Dragon Talisman

Chapter 734: Lost mind

Chapter 734 Lost in Mind

"Unexpectedly, I was actually reincarnated from the endless thirty-six treasures, and the body of the endless umbrella was obtained by me. E novel Wwhan W.1 XIAOSHUO.COM" Fa Wuxian's face kept changing, and there seemed to be a transcendental understanding in the depths of his brows .

An endless umbrella means that there is no sky, and an umbrella covers the sky. God does not see me, I do not see heaven.

It can be said that as long as the endless umbrella is stretched out, it can have the power to evade everything, which is almost endless defense.

In addition, this umbrella has other powers.

"My current practice has reached the realm of Thirty-two Changes in the Tao Realm." Wu Wuxian wondered in his heart. "Since I got the endless umbrella, my practice has leaped forward, breaking through the realm, and then repairing it. Thirty-three changes in the realm of the Sacred Heart are just around the corner. For me, the breakthrough of the saints' realm is no longer a problem, even in the future, the realm of heaven.

Originally, in order to cultivate the state of heaven, we must first achieve the odds.

And even if it becomes a different number, in fact, to achieve Heavenly Respect, it still needs huge opportunities and the understanding of breaking down the Three Realms, Five Elements, and Six Sins.

In general, maybe one of the thousand different numbers can become a deity. The others are still dead.

Even a figure like Wu Sheng, with the help of Gu Chensha, finally broke through and successfully passed the calamity to become Tianzun.

In fact, if it was not for the help of ancient dust and sand, and the dragon of the megalithic Great Wall left by the layout of Emperor Tianfu, Wu Sheng has now been hit by Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon.

It can be seen that even if the heavens are loose now, the opportunities for promotion are much greater. It is not easy to get out of the Three Realms and not be in the Five Elements.

But the endless treasure reincarnation is different.

The reincarnation of the Endless Treasure itself contains a power from the origin of the Endless Big 6. This is the true power of the heavens, only under the heaven.

With such power, it is possible to push people to the realm of Tianzun.

Of course, it's just a great opportunity. It's not a guarantee that you can be promoted to heaven.

Fortunately, it is now in the midst of heaven and earth calamity, and the heavens are weakened, so the chance of promotion to heaven is even greater.

Now Fa Wuxian feels that there is as much as 90% probability that he will be promoted to Heaven.

"The key is sacrifice." Fa Wuxian felt the endless umbrella very hungry.

There is nothing wrong with hunger.

It takes a lot of people to worship it.

It must devour the power of sacrifice before it can grow and grow and store its power. Now it feels that the endless umbrella is very empty, and there is not much power coming out.

But Rao is so. Now the method of Fa Wuxian has been extremely tyrannical. I am afraid that the thirty-sixth state of change will become the pinnacle of his power.

It is even possible that when he encounters Tianzun, he has a great chance to escape and will not be killed instantly by Tianzun.

If he is promoted to a saint, with the endless umbrella, I am afraid that Tianzun will not kill him. He can walk calmly in front of Tianzun, of course, he is still not Tianzun's opponent.

Now, he still has a chance to be killed by Tianzun. It is very dangerous to encounter the deity, not to say that you can run away 100%, and after becoming a saint, you can completely escape.

"Gu Chensha, I finally understood my identity and gained my own magic weapon. I see how you can take away this magic weapon. Jingxian Division, I will definitely destroy it! My lawless immortality was originally glorious, but because Your Jingxian Division has gradually faded, and I want to regain my lost glory. "Fa Wuxian hated Jingxian Division, Gu Chensha and others.

He worshipped in the hands of Jingxianji three times, the most ashamed of him was that he was above the chapel, and the law enforcement blade was taken away by the extortion of Gu Chensha.

This revenge, he must return in revenge.

"Jingqiu also seems to be the reincarnation of the endless treasure. If he also received the endless treasure, it would be great. He has a huge sacred Samar empire. Now the population has already reached billions. The starry sky gate can move many people directly into the desert. The exhibition of the Holy Samar Empire is extremely fast. Moreover, the area in the desert is extremely wide. As long as there is enough population, it can be quickly displayed. With billions of people performing sacrifice, the endless treasure is growing extremely fast. "Fa Wuxian now knows deeply why Jingqiu desperately wanted to hold the empire in the desert to operate.

This power is now fully revealed.

It also received endless treasures, and Jingqiu has the sacrificial support of billions of people, growing much faster than Fa Wuxian.

Billions of people sacrifice every day, and the power of sacrifice is absolutely huge.

"Last time I captured the Emperor Ziwei of Jingqiu, and I was defeated by him. This time I went again?" Fa Wuxian was reincarnated as an endless treasure. For other reincarnated people, there is nothing in it. Got some induction. For example, Hou Shihou, he can feel Fa Wuxian and Jingqiu, as well as the three emperors and eight courts of the imperial court, all are endless treasure reincarnation.

