Dragon Talisman

Chapter 736: happy

"Happy, really happy. E Xiao" said WWW.1XIAOSHUO.COM Gu Gusha stood in the chaos of time and space and looked at Fa Wuxian: "I have n’t had such a real and happy fight before, so far Thank you, Sin. "

In the past few years, Gu Chensha did not have a happy fight with evenly matched people.

The enemies he faced were extremely tyrannical, such as the Fa Sheng, Wanxian Shi, and all kinds of old antiques. He could only deal with them with the help of Zhong Qian World. In addition, he only had the ability to use the heavenly law. It lurks everywhere, disrupts storms, steals, and disintegrates in order to increase its own strength and weaken the enemy's strength.

In fact, Gu Chensha also hopes that he will quickly become a strong existence to suppress the Quartet. Learn Tianfu the Great.

But he was too young to have enough time. He really only debuted for eighteen years. Before the fourteenth day of Tianfu, his cultivation was worthless, and it was almost a waste of fourteen years.

For eighteen years, it has been able to deal with the old antiques that have been created in the chaos in an unprecedented way. This is something that has never happened in ancient times.

"This man is so strong." Fa Wuxian has already seen the power of Guchen Sand: "If I didn't get the endless umbrella, I might have been killed by him. So, even if my realm passed him So many, aren't his opponents? "

Even if there is no endless umbrella, Fa Wuxian is also a strong person in the thirty-two changes in the state of affairs. This state of affairs can kill any person under the level of a **** with one finger.

According to the truth, even the god-level strongman who created the world in the Thirty Changes of the State, was able to deal with the characters who felt the "chaos" in the Twenty-nine Changes. Twenty-nine changes can not defeat even the ten characters who "create the world" even if they work together.

Not to mention the thirty-one changes to the "void creation", and the thirty-two changes to the state of "one thought through the sky".

Fa Wuxian is also a natural sage qualification. He has learned a lot of methods with Fa Sheng. The methods and methods are first-class. However, he had an endless umbrella and was defeated by Gu Chensha.

Fortunately, under the protection of the endless umbrella, even if he is seriously injured, he can recover instantly, with the greatest qualifications and Guchensha.

"Gu Chensha, now we are all in the chaos of time and space. We can use all our means to fight against each other. The blow you made just now should be your most powerful means. And I have not yet exerted my true power. "Fawuxian stared at Gu Chen.

"Fa Wuxian, do you think you can run away?" Gu Chensha seemed to see through his mind, and a smile appeared on his face: "The punch I made just scared you out of your gall. In fact, the endless umbrella The power is very huge, but it was originally born, but it is still far from being waved out. If you can build a huge empire, then gather 10 billion people, sacrifice the umbrella, let the umbrella grow up, and in the end, the final form of the umbrella condenses and forms The formation of the protection of the heavens, that is, even if it is the cut fairy **** gourd, you must not, but unfortunately, you have been alone, do not like to run, think that you can use power to suppress everything, this is far from Not as good as Jingqiu. Just because of your endless umbrella, you can't resist my blow. "

"It's useless to say more, see the real chapter under your hand." Fa Wuxian Xun adjusted, a powerful momentum emerged again, and the body moved, quickly shuttled, approaching the ancient dust and attacked eighteen hands.

Each of these eighteen moves is a manifestation of Fa.

This is the true essence that Fa Wuxian has extracted from Fa Sheng Jue Xue, but it is his own thing.

The emergence of the eighteen hands instantly evolved into eighteen huge shadows. These shadows actually resemble the saints of the law. After the emergence, they held iron coils and recited the laws of all ages, and the body of the lawless immortal became a law. Ring, this is all the rings.

In an instant, a huge force penetrated the endless umbrella, and the umbrella flew and rotated. I don't know how much chaos air was absorbed in, and then inspired some origin of the endless big 6.

"Gu Chensha, now I will let you see what is true power. The endless umbrella is one of the thirty-six treasures of endlessness. It can motivate the origin of endless big six, which is the power of heaven. The essence of this power is still above the sun and the moon of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of that Sun and Moon. "The will of Fa Wuxian turned into a torrent.

"Eighteen hands? With the power of the Endless Big Six, a bit of the power of the heavens was motivated, and the power of his magical martial arts was extended to a limit with the power of the heavens. Saint is attacking in person? "Gu Chensha saw all this. Time seemed to be unusually slow in his eyes. There was no panic on his face. It seemed that it was all in his guess.

What's so powerful and mysterious about Endless Treasure? His understanding is even more thorough than that of reincarnation like Fa Wuxian.

The power of heaven is no small matter.

