Dragon Talisman

Chapter 723: Collusion

"Master Julingshen has achieved great achievements recently, and has become the supreme state. Even the ancient antiques are not the opponents of the adults. The adults are preparing a series of means to subvert the Jingxian Division. For the past 10,000 years of Xianzhou, they have been the faith of adults. Everywhere in the depths of the land in Ezhou's novel WWW.Q1XIAOSHUO.COM, there is the imprint of the giant spirit god. How long has it been occupied by the Jingxian Division and the Yong Dynasty? Thirty-three years. I want to rely on this kind of management Eliminating 10,000-year savings? It's just delusional, isn't it? "

The owner of the Tan family seems to have been brainwashed by the giant spirit god, and the family spirit is connected with the giant spirit god.

"Master Ju Lingshen told us not to act lightly lately. At the same time, contact other families, cooperate with Tiangong Academy, and have Tiangong Academy as a shelter. The Jingxian Division could not find our heads, and we are extremely careful. .No clues will be revealed. "

A veteran in the family said unfortunately: "Homeowner, despite that, our Tan family exhibition is very fast. Now there are hundreds of thousands of family members up and down, and all of them are elites. If you can blatantly worship the giants, Lord Lingshen, the feedback I received was huge. I am just a little bit scared now, and there are many people in the family who practice Renlongquan, fearing that they will gradually be brainwashed by Renlongquan, and then they will feel good about Jingxianji. To be honest, people This martial art of Dragon Boxing has the mystery of capturing heaven and earth. If our disciples of the Tan family do not practice, they will be thrown away by other families. The way of Jingxian Division's people and dragons, at that time, our family became a vassal of Jingxian Division, which is helpless. "

"I can't forbid my disciples to learn Renlongquan, because this will be revealed by the government. I am afraid that the sacrifices of the Lord Spirit will be exposed." Another family veteran.

"Finally, we negotiated with Tiangong Academy to get a batch of genetic evolution potions? Let the family disciples all be injected. In this way, all of them will greatly increase their strength, and they can also solve the disadvantage of being brainwashed by human fists. . "Another veteran thought.

"Not right." A young man immediately objected: "Most of the disciples in the family are eager to practice, not just refreshing, and there is no room for improvement in the future. If we do this, I am afraid that the family disciples will immediately Rebellion is about to happen, and Jingxian Si investigated it, I'm afraid we still have to expose it. "

"This is a troublesome thing," said the Tan family. "The management of the family is also a big thing. The thinking of the hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Tan family must be slowly unified and there must be no loopholes."

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. Many disciples have accepted the new ideas of the court and Jingxianji, but they don't really like the family. In the past, the family elders had the power to kill the disciples in the family. Basically, they did not need to go through the government. But even now Therefore, to respect and punish the lowest disciples in the family, they must be tried by the government. If they are not guilty, they cannot be punished. If lynching is abused in the family, they will be investigated and punished immediately. " Disciple said.

"If the family cannot become a family, the country cannot become a country, Jingxian Si and the imperial court have completely destroyed the rules of the past ten thousand years. It is simply a ritual collapse, such a imperial court, such a country, there is no need to exist!" Killing intentions appeared on his face.

In the past, the clan was an important link in the past.

For example, a large family is an independent small kingdom. The elders in the family have the power to kill disciples, servants, maids, etc. Generally speaking, the clan rules are equal to the law. For example, a disciple violates the clan rules. The elders in the family were executed directly, and the government would not ignore them. This is the default rule.

This is true of the small giants, not to mention the big nobles, even the millennial family.

For example, the sages and true gods of the Fa, Wu, and Lei families, they even have their own small worlds. The ancestors in the family are god-level strong men, and they will not let the court impose their finger on the family.

Even now, the forces of the imperial court have not actually penetrated into the inner thousand worlds of those millennium worlds.

Gu Chen is trying to do just that.

Repeal ethnic rules, unify national law, no lynching, and strengthen governance.

This is also what Emperor Tianfu is going to do. Otherwise, there are the clan rules of those families. In fact, the court in the world is no different from being divided. Any family, behind closed doors, is an independent prince.

Gu Chensha actually saw this through a long time ago, but he did not use violence to do this. Instead, he subconsciously strengthened education between the world. When the younger generation wakes up, it will naturally not be clan family. Bound, become free.

And those old things, old ideas, will collapse and disintegrate in the face of the new trend of thought, and finally swept away.

This is both make-up and revolution.

Sometimes, in order to repair, innovation is necessary. And innovation is to better repair the world.

Therefore, Cang Sheng Bu Tian Shu and Cang Sheng Ge Tian Shu are essentially the same existence.

