Dragon Talisman

Chapter 749: Lay out immediately

"This is the sacrifice to heaven. E novel WWWW.% 1XIAOSHUO.COM"

Speaking of this, Wen Hong really took out a real scroll.

This scroll rolled out, and in it appeared the four large characters "Ordered by Heaven", exactly the same as the runes obtained by ancient dust in the real world.

Gu Chensha seized this Fuyu, slightly urging the heavenly law. Immediately, Fuyu dazzled, and there were a lot of strange things in it.

"Huh? This Fuyu is mysterious and infinite, not false. Does this world really exist, and then our world also exists, is it a parallel comparison? Is it a parallel dimension?" There are many secrets among Fuyu.

After exploring for a while, he still gave Fu Hong back to Wen Hong: "Uncle Wen, your Heavenly Seal Divine Art should have been practiced for the second time."

"Yes, I only gained the practice method of Heaven and Earth Tongshou through the big sacrifice some time ago, but it is still difficult to practice. As for the third move, it is basically impossible for all beings to concentrically. It ’s a trick. If you want to learn, I can teach you the second trick of heaven and earth. ”Wen Hong said,“ Since you can practice the Heavenly Seal God without this spell, it can help me. Save it for repair, so as to prevent the charm from flying away afterwards, all my skills have disappeared and I was absorbed by this charm. "

"Of course this is possible. My heavenly law helps you to cultivate, and naturally you can refine you. Consolidate the foundation. In short, you don't see how sacred this amulet is, there are still loopholes that can be drilled. The apocalypse now appears Many loopholes have appeared in all time and space. Even I can help you condense now. "Gu Chensha knows that Wen Hong now believes in himself and has more than 70% trust.

Of course, this is still unreliable. Fortunately, he can help Wen Hong stabilize the Heavenly God and protect himself from the control of the sacrifice to heaven. In this regard, there are huge benefits that constitute the basis for cooperation.

If it is in the real world, Wen Hong is absolutely trustworthy, but in this dream world, Wen Hong has become a heavenly son, and there are some emperor's heart skills in his character, and ancient dust and sand must be prepared for.

"I have also thought about this issue. We can't be controlled by the Sacrifice of Heavenly Sacrifice. Instead, we must control this amulet. And in the midst of it, I really smelled a great calamity." Wen Hong said: " Today's long talk has opened up my horizons, and I actually know so many secrets. I am not willing to be an ordinary emperor, to be the first ever, even the emperor. "

"Well, sincere cooperation. One day, Uncle Wen will completely believe in me." Gu Chensha stood up: "Since this, Uncle Wen told me the heaven and earth same life in the magic of heaven and god."

"This matter is okay." Wen Hong thought for a moment, and suddenly an idea came out. "In general, even if I pass the Heavenly Seal Divine Art to others, others ca n’t remember it and ca n’t practice it. It ’s a special force, but you can remember and practice it. This is a miracle in itself, but I ca n’t believe you. ”

Accepting this idea, Gu Chensha immediately digested and obtained all the means of practicing Heaven and Earth, the second move of the Heavenly God's Seal Divine Technique.


At this time, suddenly, in the midst of the deep, it seemed that a force appeared out of thin air and exploded inside Wen Hong's body.


Wen Hong actually spit out blood and looked pale.

"Oh? Actually bitten by Heaven?" Gu Chen dug a finger, and suddenly a force of Heaven Tao entered Wen Hong's body, and suddenly his body's Holy Law was scattered, and it seemed to have suffered a serious attack.

But when he entered the heavenly law, he immediately stabilized the situation and reunited the scattered holy law. In addition, it was stronger.

"Sure enough, your heavenly law actually suppresses the backlash of the will of God." Wen Hong slowly exhaled, and was surprised to see that a crack appeared on the top of the ancient dust and sand. Among the cracks, it could actually appear A clear blue airflow, pure and immaculate, in addition to a crimson red airflow, circling each other, and finally integrated into his body: "This breath should be pure soul in the power of sacrifice, good Pure, it is terrible to be able to purify the power of sacrifice to such a degree. This should be your way to fill the sky and the way to reform the sky. You spread the idea and let the people of the world be born with the feelings of replenishment and reform. Then they all gather to your body, and your cultivation will break through the limits, and finally it will be complete. "

"Yes, my Cang Sheng Bu Tian Shu is extracted from Tian Zi Feng Shen Shu, and Cang Sheng Ge Tian Shu is derived from the Great God of Slaughter. The so-called big can also be called the Emperor of Heaven, called the Emperor of Heaven, but it is not bad. Road: "It is better to be a emperor than a emperor."

