Dragon Talisman

Chapter 742: Swallow umbrella

Chapter 742 Swallowing an Umbrella

Wudang Kong also hated the ancient dust and sand. E novel WWWZW. % 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Before the ancient dust and sand became Wu Dangxing, he severely pitted Wudang Kong a few waves, and then lost and lost in the court again, making Wudang Kong's position as a maid of justice now surviving.

If Wudang Kong still holds great power, with some of the principles she is now aware of, she can use the sacrifice of celestial sacrifices to enjoy the support of the National Games without sacrificing, refining and entering herself, thus making her heavenly gods go further.

Under the hearts of the people, even ordinary officials may be transformed into Yin God after death, not to mention the mother-in-law of the country.

Of course, in that year, she was also miserable by Gu Chensha. When she was in prison, she had no good reputation and countless bad reputations.

Even the folk now still have the slogan of "killing the concubine and the side of Qingjun".

This notoriety made her doom in the midst of meditation, which is tantamount to being cursed by sentient beings. After all these years, it slowly resolved, but it also slowed down her cultivation.

"Your cultivation is to reach the peak of the thirty-sixth transformation as soon as possible." Fa Sheng said to Wudang emptyly: "Since ancient times, the cultivation of those ancient emperors has reached this level, but those ancient emperors have basically not broken through the realm of heaven. Yes, because Tianzun is a different number and cannot be accommodated by Heavenly Tao, and ancient Tianzi is to maintain the existence of Heavenly Tao. Even if ancient Tianzi is to succeed, it is best to kill Tianzun and sacrifice it. But this time is different from the past. Now If there is a big problem in the heavenly way, you may become the Celestial Supreme, becoming the first person who has received the sacrifice of the heavenly sacrifices, but has become the Celestial Supreme. "

"I have also been thinking about this matter." Wudang Kongdao said: "Recent years have been really ups and downs, and I also think that Tianfu 36 years will have great changes, so in these years, I must repair The peak of the Thirty-Six Changes is comfortable, and he can break into the realm of Tianzun at any time and anywhere, and use Tianzun's realm to spur the sacrifice of heavenly sacrifice. I am afraid it is a completely new change. "

"I will help you break through the realm of heaven."

"Thank you, Master Fa Sheng." Wu Dangkong had a happy face on his face: "I am afraid that Master Fa Sheng will soon break through the horizon of life."

"I'm a little bit worse. If you want to find ways to devour the old antiques in the Demon Clan, get enough food, and then refining these old antiques with the help of your Heavenly Sacrifice, you can really break through the realm of Tianshou. At that time, you can also get huge Beneficial. "Fa Sheng expressed his plan:" Heavens have existed since ancient times. If I can destroy them all, there is no limit to this, but my current cultivation is impossible. I can use your sacrifice. Heavenly falcons, plus some means, may not be impossible. We will use the demon clan as food and completely destroy this demon clan. "

"Master Fasheng, your heart is so big, the demons will also be destroyed, and the human race will also be destroyed." Wu Dang has some fears in the hollow, she also knows that Fasheng cannot be trusted, but now the temptation is too great, if it can really destroy the demons Clan, and then use the sacrifice of sacrifice for refining and refining, she has gained too much benefits, and she hopes to be promoted to the realm of heaven. In this case, she must give it a try.

"Far Saint, the giant spirit **** can devour the witch ancestor, and I can also devour you. As soon as you reach the realm of Tianshou, I will urge the strongest killing tactic of the sacrifice of celestial sacrifice. I have recently learned about the real killing of this sacrifice. Move. "Wudang Hollow is planning a series of vicious things.

Inside the sphere of wish of life.

Gu Chen sat under the tree of the world and practiced with Lou Baiyue.

Lou Baiyue's body seemed to be surging, but she was trying to suppress it. This power is in the palm of the giant spirit god. The giant spirit **** is now in the realm of Tianshou. His secret is even more than that of Wanxianshi. Because of the attack on ancient dust and sand, he was urged by Loufu Moon. The gold medal cut off the palm, and the rage retreated.

This palm was absorbed by Lou Baiyue, preparing to refine and use it as food to make himself ascend quickly.

In that year, Wanxian took off his head, and completed the Emperor Wudi, so that the Emperor Wufei's realm of ascension has risen. It can be seen how powerful the essence of the Tianshou realm is.

"You have to be careful. The palm of the giant spirit **** needs to be refined. I am afraid there are still some disadvantages. Maybe this is his trick. He intentionally left the palm to let you refine. Finally, he hid the killer and even controlled you." Gu Chensha Looking at Lou Baiyue is going to refine, promptly remind.

