Dragon Talisman

Chapter 708: Howling

"Gu Tiansha!"

Wu Di was startled, only to feel that all around him was blocked by the man who claimed to be Gu Tiansha, and he felt the power and might of the world. EΔ novel Ww "W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

"You are, Lord of the Sun and the Moon."

How smart is Emperor Wudi? Understand immediately.

He was so daunted that he urged his strength to guard himself.

"Yes, I am the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, but the Lord of the Sun and the Moon is just one of my identities. My true identity is even higher than the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. It can be said that it is the only place between heaven and earth, but it was just born with the artistic conception of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. My potential is not comparable to that of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. "Gu Tiansha does not seem to submit to Wu Di Do it.

Because he knew that Wanxianshi cultivated Emperor Wudi and didn't know how much effort was spent.

If you do it yourself, Wanxian will definitely attract the attention of Wanxian. In this way, Wanxian will confront you, and it will be very troublesome.

Even though Gu Tiansha can now use the power of the sun and the moon, but if you happen to fight with Wanxian Shi to die, I am still a bit dangerous.

After all, now that the heavens are sinking, any powerful existence is in danger of falling.

Even Tiandao itself was infiltrated by ancient step immortals, producing all kinds of incredible changes.

Therefore, Gu Tiansha will not rashly confront Wanxianshi with this ancient and powerful existence. In fact, although Wanxian Shi suffered some losses in the hands of Gu Chensha, but that is the endless change of the ancient Taoism law of Gu Chen, while collaborating with giants like Xingqiangshi.

The strength of Xingqiangshi is not under Wanxian.

Moreover, this time Wan Xianshi established the new Divine Land, which just gave Gu Chen sand a chance to grasp the flaws and be able to test the power of Divine Land.

If Wanxian was not concentrating on Xinshenzhou at first, I am afraid that Guchensha could not have rescued Yuhuanlu so easily.

Only with the help of Shenzhou 100, did the ancient dust make Yuhuanlu so easy to get rid of the shackles and collect the new Shenzhou.

Divine Land is one hundred heavy, which is beyond the power that Wanxian Master can imagine, and also the existence that Wanxian Master cannot resist.

If Xing Qiongshi can really integrate himself with Middle-earth Divine Land, achieve Divine Unity, and become one hundred divine divine, I am afraid that one punch can kill the three heavenly deities.

Of course, Gu Chensha put forward a plan to let Xing Qiongshi give up, but Xing Qiongshi couldn't do this. He still focused on himself and took the road of devouring everything instead of self-sacrifice and fulfillment. Everything.

This predestined that Xing Qiongshi could not practice Shenzhou 100.

Gu Chensha even felt that if he was in the most critical time in the future, he would be able to perform a hundred strokes of Shenzhou and use the last move that Xing Qiongshi did not practice as his own killer.

Xing Qiongshi perfected Divine Land, and ancient dust can use this method to the limit. Real Great Perfection.

"Gu Tiansha, what are you doing?" Wu Di asked.

"It's very simple. You trust me." Gu Tiansha said: "I give you benefits. You abandon Wanxian Master and do things for me."

"This ....." Wu Di was originally proud and almost the first character in the world of Lao Tzu. He was the overlord of Divine Land. How could he surrender to others, but Gu Tiansha seemed to speak well in front of him? He knew that he was far from being the opponent of the Lord of the Sun and Moon: "I have planted the immortal master's mark on me, and Wan Xianshi has spent a lot of innate spiritual treasures on my body, such as the ancient emperor. Seals, imperial amulets, etc. If I betray him, I am afraid I will die. "

"Anyway, I will use the power of the sun and the moon to refine the imprint left by Wanxian in your body. In this way, Wanxian will not be able to control you. Of course, in the process of refining, you need In cooperation, I can even help you infuse the power of the sun and the moon to make your cultivation reach a limit, and the thirty-sixth will change to the pinnacle of freedom. "Gu Chen said:" If I read correctly, you just now Cultivate into thirty-five changes to a dusty famine. To be promoted to thirty-six changes, there will be some adventures. If there are no adventures, I am afraid it will take decades. You should not be complacent about your current cultivation. Can't handle it for months. "

"What are you talking about? Why can't I just be a junior?" Wu Emperor seemed to receive a great shame.

"Look at it yourself." At this time, a scene appeared between Gu Tiansha's fingers, and in this scene, the battle between Lou Baiyue and Wang Jiangshi appeared.

Lou Baiyue kept urging the mote world, and Wang Jiangshi, who had become a moor in the thirty-five years, was out of breath, and the emperor Wu looked almost alarmed.

"This, is this the true power of the God of Holocaust." Wu Di then knew deeply that the same Emperor also unified Shenzhou. The difference between himself and the Emperor Tianfu was equal to the gap between the dust and the stars.

