Dragon Talisman

Chapter 739: Sever palm

Chapter 739 Severing the Palm

The giant spirit **** actually attacked ancient dust and sand at the most critical moment at this moment. Δ 』』 』E novel Ww" W. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

This **** is one of the greatest enemies of the Jingxian Division. Gu Chen is guarding this person at all times, but he did not expect that this method Wuxian also colluded with this god.

This shows that Fa Wuxian has the intention to betray the Fa Sheng, preferring to seek skin with the tiger, but also to get rid of Fa Sheng's control.

The cooperation between the giant spirit **** and the witch ancestor eventually swallowed the witch ancestor and eventually caused the demon **** to perish. This kind of news was passed out. No one will cooperate with the giant spirit **** anymore because they know that it is extremely dangerous to cooperate with this god. It will be swallowed up, and in the end the gods will die, and you will not see any hope.

There is no immortal law, so he does not believe in this evil, and actually cooperates with the giant spirit god.

But now is the only chance for Fa Wuxian.

This time, he and Guchen Sand fighting failed completely. He broke his promise and called for a helper. If the giant spirit **** does not help, he will definitely be captured and refined by Guchen Sand today.

The palm of the giant spirit **** suddenly appeared and had reached the body of Gu Chensha.

Regarding the cultivation of the giant spirit god, Gu Chen will never have any chance.

The current state of the giant spirit **** is no longer lost to the immortal master, Wanxianshi, a peerless old antique and chaotic ancient creature. It must be a realm of Tianshou. Even if it is not a sneak attack, but a little force, the ancient dust cannot bear it.

But in the moment of the sneak attack of the giant spirit god.

On Gu Chen's body, a gold medal appeared.

On the gold medal was written the four big words "Rugao in person".

Endless, majestic like heaven, appeared on this gold medal.

The gold medal was so dazzling that in the layers of light and shadow, a tall form appeared, which was very similar to the Emperor Tianfu.

Emperor Tianfu's virtual shadow stretched out his hand, and the palm of the giant spirit **** was frozen in the air. Then the hand of the emperor Tianfu went directly into the depths of the endless space. It seemed to find the body of the giant **** and kill him. The will to exist.


The giant spirit **** passed out an angry roar, and seemed to miscalculate something. Suddenly, his palm broke out of thin air, and it was actually a strong man breaking his wrist.

Abandoning this palm, he disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the ghost of Emperor Tianfu on the gold medal had also disappeared, and once again turned into a token representing the authority of the court.


Lou Baiyue appeared here, and the gold medal had fallen into her hands.

She urged with both hands, and once again radiated a layer of light from the gold medal, and the light swept deep, and fixed the palm of the giant spirit god.

Then, she struck out layers of decrees and absorbed the palm of the giant spirit **** into her body. It seemed to be refined into her own things.

"The giant spirit **** was considered by us once, even the palm of the ontology was cut off. This palm of the ontology is the vitality of the Tianshou realm, which contains the essence of the ancestral ancestor of the Tianshou realm. If I absorb and completely refine, Cultivate yourself as a saint. "

Lou Baiyue's face showed satisfaction.

"How can you learn to use the power of this gold medal?" Gu Chen was somewhat surprised.

At present, the worship of Lou Baiyue is still to create the world through the Thirty-One Change, but it will soon be practiced to reach the thirty-one change. Sweeping the strong under any deity.

"After I was promoted to the rank of God, I have come to realize some fundamental truths. The proclamation of the God of Holocaust can use our sacrifice power to permeate the gold medals and spur unparalleled power." Lou Baiyue sighed: " However, the sacrifice power absorbed by this gold medal is too fierce. It just drove away the giant spirit **** and consumed at least one year of sacrifice savings. "

Now, the entire Jingxian Division has the power of the imperial court. With a population of more than 20 billion people, the power of sacrifice and prayer generated by the world is absorbed by the world tree, and it is stored in a huge amount.

Most of these forces are used to keep the Middle Thousand World and many Small Thousand Worlds running, and the others are stored for backup.

The operation of Zhongqian World consumes the power of sacrifice extremely. If there are no huge people to worship, let alone Zhongqian World, even Xiaoqian World, it will slowly wither.

Not to mention the expansion of the Zhongqian World requires more sacrificial power.

Now Lou Baiyue has realized the mystery of this gold medal. As long as you can input enough sacrifice power, you can wield almost the power to destroy the world.

To some extent, the essence of this gold medal is even more arbitrary than the sacrifice to heaven.

At that time, Emperor Tian Fu wrote a four-character word "people will win the sky" and integrated it into the sacrifice to heaven, so that Guchensha also has half the right to sacrifice heaven.

Even now, in fact, as long as Wudangkong sacrifice, the ancient dust and sand can be divided into half. However, Wudangkong has never performed sacrifice. It seems to be a thorough understanding of the other powers of the sacrifice of celestial sacrifice. It is only used to assist spiritual practice. .

