Dragon Talisman

Chapter 784: Enter Dragon Gate

Chapter 784 Entering the Dragon Gate

This avatar of the elderly Honghuang gathered the innate five elements, the most pure reiki, than the innate five elements combined by Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Gouchen. E Novel Ww "W. % 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Guchen Sand absorbed this avatar with Divine Gourd, which is a cultivation practice of Tianshou Realm. Although it is not as good as Xingqiang's, it is also equivalent to one-fifth of the Xingqiang's body. From this, it can be seen that this aura of five elements can give Shenzhou How much does calabash bring?

There is a sound of wind, thunderclouds, and tidal waves inside the Divine Gourd. Looking from the mouth of the Gourd toward the interior, all the nebula clusters now appear to be transformed into a brand new star sky, and under the starry sky is Divine Land.

The divine fault contains a huge spirituality, which is the spiritual realm.

Shenzhou Gourd is not Shenzhou at this moment, and there is actually a tendency to vaguely turn into heaven.

And Xingqiang's will was repressed again. In addition to being able to speak, the control of Divine Gourd was minimal.

"Xing Qiongshi, what do you think of Honghuang Longmen? Is the situation like the old man in Honghuang?" Gu Chen held the gourd, watching the deep changes in the gourd in Shenzhou, and asked him in a voice.

"Gu Chensha, you don't want me to give you an idea." Xing Qiong's tone dismissed: "You have refined me into a magic weapon, this time it is your calamity. If you die, I can be relieved. And I can also refine your anti-consumption, and I will curse you every moment and disturb your state. "

"It doesn't matter." Guchensha didn't care: "The depths of the flood-stricken Longmen can truly be called Longtan Tiger's Cave, but for me, it's nothing, you should look at my means."

Xing Qiongshi stopped talking and was silent.

Gu Chensha held the Honghuang gourd in this way, and went straight into the depths of the Honghuang Longmen. He didn't dare to go deep into it, and studied outside, but the old man from Honghuang came out to seduce him, but he destroyed an incarnation, and from this incarnation He obtained many secrets, which made him better understand the changes in the depths of Honghuang Longmen, so that he can know himself and others.

There is something true and false about the old man Hung Huang.

Not everything contained in this incarnation is true.

The old man Hong Hong is extremely cunning. Although he abandons this incarnation, he can't resist the attack of Gu Chen, but he also has the idea of ​​skepticism. The information laid out in this incarnation is confused and confused, which makes Gu Chen think he has got it. The secret in Honghuang Dragon Gate entered into it and fell into despair.

But the ancient dust sand is now repaired, it is entirely possible to remove the false and store the truth, it can distinguish the true and false information one by one, and analyze the true information from the false information.

The temple counts ten thousand years without any negligence.

Between the changes of his body, he has been silent and fits in with the heavenly road. When he entered the flood gate, he disappeared. No one could capture his existence, and he could not infer his clues, because he knew his own No fate.

After entering the Honghuang Dragon Gate, Guchensha immediately felt that the legendary supreme artifact was really well-deserved, among which the surging dragon gas billowed.

That dragon's spirit is very complicated, including the mad dragon's spirit, the evil dragon's spirit, the real dragon's spirit, the dragon's killing gas, the greedy dragon's spirit, the ghost dragon's spirit, the blessing dragon's spirit, the absolutely dragon Aura ...

These dragon spirits contrast the countless emotions in the human heart. In one thought, Wanlong is derived, Wanlong changes, and unites one heart.

Gu Chensha felt the power of Qianqian at all times. The Qianqian dragon kept spitting and killing himself, as well as crushing.

There is more pressure here than in Ashland.

If it is so easy to lurk in the flood gate, many saints and deities will come in to collect the dragon-breathing spirit, the dragon-breathing spirit, and the dragon-breathing spirit, and even master the mind of the Holy Dragon.

Now, no one can master the complete Dragon Spirit.

Even the giant spirit **** can't, the old man in the wild wasteland can't. The two existences live in the flood-filled dragon gate, but they don't understand the secret of this supreme artifact.

"Wanlong and Qi, all belong to one body." When Gu Chen took a shot, there was also Wanlong Changyin from the Divine Gourd. In this Changyin, a dragon gas wandered from the Divine Gourd. The mouths gathered and stayed together, and then they condensed, turning into a flood and flood.

The flood-dead dragon gate began to absorb the airflow deep in the true flood-dead dragon gate.

No matter whether it is good or not, all of them are absorbed into it, and then they are gathered into a group to create the body of the Xiaohuangmen.

Since entering the Honghuang Dragon Gate, there is something to be gained. The dragon gate is full of treasures, and a stream of air is extremely precious. It is the best material to create the Divine Gourd.

The ancient dust sand has obtained the sacrifice of heaven, and is proficient in the way of the Heavenly God's seal of God, and has created the world tree into a small Hongmeng tree. He built a dragon gate based on the dragon tower.

It can be said that he has a good understanding of Sambo.


