have this drawback, even a newborn baby can take it. This is the mystery of the wish tree.

"The Jingxian Division is really generous. Now people in the market are in short supply, and each one is extremely expensive." These scholars and adventurers were very happy.

They took over Long Dan, and they all collected it and used it at a critical time.

"Everyone takes ten tablets of Long Dan, which can improve oneself to reach a slight qualification. Then taking one hundred tablets can improve the attainment of intermediate qualifications, and taking one thousand tablets can enhance the attainment of first-class qualifications. Be able to become a genius qualification. "One adventurer said:" I haven't been able to make up a hundred, let alone a thousand, so I heard that the production of Danjing Xiansi is also limited and cannot be mass-produced, otherwise Then the evil will not be a concern. "

Qin Han sighed with a human dragon: "This man's dragon is really a good thing. In addition to improving his qualifications, this Dan also contains extremely pure innate aura, which is great for cultivation, and it can also destroy the demon. Exterminate magical energy and magical nature, even after entering for a long time, it will not be demonized. It can also enhance the strength of your own flesh and blood, even if you do n’t practice martial arts, after taking a hundred, you will have the power of four cattle. If you cooperate with martial arts cultivation, you will have six cattle. Unfortunately, the price is too high. Can Jingxian Division increase production? It will be delivered to people with lofty ideals? "

"Why don't we Jingxian think that everyone in the world can take this Dan?" Long Xinyi said: "But the amount of Dan produced is so large that it is impossible to meet the requirements of the people in the world. It is only necessary to wait for a few major teachers of Jingxian to reach higher levels. Realm can increase output, which is also no way out. "

Just then, suddenly the light flickered violently.

Long Xinyi and others immediately knelt down on one knee.

This light was transmitted in a teleportation array deep in the inner hall. After the light converged, one of them appeared, but it was the four princes of Prince Jingxi, Prince Hua, and ancient Warsaw.

The giants of Jingxian Division each have their own division of labor. Gu Chensha is responsible for changing and spying everywhere, conquering and killing, first seizing all dangers and then eliminating them. Lou Baiyue is in charge of the education of the wishful beings in charge of the whole society. The ancient Warsaw is responsible for pulling relations within the court, contacting the court officials, the giants, and the officials of Xinjiang, making the operation of the Jingxian Division more flexible, and various policies can better penetrate the people.

In addition, Jin Suibo contacted Xiandao Xuanmen to manage various things in Xiandao, and he had a good reputation. Most of the taxes of Jingxian Division were created by him.

Zhuge Ya is a sphere of life and wishes, condensing the energy and wish tree of the sphere itself, and estimating changes in various things.

These giants cooperate closely and combine to make a Jingxian Division without a god-level master into a par with Xiandao Xuanmen.

"You have been waiting a long time."

The oldest four in Guchensha actually broke through the realm and reached the twenty-three change "seeing the past". It seems that the fourth is in the worldly world and participates in political affairs more than he realizes.

It is just that the senior's qualifications are still the Wizards of the World, without the bloodline of Emperor Tianfu, becoming a natural saint.

The fourth man's mana quality is King Kong, and he has not become a true dragon.

There is no other way. Gu Chensha can cultivate to the present state by himself. That is what has changed today after countless rare and unexpected adventures.

But Gu Chensha believes that one day, sooner or later, the fourth child will be able to stimulate the blood in his body and be promoted to the natural saint's qualifications first.

"See His Highness Four."

All scholars also bowed down, because newspapers have spread all over the world, and the portraits of the giants of Jingxian Division have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Many scholar-adventurers are also folk leaders and can come to this city of Niezhou Definitely not killing the devil.

"Please, I know everything about you. It is appalling that Wudang Kong, as the concubine Guo Ming of Shang Shujian, did such a perverse act. It was illegal that the Sun and Moon Division was newly established without the imperial edict of the emperor. It is illegal. The agency, not the major ministries of the court, must be laid off. "The fourth senior expressed his position.

When these scholars heard this, they immediately stood up with joy.

At this time, Qin and Han took out a total of 360 sets of Shenzhou fierce armor, and a set of Shenzhou ten fierce armor, dedicated to the fourth.

The old four nodded: "These armors are so powerful that they are the ancient armors made by the ancient tortured clan. If people wear them for a long time, they will be affected by the evil spirits and become murderers. It is indeed not a good thing. It ’s expensive, sold it to Jingxian Division, we can just dissolve the evil in it and turn the violence into peace, what do you want? "

"Back to His Highness Four, I need a three-piece suit. We have so many people and all of them offend the concubine. If they are separated, I am afraid that they will be chased and killed by each one. Only by joining together can we get a chance for survival." Qin Han hastily Road.