It is precisely because of this that the progress of Wudang Kong's repair is still a little slow.

After the ancient emperor received the sacrifice to heaven, Xiu Wei progressed scaryly. It takes almost a few years to dominate the world and be invincible.

And Wudang Kong is still invincible.

It was because ancient dust and sand restricted her sacrifice to heaven, and she couldn't use her to use force to increase her power. Otherwise, Wudang Kong had already achieved a very high level.

"All the power accumulated by our sacrifice wishes is only enough to motivate this gold medal dozens of times." Lou Baiyue said: "This time I know that the giant spirit **** will shoot and observe in secret. Sure enough, he hides the deepest, but this We were still beheaded and killed, and we lost a palm. The loss of vitality is huge. "

"Fu Wuxian, what do you think?" Gu Chen's palm still holds the umbrella of an endless umbrella: "This time, I rescued you, although you didn't follow our rules this time, secretly called a giant spirit God attacked me, but fortunately I had been prepared, otherwise, even if you were rescued by the giant spirit god, it is actually worse than falling into my hands. Don't think that the giant spirit **** is a good kind. "

"Gu Chensha, I didn't expect you to be so cunning, I won't give up on you!" Fa Wuxian's hatred in the endless umbrella is simply sky-high.

"I'm deceitful? I wanted to fight against you honestly, but unfortunately you are not my opponent. You have summoned the Titan to attack me and be blocked by my defense. Now the Titan has retreated and you and I will fight again." This At that time, the power of ancient dust and sand had completely prevailed. At the moment when the giant **** retreated, Fa Wuxian seemed to have all the confidence.

As soon as confidence is lost, strength naturally fades like a tide.

In this way, the power of ancient dust and sand began to infiltrate, and it was necessary to completely surrender Fa Wuxian.

Gu Chensha did not break his promise. From beginning to end, he was dealing with Fa Wuxian with his own power, but Fa Wuxian summoned the giant spirit god.

Lou Baiyue held the token that Rugao visited in person, and did not shoot. Her purpose was to deal with the giant spirit god, and she would not intervene in the battle without immortals and ancient dust.

Now she watched Gu Chensha's power step by step to refine the endless umbrella, oppressing the will of Fa Wuxian, could not help nodding.

At this time, Gu Chensha and Lou Baiyue seemed to feel something at the same time, looking into the air.

Here is the depth of time and space turbulence. It was basically impossible for anyone to come, but now the space and time turbulence in the distance is suddenly broken, a light first emerges, then expands, and becomes an aperture, showing in this aperture. For one person.

This man is Fa Sheng.

As soon as Fa Sheng appeared, he sighed.

"Fa Sheng, you finally appeared, I thought you would not show up, let me charge you to take the law without immortal." Gu Chensha still holding an endless umbrella, he did not relax at all, he also knew that Fa Sheng will eventually appear.

"Gu Chensha, Lou worship, how can you let Fa Wuxian pass?" Fa Sheng sighed sighingly.

"It ’s very simple, Fa Sheng, if you can give up your genie plan and exterminate human minds, like Wu Sheng, trust us in Jingxian Division, we will destroy all the demon heads, expand human beings, and truly build an eternity. World. "Gu Chen said:" Eternity, perfection, immortality, everyone is like this, don't you think this ideal is really worth our struggle? "

"Yes ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have the same idea, so I urged the Genie plan, otherwise, magic and spirituality will always be entangled, and the number of robbers will explode after a while." Fa Shengdao said: "Extinction I will do the things of the devil, but the human heart also contains the strongest demon and demon. If we do not exterminate the human, the ignorance and greed in the human heart will continue, and eventually countless demon will be born Head, human beings will not be destroyed, the devil will not be destroyed. In your realm, it is certainly not difficult to understand what I am saying. Don't look at your Jingxian Division admired by thousands of people, but the hearts of the world are unpredictable, maybe as long as there is When the wind blows, it will change your mind. By then, you will become the same person as you, and then you will know that the heart is warm and cold. "

"Human heart is natural, but we can be sure of it." Gu Chensha laughed: "Now we don't talk about these imaginary things, in a word, if you do n’t learn martial arts, you must have no immortals today. To be suppressed and refined by me, even if you ca n’t stop it, the giant spirit **** sneaks in, we cut off the palm of our hand, wounded and left, Fasheng ’s cultivation is not as good as the giant spirit god, and it can really stop me from refining No fairy? "


Fasheng answered very simply: "Your Jingxian has now truly achieved the climate. There are all kinds of heritage left by the Emperor Tianfu, even the ancient Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, has lost money in your hands. I naturally cannot. Rescue Fa Wuxian, but if you refine Fa Wuxian, you will have great hidden dangers. "

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