Dragon Talisman

Chapter 799: The future withers

Chapter 799 The Future Withers


Fushou God appeared next to Zhuge Ya. E small Ω┡ said Ww "W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Fushou Shen's cultivation has now reached a state of meditation, realizing different numbers. As long as he understands the different numbers, he can be promoted to heaven.

You know, the **** of fortune has obtained three of the true gods of **** fortune, gathered together, and cultivated as the true **** who has passed most of the ancient times. Even the Capricorn **** is not as good as him according to the essence.

Because he has also obtained various cultivation methods of Jingxian Division, he has realized the mystery and hopes to break through the realm of heaven.

All the people in Jingxian Division are the most promising to achieve the odd number, not to mention anything else, the former "king of the odd number", Xingqiang, was completely refined into ancient Chinese gourd by ancient dust.

The current Divine Gourd also contains different ways.

Sooner or later, Gu Chensha will thoroughly understand the way of the strange number, and then make the people of Jingxian Division into a different number, and they will all become Tianzun in the future.

"Mother, what is Chaos Emperor? Really all ghosts have emerged." The **** of fortune also knows the situation here: "Last Lord was chopped by the giant spirit rune in the flood gate last time. The rune is the secret of the Endless Sword and the Endless Sword, so the Lord came back to calculate, and already knew who the owner of the Endless Sword and the Endless Sword is, that is the ancient bullet sword and ancient constant sword. So I did n’t catch it immediately, just to put a long line and catch a big fish. If you catch other endless treasures, who knows, there are seven endless treasures at the fishing place, and what is the chaos emperor. "

"I look at the Chaos Emperor is just a gimmick name this person took." Zhuge Ya thought for a while: "But this person said from the future, it is worth considering, whether this person is true or false, this person's strength is It is extremely arrogant. It is not under the old antiques of the masters of the immortals and the masters of the Wanxian, and there are still some details, otherwise these endless treasures cannot be suppressed. "

"The incarnations of these endless treasures are in fact not weathered. Their strength is far inferior to that of Tianzun, including the ancient bullet sword and ancient Changjian. Now they can only compete with Tianzun." Fushou Shinto: "Even if it is That endless sword can be suppressed by my current practice. It is only natural that these people can be suppressed by that Chaos Emperor. "

"Treat this man with all his strength." Zhuge Ya said: "This man actually collected needles, books, trees, dan, palaces, pens, and armors. Seven endless treasures are nothing but trivial things, so I'm afraid he's real. I can collect all the remaining endless treasures. Now the endless treasures have been born. Fourteen pieces of Jingxian Division, Endless Heart, Ancient Bullet Sword and Ancient Chang Sword, plus these seven pieces, a total of twenty-four pieces, then There are only twelve remaining unborn. This also requires a secret inspection. There are thirty-six endless treasures that we must obtain. We will open the door of the heavens and obtain the throne of the emperor from this. It is the most in control of the situation. The key point. "

"Go, let's go back and report to Wang Ye." Fushou Shen and Zhuge Ya joined forces to return from the Demon Realm again and reached Xiaohongmengshu.

At this time, the ancient dust and sand settled under the tree, restored its strength, and realized the mystery.

"Master Wang." Fushou Shen knelt on one knee and said what had just happened.

"Emperor Chaos ......" Gu Chensha opened his eyes: "Interesting, a little interesting, I dare to give myself such a name, arrogant, not far from death. He claims to be from the future, which is also a bit Taste, let ’s take a look and see what this person's history is. Suddenly such an expert is suddenly worthy of deliberation. "

"The prince is so powerful that he must be able to trace the root cause by calculation." Zhuge Ya frowned: "I am still the pinnacle of the thirty-sixth state of change, and I have not been able to break through the heavenly respect. If we can break through the heavenly state, we can infer that Some whereabouts. "

"No hurry, brother Zhuge has learned more about Divine Gourd, and after familiarizing himself with the characteristics of the King of Xingqi's heterogeneous number, he will conduct a series of enlightenment. He will surely be able to enlighten the heterogeneous number and be promoted to Heavenly Supreme. The alternatives to Tianzun are you and Fushou God, as well as Uncle Wen, and the others are worse. "Gu Chen said:" I am now integrating the way of the strange number into Renlongquan, and later Renlongquan practice. From then on, from foolish to inferior qualifications, intermediate qualifications, superior qualifications, geniuses, Wizards of the world, born saints, and finally to different numbers, all work step by step. "

"Everyone's achievement of a natural saint's qualifications is already a great anti- heavenly behavior. If everyone is a strange number, then it is really to let all people escape from the control of heaven, and completely destiny will be lost. In order to retreat, we must come down and deal with us. "Zhuge Yadao said.

