Dragon Talisman

Chapter 787: Sacred Heart Cohesion

The giant spirit **** did not sustain a few rounds in the hands of Gu Chen, which shows how fierce the Gu Chen now is. ΩΩE novel WWW. 1XIAOSHUO. COM had not been so powerful at first, but he could go into the flood gate for several months to practice, learn about the secrets of the gate, create trillions of people who make up the sky, and gain sacrifice and strength.

For several months in a row, Gu Chensha condensed his cultivation thoroughly once, and he has explored the truth of the flood gate in Longmen half.

Using this as a foundation, he kept running and changing, and actually realized the secrets of the endless thirty-six treasures, the foundation of heaven, evolved into the gate of heaven, and saw the emperor of heaven.

This realm has touched the highest limit of practice.

Compared to the throne of the true **** and the throne of the emperor, that is simply the difference between an ordinary magistrate and the throne of the emperor.

The ancient dust and sand has evolved now, and it is not the true throne of the emperor. This throne has not really appeared in the world, because since ancient times, the endless thirty-six treasures have not appeared, although there are endless thirty-six treasures in the legend. They exist, but none of them have been seen.

Even many old antiques do not know that after the endless thirty-six treasures are gathered, you can open the gate of heaven, and deep in the gate of heaven, there is the throne of heaven.

The emperor's throne is the strongest treasure, far above the sacrifice to heaven, Hongmeng tree, and Honghuang Dragon Gate. Whoever obtains the throne of the emperor is the real emperor. The emperor is also a courtier before the emperor.

Gu Chensha used the endless thirty-six treasures he understood to understand the mystery, and finally he condensed out of the heavenly gate and evolved into the emperor's throne. Although it is not the true emperor's throne, there are already many emperor's essence.

The use of the essence of the Emperor to suppress the giant spirit god, even if the giant spirit **** no matter how cunning, no matter how much information, it is futile.

In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy is useless.

Who is the ancient dust? The mastery of knowledge is amazing, and things in the world have almost reached a state of omniscience. He persecuted the giant spirit **** to shoot, not using a conspiracy, but a conspiracy. That is to say, even if the giant **** did not do something, he would only wait for death.

From the moment he entered the Flood Dragon Gate, the giant spirit **** had already lost.

"Giant change, destiny!"

At this time, even if the giant spirit **** is strong, he also feels great danger. He has fully known that Gu Chensha has the ability to kill him, and he has no plans under his control.

However, all of his schemes are conspiracy, and Gu Chensha is upright and conscientious.

So Guchensha restrained him.

The giant spirit **** is not good at combat or business, but in intrigue. His intrigue seems to have reached its peak. From the ancient times to the present, I don't know how many old antiques the conspiracy has secretly died. .

But when I encountered the ancient dust and sand, what's wrong now is always tied hands and feet, and can't open up.

At this time, Gu Chensha actually forced him out of his destiny.

In an instant, his body expanded infinitely. The so-called giant spirit, giant, was endless. Spirit is the crystallization of wisdom.

Huge and spiritual, this is the giant spirit.

At this time, the giant spirit **** is equal to the chaos explosion at the beginning of the world.

The way of the giant spirit of the giant spirit **** is to expand from a small point suddenly into a huge and boundless world, and then in this world, the most abundant spirituality is bred.

The way of giant spirit is the way of chaos big bang.

The big bang of chaos is when it grows from huge to huge, giving birth to the spirituality of everything.

This is the real means of pressing the bottom of the giant spirit god, his own Tao, his own law, his own art, his own martial arts!


The giant spirit **** actually broke away from the suppression of ancient dust and began to fight back. He was killed against the ancient dust and sand. In the chaos, he could see the corpses and the success. Bone dry.

Chaos, bones.

Standing on this, the giant spirit **** refers to the heavens and the earth, killing against the ancient dust and sand by means of absolute momentum and lore.

Gu Chensha sat on the throne of Emperor Tian, ​​with no expression, and remained motionless under the attack of the giant spirit god. He slowly extended his palm, held it with his five fingers, and pressed down again.


Everything of the giant spirit **** has turned into a dream bubble. His giant spirit way was actually wiped out, all the phases of the law were spread out, it seemed to be a thunder, and the demon atmosphere was sweeping and clear.


A giant roar came out of the giant spirit god. Between this pair of kills, he suddenly disappeared without a trace. He had exhausted all the means, but he was helpless against the ancient dust and sand, and he had to be far away before trying to countermeasures. .

"Gu Chensha, if I haven't completely integrated the Yuanshi demon and the witch ancestor, would you let you be fierce here today?" Giant Spirit Shinto: "But you will not have such good luck next time."