"You do have a hand in the world of operation." Wen Hong said: "Your handsome man is now installed everywhere. How to install it, I want to listen to your political ideas. After all, we cannot rely on blind killing. Preparation is needed. "

"I will gather all the powerful disciples in the capital within one day to set up the Tiantian Club, which is also an incredible force. Based on the Tiantian Club, I inserted the Cangsheng Master and then became the supervisor. He went to all states of the country, supervised officials for various illegal methods, cleaned up the government, and destroyed some sacrifice temples and killed small mountain gods and river gods. "Gu Chen said:" Those small overcast gods are not born big. Handsome opponents. Instead, they can become food and plunder their incense beliefs. "

"This is indeed a good idea." Wen Hong's face lightened: "Now the locals are strong and powerful, and those officials are collusion with the family's tyrants and even temples. Regarding the imperial order of the imperial court, I ca n’t help it.

"That is nature. Without the means of the father and emperor, it is impossible to completely transform the state of China." Gu Chen said: "The immortal gate of Xuandao is also a great scourge, and I will suppress it one by one. The mysterious heart of the heaven and earth is still alive. The sage who has achieved the peak of the thirty-sixth transformation will even impact the realm of heavenly respect? It really means something. "

In the real world, the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth has only been born for thousands of years. The Xuanxin who was born as a saint has long been offended because he offended the ancient step immortal. The Xuanxin of this dream world is still alive and has become The first person in Tiandi Xuanmen even hoped to become Tianzun.

Gu Chen doesn't care about this, he naturally has a way to deal with it.

In the exploration of the sacrifice to heaven for a moment, Gu Chensha understood that the world he fell into should also be a real world. Maybe something he obtained here could be brought into the real world, such as The second method of "Tian Tian Tong Shou" practiced by Tian Zi Feng Shen Shu is that the ancient dust and sand can be 100% sure and can be taken back.

Of course, this premise is that he can really go back.

"If we want to govern the world, we will divide into these steps. First, the Bakuten Party I just conducted is to patrol everywhere, rectify the officials, and establish a belief and trend of thought on the court. In this way, my strength It will increase. Second, I will send the general commander to disturb the wind and rain among the barbarians and rob the beliefs of the evil gods. The barbarians cannot invade. Third, I will use the Buddhism method to reduce the magic. Head, making the Devil of the Bottomless Infernal Sea become the guardian of the law. "Gu Chen said:" Fourth, I will urge the means to meet the Taiyi Xuanmen, the universe Xuanmen, and the sky dance Xuanmen, Let ’s talk together, and let alone say that Chang Weiyang of the universe Xuanmen should understand everything I said. "

Chang Weiyang is a strange woman. Gu Chensha believes that she will readily agree to cooperate with herself in this dream world.

"This world is really wonderful. One by one, re-understanding, re-planning, reorganizing the world, even if it is false, you can gain great experience. The will of heaven will pull me into this world. Although it is trying to trap me, it is actually It gave me a huge opportunity, but I would like to see, how much merit can be given by Xue Father Huang's great achievements? "Gu Chensha was anxious to calculate.

He and Wen Hong discussed several things again. As soon as his body moved, he left here to prepare a series of plans.

Ancient dust and sand are about to be determined. Immediately, within a few days, a huge wave is set on the land of Shenzhou. Because time does not wait for people, if he has been delayed here for a long time, I am afraid that various variables will arise in the real world.

Because the time in the world here is in sync with the real world. No delay.

The real world is thirty-three days of heavenly charms, and the world here is thirty-three years of heavenly charms.

He left here, his body changed, and the torn space ~ www.readwn.com ~ has come to the sea, where Baoyu Kingdom is.

The Baoyu country here has not yet surrendered, but it is still a country abroad.

However, he did not come here for Bao Yuguo, but to find a key existence, which is the sealed "Xingqiangshi".

The tortured world in this dream world should not have been released.

The ancient dust sand is to disturb him after he is released. Moreover, the Xingqiangshi will definitely be used by him. Besides, the **** state controlled by Guchensha is even more exquisite than the Xingqiongshi in this world. In this way, Xingqiongshi will be subdued.

"The jade **** of Baoyu Kingdom is still in the high heavens, establishing a kingdom of gods and a thousand worlds, so this world ’s Baoyu Kingdom is extremely tyrannical. In addition, Longjian Island is also quite strong, and Long Yuyun is also powerful . Sacrifice the dragon **** and the sea god, with the separation of these gods, the emperor is helpless. If you want to change the world, it will be difficult. "At this time, Gu Chensha knew that the exhibition of Jingxian Division was so smooth, all of them were The Emperor Tianfu sealed the gods and deterred countless old antiques, otherwise he could not do anything.

Now it is a test of how to establish great achievements in the absence of Emperor Tianfu.

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