"The guy who claims to be the Chaos Emperor should be the layout of heaven." At this time, a cloud of smoke was released above the palm of the ancient dust sand. This smoke cloud began to diffuse and gradually formed a picture. In this picture, about In the first year of Tianfu, in a deep place in the endless world, a place called 'burned out 6', there was a huge dynasty with a population of hundreds of billions, far beyond the Middle-earth China and even large. The dynasty of Wei, the name of this dynasty is called burning, big burning. Then, one day, the emperor's queen suddenly had a dream, dreaming that the sky was falling apart, the sun and the moon were sinking, and eternity was like a long night, and heaven and earth returned to chaos, and the end came. Just as the dream was lingering all day long, suddenly in the dark night, a light appeared, and the light fell into her arms. Then the dream woke up, and the beads became dark, giving birth to a prince.

After the birth of the prince, he was extremely clever. When he grew up a little, he calmed down the Quartet rebellion, gathered countless heroes, displayed all the opposition forces, expanded the territory, cut demons and demons, managed the country smoothly, flourished, and then became king.

"It turns out that this guy is the emperor of the 'Burning Big 6' Great Burning Dynasty, which is separated from us by many billions of miles? I actually came to China to disturb the wind and rain? So it is also false to say that it comes from the future?" Fushou God Seeing the ancient dust and sand calculations, such a scenario actually appeared, and a sneer appeared on his face: "A foreign country, although it has a large population, is far worse than our Middle-earth China, but it is still posing as chaos. The great emperor came to make waves, and it seems that I want to destroy the country. "

"This man is indeed a little strange, saying that it comes from the future, and it is not a false word." Gu Chensha accepted his own calculations: "The queen of the Great Burning Dynasty dreamed of the destruction of the world, and a light was born into his arms. This is the birth of this son, and the origin of this son is very well known. In fact, the past, the present, and the future III way can be grasped for the heavenly way. Some old antiques of the ancient age have been resurrected, and some of the powerful characters in the future. It is not unusual to be transported into this great world by the influence of heaven. And this person is known as the Chaos Emperor, but there are some means, because this person does have a special ability, which is to refine all kinds of chaos. Baby, you do n’t need any power of the world, and the means and degree of refining are far beyond imagination. For example, I have now refined a baby out of chaos ... ”

Ancient dust and sand.

Immediately, a mass of chaos came down.

Then Guchensha injected his own world power into it, and this chaotic air was creeping, some impurities were squeezed out, and gradually changed into a flying sword.

This flying sword gradually narrowed, and the breath of innate spirits was transmitted above it. Numerous runes, such as the stars of the Tianhe River, ran in the flying sword.

Three hours later, the sword shook, and began to soar out of thin air.

"It was made by imitation of an endless sword. It is powerful and can cut the world of dust. This sword is refined from chaos. It will take three hours. If it is an old antique in the realm of life, even if it is ten thousand Xianshi, to create such an identical flying sword from the chaos, it will take a few years or even ten years. "Gu Chen said:" And I only need three hours, this is my realm. Already far above Wanxian. "

He then waved his hand again, and a cloud of smoke appeared again, and he saw that the armored mysterious man who claimed to be the Chaos Emperor was also practicing magic. In front of him, a hill composed of chaotic elements appeared, and then he caught the chaos elements Refined.

The degree of refining is only slightly slower than the ancient dust, far below the old antiques of Wanxianshi and Xianzhu.

"This person's cultivation is ~ www.readwn.com ~ but it is the realm of Tianshou, but the use of chaotic element power is far beyond the realm of Tianshou, which means that he can create many treasures in a short time, so he claims Emperor of Chaos. It does not mean that he can truly dominate Chaos. At best, this person is only very close to Chaos. This person is very useful to me. I caught him and refined it into the gourd and the small Hongmeng tree. In the future, our manufacturing capacity will be greatly enhanced, and his thinking is from the future, which is more useful to me. "

Gu Chensha stroked with a single stroke, and suddenly a vast river emerged in front of him, without beginning and end, until the end of time.

"This is the long river of time, the road of time. It has been vast and rolling forward, and we have built a dam on this river and cut off the water." Suddenly, this long river In the center, a dam suddenly appeared.

The dam was intercepted in the middle of the long river, and the future behind the river began to wither.

"The main body of the dam is the emperor. The emperor emerged out of thin air, cutting off the long river and making the future wither, and some powerful beings living in the future, under the action of heaven, have appeared here one after another. In ancient times, that is, during the days of Tianfu, it was an attempt to break the dam and make the long river run through again. "Guchen Sand Road.

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