"Hahaha ..." Just as a group of principals of the Tan family discussed in a spacious and secret room, a burst of laughter resounded, "You Tan family have the courage to start discussing the subversion of the court. This is simply shaking the tree, not at your own expense. "


The owner of the Tan family heard this voice. He was clever and almost exploded with blood, but he knew that once such things were exposed, they would immediately destroy the family. Do n’t look at the immortal righteousness of Jingxian Si now. Thunderous, sweeping away the demon atmosphere.

A flash of light suddenly appeared on his palm, bursting open, and the mana condensed into many shapes, walking around, all of them were densely packed like yellow mosquitoes with the size of a mosquito.

These Lux searches in the air, to no avail, no one can find them.

"Okay, don't bother. Your current practice is nothing more than a change of circumstances. You want to rebel. It's childish and ridiculous." At this time, a man appeared out of thin air.

This man is tall and upright, and has the spirit of an emperor, but not the blood of the emperor of Middle-earth China, faintly smelling of some demon domain, not a demon, but seems to live in the demon domain for a long time.

Emperor Demons.

Capricorn family.

"Twenty-seven changes in the state of affairs, there is no realm between the two realms!" Seeing this mana fluctuating, the owner of the Tan family quickly recovered the mana. In front of such a character, he knew that it was so childish and ridiculous to show off mana again.

"You use tension. I am the Capricorn family of the Capricorn family. My elder Capricorn Lin Feng is the fiance of the head of the Tiangong Academy. I am also a person of the imperial court. If you are so afraid of Yasuji, do you Do n’t be afraid of my Tiangong Academy? ”Capricorn took his hands on the wind and stood in suspension, with a playful smile on his face:“ At that time, Jingqiu ’s cultivation was the twenty-fifth change in the state of affairs, and there were many powerful people behind him. Support, and at that time, Jingxianji had not yet developed into Xiaoqian World, and their abilities were very weak, not even a god-level, but they defeated Jingqiu and let Jingqiu exile reach the depths of the desert. Back to Shenzhou. Now Jingxian Si is so arrogant and your Tan family is so weak, how can you rebel? "

When Jingxian defeated Jingqiu that year, the overall strength was indeed very weak. There is no **** level up and down, not to say that it has not been refined into a small thousand world, let alone a medium thousand world.

At that time, Jingxian Division, compared with the present, was weak and small, and the overall strength was thousands of times.

The current Tan family is not as good as the Jing family of the year. The owner of this Tan family is far worse than Jing Qiu, and he actually conspired to rebel. This could make Capricorn riding the wind feel funny.

"Master Capricorn, you came here this time, not to arrest our Tan family. Our Tan family and Tiangongyuan are partners. We also have the shelter of the giant spirit **** behind us. ... "the Tan family owner asked tentatively.

"Besides, your Tan family also contacted the Hua Family, Bei Family, Ning Family, Qiao Family, Ding Family, Bao Family and so on. A dozen or so original families worshipped the giant spirit **** in Xianzhou, waiting for the giant spirit god. God, isn't it? "Capricorn seemed to see through everything.

"This ..." The owner of the Tan family was a little flustered.

"Jingxian Si should know what our Tiangong Academy can know. If your families were not sheltered in our Tiangong Academy, they would have been annihilated by Jingxian Si. To tell you the truth, the giant spirit **** has already been with our fairy master. Some agreement has been reached, let us secretly facilitate his followers. "Capricorn took the wind:" However, I see that you want to make a big move recently, so I warn you that ancient dust and martial arts have arrived. Xianzhou ~ www.readwn.com ~ Traveling around, if you let them know what clues you have shown, even the Tiangongyuan can rescue you, you know? "

"What? Gu Chen and Wu Sheng?" The seniors of the Tan family were shocked.

"Wu Sheng has been resurrected, and he completely turned to Jingxian Division. Next, the entire Wu family will fall to Jing Xian Division." Capricorn took the wind: "Jing Xian Division won the loyalty of the Wu Family. Then, many neutral ones The millennial family will also change their minds. In this way, Jingxianji will sweep the world, and when the court loses its balance, your little family, namely the cockroach dog, will be wiped out instantly. "

In the family of His Majesty the Great Yong Dynasty, if a strong man of the "18th Avenue Jindan" level in the state of change emerged, that would guarantee the family's long-lasting prosperity, and the family would become a giant.

However, the tyrants returned to the tyrants, and the family was too far apart from those thousands of years of sage family.

Now the saint family is nothing in front of Jingxian Division, let alone these families?

"Ask the lord, what should we do now?" The owner of the Tan family bowed his head sincerely. He knew that now was a great opportunity to turn to Tiangongyuan.

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