"Do n’t wait. The failure of this time means that you cannot survive the flood gate, and the general situation has been reversed. The flood gate is about to be saved by me. If you are smart, go now and save With a little foundation, if there is no stubbornness, there is no place for burial. "Gu Chensha combined his hands, and the power of sacrifice suddenly spread again, and his power of the world also began to calm the violent dragon spirit in the depths of Honghuang Longmen.

Oh oh ...

The sound of the ghost crying and shouting resounded deep inside the flood gate, Gu Chensha knew that he had started to touch the real sin.

This is the most critical moment. He saw in the depths that countless demon shadows were flickering. These demon shadows are completely different from the demon heads in the demon realm, but the deepest and most profound sin and karma, sin and retribution. .

"good stuff."

Gu Chensha looked at these sins, karma, sin, and retribution. It is simply the most rare elixir I have seen.

He couldn't wait to take a breath.

Zizi ...

Immediately, the Divine Gourd flew over his head, and then pointed at the sins in the depths of the flood-stricken dragon gate, and came out with a mighty suction.

A dark Changhong was immediately absorbed by the Divine Gourd.

One of them, Xingqiangshi, suddenly came out with a fearful look: "Gu Chensha, what are you going to do? Are you going to kill me completely? As long as I have contaminated this sin, it will be gone forever."

"So Xingqiang, you have not realized the essence of me. These sin karma is a great supplement to me, and a great supplement to the gourd of the state, the sin of all beings, the sin of all beings, The karma of all sentient beings, the reward of all sentient beings, I will bear it. My wish is that after beings, there will no longer be karma and sin, sin and retribution. All belong to me. From then on, there is no magic between heaven and earth. The devil belongs to me. All evil is blessed on me. "

The tone of ancient dust and sand is getting louder and louder.

This sound gathered into a torrent of torrents, repeatedly washing away the sins in the depths of the flood gate.

Sure enough, with his vows, these sins seemed to be sharks who smelled blood, swarming up, all gathered towards him.

While ancient dust sand absorbs the sins here with the Divine gourd, it also absorbs the sins frantically.

He is using this to save the flood gate.

As countless sins poured into the gourds of the Divine Land, Xingqiang had no voice at all. He was like a drowning man who had sunk into the water and could no longer call for help.

"Xingqiang, you give up your way, and inspire your sacrifice, abandonment, and the way of salvation, so that you can truly refine sin and use it for yourself. If you do n’t give up all thoughts, you will be sinned Affected, the will is completely dissipated in the end. "Gu Chensha pointed to Xingqiangshi.

He didn't mean to kill Xing Qiongshi. His hope was to reverse Xing Qiong's thinking and accept the idea of ​​Jingxianji, just like the **** of good fortune, who had originally opposed Jingxian, but now he fully accepts Jing The idea of ​​the immortal secretary, devoted himself to the work of Jingxian Secretary, devotes himself to sacrifices and sacrifices every day.

Such a spirit is called concentric.

The last thing that Gu Chensha has to do is concentric.

Xingqiang is also one of the sentient beings, and it is the pinnacle of all sentient beings. If he can make him share the same mind for Jingxian Division, that would be a great benefit.

A sincere sacrifice of Xingqiangshi, although it can't raise the saint, is not much worse.

In particular, many ancient emperors have not been able to influence Xingqiangshi, but if the ancient dust and sand can do so, then his reputation and achievements in meditation will be far beyond those of ancient emperors.

This prestige spread in the Ming Dynasty was a huge asset, making the prestige stronger and the order of the court closer.

At this time, Xingqiangshi was silent and seemed to be resisting sin, or thinking about whether to abandon his Tao and convert to the ancient dust and the Tao of Jingxian Division.

Gu Chensha left him alone. He knew that Xing Qiongshi was not so easy to die, so regardless of him, Xing Qiongshi would not give up his own way anyway until the last moment.

It is not so easy to change Xingqiangshi.

He himself started to run the world, absorbed sin, and incorporated all these sin karma into his own Sacred Heart of Truth, to make it complete.

His Holy Word, www.readwn.com, is the way to fill the heavens, the way to reform the heavens, and now he has a great mind who is willing to bear all the karma for all beings.

This is not a hypocritical wish, but he is really doing it, and bears the sin for the Honghuang Longmen.

Then the various mentalities of Honghuang Longmen spread, making everyone in the world as holy.

The Holy Dragon's Way has become the norm.

With such sinful things, sin is rolling, but Guchensha is willing to bear it.

Countless sin karmas have been incorporated into the ancient Sacred Heart of Truth to supplement the heavens, to reform the heavens, and to contain all things.

These sacred hearts are afraid of the most powerful sacred heart from ancient times to the present.

This Cause is near eternity, immortality, immortality, immortality.


{Today there is still only one chapter, and the thinking is bad. Depression. }

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