Dragon Talisman

Chapter 796: Endless needle

Chapter 796 Endless Needle

"You and I have not been able to truly wield the true power of the Endless Sword and the Endless Sword. The Endless Sword is the number one treasure among the thirty-six treasures. Rumors can sever Tianhe, destroy chaos, and kill Tianshou. In leisure, the power is even above that of the **** of cutting the fairy. E novel WwhanW. "1XIAOSHUO.COM" The cold light flashes in the eyes of the ancient sword, "If the world has a robbery, we should The first time to kill the Jingxian Masters of Jingxian Division, to take their luck. These senior commanders rule the world, well organized, and the people gathered on them are unimaginable. If they can all be seized, it is equivalent to eating more than half of Jingxian Division As a result, this has to be considered. "

"That's natural. Now Jingxianji governs the world. Basically, big and small things are decided by handsome men, because this handsome man has no selfishness, exquisite calculations, and uniqueness. He has become a symbol of justice in the world. Observe carefully that these people have gathered together, and they have condensed in their bodies something similar to the true gods. It is not trivial. "Ancient bullet swords and ancient constant swords strolled and walked. The square was full of vocals, fish and dragons, and masters came out. , Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, but the two always felt that there was a huge breath in the distant government house, staring here and there, no one can play tricks.

Throughout the entire Yinzhou, every household, every person, and the changes in the geography of mountains and rivers, it seems that under the shroud of Skynet, countless data have been collected by this Skynet, gathered in one place, analyzed, and brewed , To run, so as to come up with the best plan to govern the world.

Thanks to the ancient bullet sword and ancient constant sword repaired to a high depth, you can avoid the shroud of this sky net and collect data.

Otherwise, the two of them would have been followed for a long time, and the data and information would be gathered into the "Little Hongmeng Tree".

"Awesome, amazing! The entire Shenzhou, now headed by Cangsheng, sits in the states, and then connects them, gradually setting up a skynet in the midst of the sky. This skynet clearly observes everything and everything is vivid. Every move is always under the control of Jingxian Division. No small movement can escape this change. This is the real monitoring of the world. "The more ancient swords and ancient swords, the more they felt they could not act lightly.

"The strong man who has cultivated to the fifteenth change of the state is the sky with his eyes suspended and flying his own **** to the sky. Then all the conditions in the land of thousands of miles can be seen. Not to mention the god-level strong man. . It is not surprising that Jingxian Division can do this. "Gu Dan Jiandao.

"In the past, even the emperor had this power, such as Wu Di at the time, he did not dare to do so, because many families would not allow the emperor to do this. This is tantamount to offending them, but the current family has no temper. , Can only let Jingxianji show, especially the Wu family, completely turned to Jingxianji. Wu Sheng was resurrected and became a celestial respect, now he is a guest and high-level giant of Jingxianji, and has given many family examples. And recently, the ancient dust and sand have even returned. Resurrected the universe, so that many families are more trusting, because Jingxian Si can help them revive the old ancestors of the saints! I ca n’t see the future, if Jingxian Si can resurrect Taiyi Xuanmen of Taiyi Xuanmen, the strength will be further "Gu Changjian gradually analyzed:" Under this surveillance, we are afraid that even those who have reincarnated the endless treasure, it is difficult to escape the surveillance of Yasuji. "

"The endless treasure is the result of a kind of will that is free from the core of heaven. Jingxian now wants to take complete control. It's too early. I and the giant spirit **** have nothing to do with the snake. I got some real things from him. Secret, as long as I meet the reincarnated person of the endless treasure, I can urge the mystery of heaven, communicate with my breath, connect the number of qi, and cover up together. No matter how powerful the Jingxian Division is, it will definitely not be us, and every time we gather One more endless treasure will be multiplied by practice, forming a formation, and invincible. "The ancient bullet sword is truly well-informed.

"Unexpectedly, my brother actually calculated the giant spirit **** secretly. It is really amazing." Gu Changjian secretly was shocked. In fact, he and the ancient bullet sword teamed up and calculated each other. Both of them were inseparable, and they both seized the deepest part of their hearts. The idea of ​​the other endless treasure.

"This is nothing, the giant spirit **** claims to be invincible, and the plot is unparalleled, but he is not invincible after all, this time it is seen that he is still in the downside in front of the ancient dust and the means are exhausted, and he is finally forced into This is a last resort. "Gu Tanjian secretly looked around, pretending to be a noble disciple, looked east and west in the square, and seemed to want to buy good things.

There are also some inexplicable things obtained from the ancient ruins in the Demon Realm on the square. It seems to be of little use. But in the eyes of the sight-seeing person, it is a big baby. Many masters will come to pick up the leaks and enjoy it.

Just then, a woman caught sight of the ancient sword.