The disciples and adventurers present all heard the voice of the voice, that is, after Qin and Han exchanged human dragons, human armors, and human swords, they were distributed to the people present.

Suddenly, all of them looked happy.

"This person should not be underestimated. He is just a personal thing, because he is used by Jingxian Division, otherwise it is difficult to suppress if he is an enemy." The old fourth heart said, "Well, I will also give you the Samsung Dragon Sword. Three hundred sets of dragon armor, how about 100,000 dragon dragons? "

"The strength of the Samsung Dragon Armor itself is not as bad as that of the fierce armor, and the Dragon Sword is even more so. If one hundred thousand Dragon Dragons can be swallowed, a fool can be turned into a genius, even more so. It can be worth the ten fierce armors. I made a profit this time. "Qin Han quickly said," The dragon armor on my body is only one star, and His Highness doesn't have to be so. "

"Anyway, you are dedicated to your country, kill the demon head here, and fight on the front line. So loyal and loyal, we admire Jingxianji very much. If you wait for Zhongliang to end, I am afraid that the court will be over." It ’s very inflammatory. "So, Brother Qin Han, you are the leader. Jingxian Si supports you to set up a special people's dragon society. Like the National Games, monitor the officials of the court. If you corrupt the officials and harm the people's bureaucrats and ministers, then Giving words to your mouth, and at the same time, how are you trying to get rid of the devil, kill the demon head, safeguard human justice, and start a career? "

"it is good!"

Qin Han was overjoyed, and he had heard it. This was Jingxiansi's support for his self-reliance. Originally, he wanted to turn to Jingxiansi, but after all he was subservient.

But now Jingxian Division actually supports him to start a great career, where there is no excitement.

The matter was settled in this way. After a while of discussions, the fourth child supported many materials of Qin and Han dynasties, allowing him to use the city of Neizhou as a base to call on the heroes of the world to come and fight against the demon.

Qin Han was a man with a great talent and the fate of the Buddhism giant behind him. The senior officials of Jingxian Division discussed it and did not include it in Jingxian Division. Instead, he supported him to find another one. Perhaps he had an unexpected gain.

In addition, the newly established Renlong Club was funded by the Jingxian Division. The idea is to supervise the grand family of the government officials. Although they do not have the power to enforce the law, they can talk about it.

This amounts to public opinion oversight.

The newly established Renlonghui and Wudangkong's "evil concubine" are deadly enemies, which is extremely beneficial to Jingxian Division, and allowing Qin and Han to exhibit independently, may lead to the power of the Buddhism giant behind him.

If it is in the Jingxian Division, I am afraid that it will be infiltrated by the Buddhism giant, it is difficult to maintain the purity of the Jingxian Division.

The entire city of Yinzhou has become the front line of resistance to magic. In the city of Yinzhou, the world's heroes are called to come to fight against the magic. With the equipment of Renlong Dan and Renlong armor as temptations, they absolutely ascend to the heights and gather scenery.

After talking for three days and three nights, the fourth child left.

A new human dragon will be established.

Gu Chensha was actually in the newly established Dragon Club, and became a vice chairman, second only to the Qin and Han dynasties.

Of course, he is in the role of "Fang Lin".

The stronghold of the Dragon Club is in the teahouse.

In total, the number of people has been counted ~ www.readwn.com ~ The total of 243 adventurers and scholars at the Dragon Club are 243 people. Now they are all human swords and dragon armors.

Of course, this newly formed alliance is still very weak, and the only reliance is on the Buddha statue of President Qin Han.

Let all members practice in the teahouse and stand by at any time. Qin Hanla Guchen entered the small room on the third floor of the teahouse.

"The president asked me to talk in secret, so that the Dragon Club would make plans in the future." Gu Chensha sat down and looked at Qin Han.

"To be honest, I'm in a bad mood now." Qin Han sighed. "Jingxian Si supported us to set up the Dragon Club. As the chairman, I also know that the current form is bad and offend the powerful concubine. Although the Jingxian Division all protected me and waited, there was a sparseness in Baimi. Brother Fang Lin, I know that you are brilliant and smarter than those scholar-adventurers. I also hope that I can help you. Let me discuss a strategy. , To make the exhibition of humans grow stronger and make great achievements. "

"I am also a member of the Dragon Club. Naturally, I will make plans for this. The chairman does not need to be anxious. The so-called cross currents is more heroic." Gu Chen said: "The most important thing right now is the chairman Xiu Wei Ascend to prove with strength, break through all the ways, and learn the secrets of that Buddha statue. Only then can you fight against the concubine and build an eternal inheritance. "

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