"The giant spirit **** is known for his deceit. He did n’t know how much tyrannical existence existed in the ancient times. If there is no problem with his left palm, it is strange, but this is a challenge for me. After that, he will not be able to confront the giant spirit **** after that. "Lou Baiyue was full of confidence:" Moreover, through this matter, I can grasp the clues of the giant spirit god. He wants to control me and also wants to control him. He To be able to devour the witch ancestor, I would like to see how he devours. "

"Yes, the giant spirit **** wants to deal with us, it is not so easy. Of course, if we want to kill him and suppress it, we also have to pay some price. This time is a brief confrontation. It seems that he failed, but in fact His conspiracy and scheming, so he suspected, left the bait. "Gu Chensha input his heavenly law into Lou Baiyue's body, and only felt a mighty force expanding to all sides.

"You first put that endless umbrella into your body, and see if you can gain strength and be promoted to the **** level!" Lou Baiyue said, "I see your current state, you can break through the **** level anytime, anywhere. As long as you break through , The realm is definitely different, and we must be able to see through the conspiracy of the giant spirit **** and prevail in our confrontation with him. "

Everyone knows that once the ancient dust sand breaks through the **** level, it will definitely be an earth-shaking change, but he will not be able to break through.

But this time, as long as he can refine the endless umbrella, it will be almost the same.

The endless umbrella is the core of the will of heaven's original will. If it can be refined, the ancient dust is equal to defeating the will of heaven with its own will. This is very useful for his own discipline. If he can overcome the heaven Part of his will, then he will be able to completely master his heavenly law.


Gu Chensha swallowed the endless umbrella slowly, wrapped it in his body, and began to decompose by the heavenly method. Immediately he understood the core of the source, and between him, he seemed to see the source of the heavens. Creeping and backwashing of the will.

At this time, he seemed to be standing on some kind of highest sky, and found a highest point of heaven, and he could almost see the scale of heaven.

The celestial world, endless, is also called the endless world, far beyond the thousands of worlds.

No one can know how big the endless world is, even if it is the Wanxian Master, the Lord of the Immortals, the existence of the three heavenly deities.

But after receiving the endless treasure, Gu Chensha began to pass these people, at least in terms of knowledge.

Understanding of the origin of heaven.


The ancient dust and sand exploded with wills. These wills violently impacted the core of the deep roots of the endless umbrella in an attempt to disintegrate the will of the heavens, so that the will of the heavens finally surrendered to his will. This is simply impossible. Things, even the strongest in the realm of Tianshou, do n’t have this idea, but ancient dust and sand are to do it. He originally cultivated the Tao of Heaven. This is an incredible thing. Since it is impossible, it breaks the understanding. There is nothing to break through the previous understanding again.

"The reason why I can cultivate the heavenly law is not by my own will, but by the bloodline left by the father, that is to say, all my abilities of the heavenly law are pinned on the father." Gu Chensha is fighting against the original will of heaven. Suddenly, many thoughts came into being, for the realization of self-cultivation and understanding of their shortcomings: "If the father and the emperor have some problems in the entanglement with the heaven, then my heavenly practice may be reversed, so Become a true dragon, at that time, my greatest dependence will disappear. Luck, numerology, and numerology will all fall to a terrible trough, and I will guard against such things. So, I need to hone myself now, so that My own will can also completely control the heavenly law. I have this qualification. When my own will can also control the heavenly law, then it is truly complete at that time. It can even let many people fall into my trap. In. "

Gu Chensha knew that he was able to practice the Tao of Heaven, not his own ability.

Many giants are also waiting for the change of the heavenly path, and can suppress the moment of the Heavenly God Emperor. At that time, the ancient Taoist law of Gu Chen will disappear, which is the best opportunity to kill him.

However, as long as Gu Chensha honed his will, he could fully grasp the heavenly law, and reached a critical moment. Many giants thought that his heavenly law had disappeared, and swarmed up, but at that time, his heavenly law did not disappear and became Stronger, this can pit the giants once again.

Ancient dust refining endless umbrella ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is the first step.

During the process of refining, he confronted the will of heaven, and if he could overcome it, he would have a stronger ability to grasp the law of heaven. Of course, the endless umbrella contains only a very small part of the will of heaven, even a thousandths None. If you want to fight against the will of the heavens as a whole, the ancient dust is far from it.

Fortunately, even defeating a small part of the heavenly will will be enough to promote Guchensha to **** level.


Inside Gu Chen's body, a more violent **** thunder resounded.

This is the anger of heaven again.

Gu Chensha is desecrating the majesty of the heavens with his own cultivation. The heavenly will contained in the endless umbrella naturally cannot tolerate such things.

As a result, a stronger backlash began.

Lou Baiyue quietly observes the changes of Gu Chen, and she is also calculating some things. In the course of Gu Chen's confrontation with the will of heaven, she can learn a lot.

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