"Yes, the Holocaust is a very mysterious existence, and only Loubaiyue can be successfully cultivated. Of course, the ancient dust and sand that have been trained into the heavenly law can be fully motivated if it is promoted to the **** level, or even waved over Lou Baiyue's more horrible ability, that Wang Jiangshi itself is the son of Daqian Daqian, inherited part of the luck of Daqian Daqian. "Gu Tiansha said:" If you fight with him, you may not be able to do anything. He, so your fight with Lou Baiyue is undoubtedly defeated. How, is Jingxian Division crouching tiger, hidden dragon, can't deal with it at all? If you rely on Wanxian Master, you want revenge, that's ridiculous, Wanxian Master itself is nothing I ca n’t save Jingxian, but I rescued Wang Jiangshi from Jingxian's hands. Do you think you should trust me or Wanxian? ”

"Okay, I'm willing to trust in you to eliminate the imprint left by Wanxian Master on me. I also don't want to be controlled by Wanxian Master. Of course, the main thing is that Wanxian Master has begun to do nothing about Jingxian Division. If I revenge, Master Wanxian will not be able to help me accomplish this great thing. "Wu Di's face became firm, but deep down in his heart, he must have another idea.

"Very well, I'll help you eliminate the hidden dangers. Wanxian's prohibition is powerful, but it is still worthless in front of the world of Sun and Moon. Wanxian is just the realm of Tianshou, and how can he interact with Tianyuan? The sun and the moon in the realm are comparable? "At this time, with the wave of Gu Tiansha's sleeve, he suddenly turned around, and Wudi and him came to the center of Wuzhou. Wushan. " The center of the five mountains, the summit of Zhenwu Mountain.

The five mountains were originally accepted by the government.

However, in order to leave a good influence on the outside, Jingxian Division left several palaces for the Wu family, just above the peak of Zhenwu Mountain.

Now among these palaces, only a few martial arts disciples are guarding them, and they are basically desolate. Anyone who wants to be indifferent here has no resources.


At this time, Gu Tiansha and Wanxian Shi had fallen into the "Holy Martial Art Hall". This hall was very high and wide. In the depth of the hall, a statue of Wu Sheng stood up.

In the past, the iconostasis of Wu Sheng was exuberantly incense. Numerous disciples of martial arts performed sacrifices and prayers every day. During the New Year and the New Year, a large ritual was held. Everyone must worship Wu Sheng.

Now, in front of Wu Sheng's icon, there is almost no incense.

"I once mastered the world, and the incense of Wu Sheng passed through the Fa family. Now it has fallen to such a point." Wu Di sighed.

"This is the means by which Emperor Tianfu seals the gods and abandons sacrifice. Jingxianji now inherits this method, and I am here to eliminate all the restrictions placed by Wanxian in your soul and body, and Let you collect the five mountains of the Wu family, as well as the power of faith that has continued for thousands of years. I even resurrected the martial arts to reinvigorate your martial arts. "Gu Tiansha's tone is just as vast as the sky, it seems that there is nothing in the world Things can be hard for him.

"The five mountains here can also be charged? Will it cause movement? Is it noticed by Jingxian Division." Wu Di frowned.

"You can rest assured." Gu Tiansha said: "I arranged the strength of the sun and the moon, and I can absolutely hide the sky and cross the sea. These five peaks were made by Wu Sheng who did not know how much power he spent. After many adventures, he refined these five peaks in order to suppress the luck of Wujia, made Wujia prosperous, provided him with a great sacrifice, and finally made him free from the shackles of heaven ~ www.readwn.com ~ These five peaks are extremely powerful Great, has been connected with Wuzhou as one, even if it is your strength, it is impossible to collect success. But I am different. With the power of these five peaks, accommodate into your body, and finally call Wu Sheng to come, completely Resurrection of Wu Sheng can make your cultivation greatly increase, and you can even establish channels to plunder some of the power of Wanxian Master to yourself. "

"Okay, everything depends on the command of the Lord of the Sun and the Moon." Wu Di also knows that at this time, he is stubborn but not the Lord of the Sun and Moon, and can only wait for the opportunity to obtain benefits.

"Sit down." Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, patted.

Suddenly, Emperor Wu was covered by an invisible force.

He couldn't help horrifying.

Emperor Wu himself is a strong man who has become a dusty and famine in the thirty-five years. He can be applauded as a child in front of Gu Tiansha.

This frustration is almost indescribable, but deep in his heart, he conspired secretly: "As long as I can devour the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, I can be promoted to an incredible state, and it is easy to break through the Heavenly Supreme. The giants are looking for the whereabouts of the Lord of the Sun and Moon. Maybe I can find many opportunities from it. "

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