Fa Wuxian can also sense it naturally.

Everything was ready. Fa Wuxian stood up and seemed to go to Jingqiu.

But at this time, a small force shrouded the hillock.

Fa Wuxian didn't break out.

"Who?" Fa Wuxian's face changed, and he kept running the world, and he couldn't shuttle. The small mountain maggot seemed to be blocked by some kind of great mana, and even his endless umbrella seemed to be suppressed.

"Of course it's me."

At this time, the ancient dust sand appeared in this small hill: "Fa Wuxian, congratulations on your great accomplishment. I never thought you would be the reincarnation of an endless umbrella."

"Ancient Dust!" Fa Wuxian sank deep inside, with deep hatred on his face: "How did you find me?"

"Do n’t forget, the three men and eight of our courts are endless treasures reincarnated. I gathered them in the Zhongqian world, urged them with heavenly methods, and used their breath as the source to calculate the other reincarnated people. Existence, naturally locks you, and Jingqiu. "Gu Chen said:" Fa Wuxian, your mind is too heavy. If you hide in all the thousands of worlds in the legal realm, I will almost arrest you Maybe, but you are afraid that Fa Sheng will devour you, and you actually hide away, and practice in this small hill. "

"Gu Chensha, do you want to arrest me today?" Fa Wuxian's eyes narrowed, as if a big fish fell into the net, and he was determined to burn the jade and stone: "You really think you can cover the sky with one hand now. ? "

"It is not so powerful to cover the sky with one hand, but it is more than enough to deal with you." Gu Chen said: "Our Jingxian Division now has two heavenly respects, the King of Cangsheng and Wu Sheng do not say, there are two large and medium-sized worlds. It is the reincarnation of endless treasures. In addition, there are many masters at the saint level. In addition to the four elephant holy beasts, in addition to the strength of the **** of blessing and life, even if you have obtained the endless treasure, you may not be able to defeat them. . "

Fushou God is now one of the giants.

He used the power of Fasheng to build a small thousand world. This is not even more important. He has also obtained the three true gods of Fulu Shou. His cultivation is extremely fast, which is the realm of saints. Among the thousands of worlds in the Sphere of Desire, he is the most suitable for practice. He can soon reach the peak of the thirty-sixth transformation. Of course, it is still more difficult to impact the realm of heaven.

The three true gods gathered together in one body, Fulu Shousanquan, which in itself surpassed the ancient gods and became the leader of the true gods, and indeed qualified to win the honor of heaven.

"Your Jingxian Division is very powerful." Fa Wuxian's eternally shouted again and again: "But I don't believe it, your Jingxian Division is invincible. No one can do anything about it. You have to pay me today if you want to kill me."

"I don't kill you." Gu Chen said: "Fa Wuxian, I think you are a personal talent. Since you are an endless treasure reincarnation, I kill you, I'm afraid I have to bear some cause and effect, of course, I will not be afraid. I will now give you a chance and feel remorse. Let us defend the court and the people of the world together. I have no blame for the past faults. You join the Jingxian Division. "

"Are you trying to counter-invite me?" Fa Wuxian didn't take any action. Even if he got an endless umbrella, the repair was greatly increased, but he was still very scared of the ancient dust and sand, and even feared. This time He also got the news that the Lord of the Sun and the Moon were repelled by Guchen Sand and helped Wu Sheng to become a Celestial Supreme. This series of means, even the pride of the lawless immortal, felt beyond reach.

Deep in his heart, he thinks that ancient dust is far above him ~ www.readwn.com ~ You and Fasheng are not in the same heart. No countermeasure. Gu Chensha said, without killing, but mainly persuasion: "Actually Wuxian, you are dissatisfied with our Jingxian Secretary, it is nothing more than arrogance, the heart is higher than the sky, thinking that we should all be at you This will make your fire of jealousy more and more prosperous. In the end, it will be out of control, and it will burn you clean. If you let go of pride, face yourself, face us, you will see a whole new world unfolding in front of you. We Yasushi and you do n’t actually have any hatred against your father and hatred for your wife, but your hatred is even greater than this. The change in people ’s hearts is really amazing. Just because of jealousy, you can have such a strong twisted hatred. ? "

"Gu Chensha, your mouth is really powerful." Fa Wuxian was unmoved at all: "It seems that you have truly obtained the teachings of Buddhism. The greatest ability of Buddhism is to be able to say righteousness and death. Speaking of survival, tongue blooming lotus, you now have the ability to persuade the saints, but you are not enough to persuade me. My will is firm and unshakable, I just want to kill you and die without regrets. "

"It's really stubborn." Gu Chensha hissed for a long time. "I've given you a way of life, but you just don't go. This is because of robbers. Under the catastrophe, the mind is confused. , It will inevitably turn into fly ash. It is a pity that no one can save you. "

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