What he did seemed to anger the supreme will of Honghuang Dragon Gate, and suddenly there were more changes. Suddenly, all the dragon qi changed, condensing into one ancient innate god.

These archaic innate gods are all human, dragon body, ancient and vicissitudes. At first glance, it seems that there are billions of rivers. I do n’t know how much, each archaic innate **** burst out the strongest attack.

The words of the "dragon" appeared in the mouths of these ancient innate gods, which spread out and formed a huge Longshan, which was suppressed slowly towards the ancient dust.

"Good time!" Gu Chensha is another shot of Divine Gourd. At this time, the same kind of heavenly spirit flew out of Divine Gourd, and then turned into countless ancient emperors. These ancient emperors refer to heaven and earth. Luohe Mountain, together running a scripture, is a sacrifice to heaven.

Honghuang Longmen evolved the Archaic Congenital God, while the ancient dust and sand evolved from the Ancient Heavenly Son, facing each other and never giving in.

Suddenly, Taikoo's innate **** collided with Gutianzi.

Everything is due to chaos.

Gu Chen's body also seems to disappear in the impact of this series.

Later, the chaos calmed down, the ancient dust and sand appeared again, and the Divine Gourd actually shrank a bit, becoming only the size of a fist, which can be grasped in one hand.

"Sure enough, in the depths of this flood-stricken dragon gate, I used the power of this dragon gate to train the Shenzhou gourd, which is like a fish. The evolution of this gourd will probably pass through the small Hongmeng tree and once again achieve a weird Middle Thousand World." The dusty surface is hilarious.

Just then, a sword light suddenly appeared, behind the head of Gu Chensha, beheaded.

This sword light is condensed and weird, like a gossamer, breaking everything.

But before reaching Gu Chen's body, he encountered an umbrella.

The endless umbrella is propped up to be lawless, and no attack can harm the ancient dust and sand.

Gu Chensha deprived the endless umbrella from Fa Wuxian's body, completely refining it in the body, and has been integrated with the heavenly law, regardless of each other. At the critical moment, this umbrella automatically came out to resist the enemy.

When Jianguang reached the umbrella, he stagnated. Guchensha grabbed it with his backhand, his claw force broke through the killing intention contained in Jianguang, and then turned his claw into a palm, and printed it into the air.


In the distance, I don't know which layer of gap space country, the sound of screams is transmitted, obviously the person who urged the sword suffered a big loss.

"Receive!" Gu Chensha gently retracted, and a small sword was added to the palm of the hand. The sword was only three inches in size, but the electric radiation, such as an electric dragon, was shaking at all times. Going, you can see that there are hundreds of millions of thunders in the sword body. It is actually a good ancient treasure, innate spirit treasure. The essence of this sword seems to be above the Vientiane broken rod.

"Good sword, unfortunately there is no way." Gu Chensha observed the sword: "Just now this sword cut me, the endless umbrella automatically resists, and in the depth of the sword, there is a smell of endless umbrella. The Endless Umbrella is the ultimate heavenly artifact among the thirty-six treasures of the Endless. It can break this umbrella sword. Only the number one artifact, the Endless Sword. However, this sword is not an endless sword, but it is contaminated by the Endless Sword. The sword-like meaning, is it possible that the number one reincarnation of the artifact has appeared? Still in the flood gate, under the income of the giant spirit god? In this way, things are a bit troublesome, the essence of the giant spirit **** is much more than that. "

Between thoughts, Guchensha threw the sword into the gourd of Shenzhou, and turned it into the gourd's food.

Then, he operated the magical power and began to see where the giant spirit **** was.

From the point of view of Jianguang just now, in the depths of the Honghuang Longmen, not only the two great existences of the old Honghuang and the giant spirit god, but also a formidable strength.

Because this sword light is not from the old man and giant spirit.

Among the thirty-six treasures of endlessness, the endless sword attacks the strongest and cuts everything, the endless heart is the most mysterious and connects everything.

The man of this sword ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ must have practiced swordsman with the reincarnation of the endless sword, so that there is endlessness in the meaning of the sword, causing fluctuations in the endless umbrella.

However, Gu Chensha felt that the more complicated the power in the flood gate was, the easier it was for him to start his own strategy.

In the depths of the Honghuang Dragon Gate is a vast world, encompassing everything, and it is not easy for him to find out the body of the giant spirit **** from it.

The old man in Honghuang has also disappeared completely.

Continue to walk among the flood gates, the ancient dust and sand are now full of various dragon gases, entangled with each other, oscillated, exploded, and opposed each other, and did not really settle down, forming large 6 mountains and rivers and other land.

This is what makes Guchen Sand strange.

Because in the depths of any Daqian world, there will be a stable time and space. Finally, mountains and rivers will be formed to nurture all sentient beings, and then all sentient beings will sacrifice heaven and earth to make up for the Daqian world.

It was as if the people were farming.

But this is not the case with the Dragon Gate.

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