"That being the case, I broke it with my strength. For a long time, I did not motivate the real force, and I fought a lively battle." Gu Chensha joined hands, and two air streams emerged from the whole body, a peaceful and authentic, as clear as heaven. , But in the clear, it is bottomless. At first sight, it makes people feel very clear and peaceful, but over time, it makes people feel terrible.

This is heaven.

This is the way of heaven. It is pure and pure, but it is impenetrable, incomprehensible and unpredictable.

Then, another air flow appeared.

The airflow was red, and it seemed to sweep everything. It swept across the mountains, rivers, seas, sky, oceans, and the void universe, all of which were covered by this red airflow. The rules of where this airflow reached would be broken and reformed.

This is the meteorology of the ancient forces of the ancient dust and the sky.

The essence of the two meteorological phenomena is the Heavenly God of Sealing God and the Great God of Holocaust. After the realization of ancient dust and moon worship, they finally merged into their own doctrine, original heart, and soul essence.

Ancient dust and sand make up the sky with one hand.

Facing the attack of the eighteen Dharma by the eighteen hands, he directly held it open. The two air streams rose like a dragon, but with one blow, the attack of one Dharma was blocked, and then a little shock, the shape of the Dharma It's broken.

"Cang Sheng can make up for heaven, and he can also resurrect his destiny. Heaven and heaven must always be rotten, and it must be reformed to be able to regenerate and come back to life. It is no different to make up for heaven, but to make up for it. The dust and sand walked around, and the eighteen Fashengs were broken, and they instantly attacked Fawuxian.


Fa Wuxian's voice was full of intention to kill.

Under the cover of the endless umbrella, all the magic rings he spewed out one by one, these small gas rings are all the same magic rings, and they are set in the ancient dust and sand.

Suddenly, billions of all the rings of the law rushed over like a river of quicksand.

All these rings are the cohesion of Wanfa Avenue, each of which is equal to the cohesion of all the spiritual will of Fa Wuxian, which is equivalent to his full blow.

"Gu Chensha, I heard that the building worshipping the moon has become the Great God of Holocaust. It can actually continually condense and explode the mote world. Now you look at my method?" Fa Wuxian's body was hidden, Among the hundreds of thousands of quicksand-like rings, he no longer knows where he really exists.

"It's far worse than the Holocaust God." Gu Chen's indifferent voice appeared in this quicksand-like circle of motion, and he didn't move. He suddenly operated the clear air flow of the Cangsheng Butian and Cangsheng Tianshu. There is also a crimson air stream, twisted with each other, such as two dragons and snakes, biting each other together, and then slightly rotating to absorb all the rings.

The quicksand-like magic ring was sucked into this vortex, and immediately shattered, but was completely digested.

Ancient dust sand persecuted it step by step: "All the attacks of the ring are your full blow. You use the power of the endless umbrella to urge the origin of heaven to help you. Unfortunately, this is not your own thing. It was Fa Sheng who came by himself and was killed by this method. How could you compare it with this attack with the help of an external force? "


The ancient dust and sand absorbed all the rings, and the huge vortex pushed forward.

He stood in the chaos of time and space in this way. The whole person was not eroded by any storm of time and space. The huge vortex transformed by the Cangsheng Butian technique and the Cangshengge heaven technique seemed to lock all the time and space chaos. Transform all time and space.

The whirlpool has reached the top of Fa Wuxian moment.

Click, click ...

The endless umbrella came out again to be shattered. Fa Wuxian under the umbrella looked at the huge vortex above, and he knew that it was the moment of life and death.

He never expected that Gu Chen's own strength was actually so powerful!

In the battle, he has already noticed that Guchensha did not use the power of Zhongqian World ~ www.readwn.com ~ without the help of magic weapon, which is completely the cultivation of his own heavenly law. All kinds of incredible changes.

"Is he really so strong? My realm is higher than him. My magic weapon is an endless treasure. I am the son of the heaven with the best chance and luck in the world. I am not an opponent of this person? I am not willing "At this time, Fa Wuxian was still not desperate, and he was replaced by a strong unwillingness and survival.

Fa Wuxian is Fa Wuxian after all, and his bones have a very fierce imprint in it.

Strongly unwilling, an inexplicable power was brewing in his mind.

Between the puppets, he seemed to see the endless big 6, the whole picture of the endless world.

Between heaven and earth, there is no existence that can clearly see how big the endless big 6 is, and at this moment, he seems to have a sense of seeing the whole picture.

"I am the Son of Heaven!" Suddenly all the breath on Fa Wuxian began to condense, and a sage heart of truth would be born!

He actually broke through and reached the realm of saints.

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