This woman is very young, less than twenty years old, has a beautiful face, and wears a veil. Inside is a classic dress of a lady painted with gold and embroidery, which looks extremely dusty.

The female face was indifferent, it seemed that the snow and ice would never change for thousands of miles, and she had a "ring of human dragon" on her finger. This ring was a space ring created by the Secretary of Jingxian Division. The self-contained space can store a lot of things, but it is the best treasure in the realm of magic.

The value of "Renlongjie" is extremely high. It is difficult for even the average family to buy from Jingxian Division. It is not that Jingxian Division does not sell it, but the price is too high.

Those who can afford the dragon ring are strong heroes.

This woman brazenly wore a dragon ring, but it aroused many people's peeping. Many evil and deceitful people came to Niezhou, so-called speculation.

However, no one dared to take action. At first, this woman must have a stunt. Second, now the dynasty has strict laws and no leaks. Anyone who breaks the law immediately kills, not to mention a monk, even Tianzun Tianshou. Evasion of sanctions. Since the news came out that the first fierce **** in ancient China had torn many ancient emperors and the tortured clan had been crushed and made into a magic weapon by the Jingxian Division, countless monk masters in the world thoroughly surrendered to the court, and they did not dare to violate any legal.

In addition, there are many people in the civil society who are righteous and protect the majesty of the court.

Of course, even if the Jingxian Division is stronger, the whole world, there are still treacherous and evil spirits, it is impossible to prohibit all, if not all, it is the true concentricity of all beings, the ancient dust will be able to enter the deep, unbelievable realm .

"Why? This girl has a problem?" Gu Changjian asked secretly: "Why didn't I feel it? This girl shouldn't be the incarnation of the endless treasure."

"No, I already have a sense of this girl, you are the reincarnation of the endless sword, ranking second, naturally less sensitive to me than the treasure of the endless, if this girl is the reincarnation of the endless needle, endless The needle is small and sharp. It can break all forbidden laws and obstacles. Any defensive spell can't escape the needle. It is even more critical that the needle is silent and sandy, the most difficult to prepare. It often fights with people. In the meantime, it will take human life, and even the opponent does not know who it is. In addition, the needle can heal the disease and stimulate the potential. This woman has awakened the change of the endless needle, so no one can detect it. Now, the endless heart is divided into nine, fighting with each other, and the ability to sense is greatly reduced. Between the world, only I can sense. "A smile appeared on Gu Danjian's face, and he walked towards the woman.

This indifferent iceberg woman has just come out of the Demon Realm, she is watching around, she also wants to buy something, and she is also selling her income from the Demon Realm.

Gu Danjian greeted him: "This girl, I see that you just came out of the Demon Realm and took the dragon ring. You must have arrested a lot of demons, can we talk in detail?"

"Oh?" The woman glanced at the ancient bullet sword: "What level of demons do you want to buy as a subordinate?"

Demon heads above the realm are now very good at letting go. The most important thing is that the demon heads above the realm are the most planted and cultivated, and the guards operate the spiritual gathering method.

Nowadays, many fields in the world are no longer ordinary fields, but instead they are spiritual fields that are equipped with the spirit gathering. The spirit gathering is not something that ordinary people can take care of. They must always be proficient in the spirit gathering and the Feng Shui formation. The layout operation is a laborious and delicate work.

"The higher the level, the better. I don't know which devil the girl has?" Gu Tanjian looked like a man of wealth.

"I have a demon in the realm of magic here. I wonder if you can afford it?" The woman said coldly, without any slight emotional fluctuations, as if she were born with an immortal black ice.

"It seems that the girl has a more advanced demon head." Gu Tanjian was not surprised when he heard it, and asked again.

This surprised the woman a little.

In any expert's opinion, the demon head that has become a mana is the twenty realms of impermanence. This kind of demon head is no longer afraid of some mechanical means of Tiangongyuan ~ www.readwn.com ~ Disasters, even if the wealthy family wants to manage, is extremely difficult. The ancient bullet sword didn't care at all, and the woman naturally thought.

"How advanced do you want to be?" The woman asked coldly again.

"What is the level of the demon god?" Gu Danjian smiled. "I see the strength of the girl, and I can definitely surrender to the demon god. If people don't tell the secret, I and the girl can cooperate in a deep level."

"Who the **** are you?" The woman's intentions appeared.

"Be quiet and restless, this place is closely monitored by Jingxianji. If you show some signs, you will be noticed by Jingxianji, I am afraid that a great disaster is imminent." Gu Danjian waved his hand: "You must think that you can resist Jingxianji's grasp catch?"

"Looks like you know some people?" The woman frowned. "That being the case, let's go into the depths of the Demon Realm. In the depths of the Demon Realm, the strength of the Jingxian Division has not gone there."

Between words, the cold woman turned and stepped into the teleportation array.

Gu Danjian looked at Gu Changjian, nodded, and followed him.

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