Dragon Talisman

Chapter 836: Wenqu

Chapter 836 Wenqu

The strategy of ancient dust and sand is now intertwined. ΩΩE novel WWW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

He has obtained the loyalty of the King of Sentence, and the sacrificial power generated every day gathers in the small Hongmeng tree. After refining, he extracts its essence and penetrates into the Divine gourd, making the Divine gourd more and more powerful.

Then King Jinmen is under his calculations, and the essence of sacrifice also falls into the grasp of Jingxian Division.

Extracting this power from Zhuge Ya actually broke through the realm of heaven.

Jingxian Division now has five heavenly priests. In ancient times, it has been able to penetrate the sky. Even now, it can definitely dominate the world. However, with this power, it is not enough to fight with the emperor and seize the future heaven.

Ancient dust and sand in the city of Yinzhou, looking up at the starry sky, watching the stars, sometimes meteors cut through the sky, landed in the land of Shenzhou, and then disappeared completely, he knew that another person who reincarnated the stars appeared.

In the past, he could not clearly see who the stars were, and who the reincarnation was, but now he can see clearly how sacred the incarnation is.

After he obtained the loyalty of King Jinmen, Xiu Wei vaguely broke through to the realm of the thirty-fifth change in the Taoism, which was a "dust and flood".

After reaching this realm, his cultivation will soar again, and his operation strength has a terrible taste.

In order to paralyse the Jingxian Division, the "Chu Feng" who is the incarnation of the King of Jinmen must continue to sacrifice. Between the sacrifice, it has greatly helped the ancient dust and sand. At the same time, the ancient sword of the tormenting king is operating the Great Burning Empire It gradually became the climate, and the sacrifice of King Xiao Yanxu and the snake, the sacrifices gradually gathered, and hundreds of billions of people burst out. The huge sacrifices washed into the small Hongmeng tree, making Xiaohongmeng tree's reserve. Extremely vast.

Among other things, Guchensha can now use the power of this sacrifice to make a few more moves, "The Wrath of the Heavenly Emperor", even more powerful than the Daqianhonghuanglonglei.

"In the future heavenly court, in addition to the Emperor of Heaven, the emperor's harem is not counted. The Lord of the Sun and the Moon is equivalent to the position of the Prime Minister. His cultivation is to master the sun and the moon, and the stars are in operation. The strength is equivalent to many old antiques in the realm of Heaven . And the nine heavenly kings, all of them are the pinnacle of the heavenly realm, and they are also in charge of the huge world-class magic weapon. Then there are many true gods, star kings, fairy officials, layer by layer, if the heaven in the future really appears, Not counting the Emperor of Heaven, its size and strength are far from what we can compare. Even if the Jingxian Division adds up to the imperial court, even one thousandth of the heaven in the future will not be able to match. "Gu Chen calculated his strength.

His current cultivation is comparable to the characters of Tianyuan Realm, and even defeated. He calculated that he is now almost comparable to the future Chaos King in the heyday.

If he is promoted to heaven, then the nine heavenly kings who swept the heyday in the future will not be a problem, and they can suppress the future sun and moon master.

However, if he wants to defeat the Emperor of Heaven in the heyday of the future, it is impossible even to cultivate the state of heaven.

Even if he went further and cultivated into Tianshou and Tianyuan, there was no such possibility. Unless he practiced and reached the realm of heaven, it would be possible to suppress the emperor of the heyday.

Of course, if Tiandi appears now, his strength cannot be compared with the future heyday.

But Guchensha was worried that after the Emperor Tian was born, his promotion was very fast, but his promotion was slow and he could not keep up with the pace of the Emperor. In this way, he could not only suppress the Emperor, but he would be suppressed by the Emperor.

As for the other people, Gu Chensha is certain to kill, suppress, and deal with.

Even Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, Gu Chensha now has enough confidence to surrender, because the origin of Gu Tiansha was devoured by him by a tenth. After gaining a huge advantage, he has gained the upper hand, but this People are also a tricky issue.

Of course, it is just tricky, and it does not constitute a huge threat.

Only Tiandi, Gu Chensha really did not have the confidence to suppress killing, or surrender. This is not Gu Chen's unsteady character, but a calm and rational analysis of strength. However, Gu Chensha is thinking of some means, and he is still improving.

First, he will be promoted to heaven, and he will realize the dragon-free mind, and the more holy dragon, so that everyone in the world can become a different number, and then gather the power of sacrifice. The dust will evolve again to a level where it can compete with the Emperor.

At least he found a way to deal with the Emperor.

Generally speaking, the purity of the power of sacrifices is different from the number of born saints. Because the number does not respect heaven, it is an anti-natural existence, so the number does not worship any existence. Since ancient times, Almost no one can get different sacrifices.

If the ancient dust sand turns all the people in Shenzhou into different numbers, the sacrificial power obtained can be against the sky.

But even the people of Shenzhou are not geniuses, but the differences are too far away.

But Gu Chensha is confident to elevate the people of Shenzhou.

"Thousands of changes, sacrifices and gains! Three thousand true gods, the power of stealing the sky! There are five thieves in the sky, and then you can see the change!" Gu Chensha ran his own cultivation. Suddenly, one of his thoughts was in the underworld. In fact, he actually communicated with Honghuang Longmen and came to the deepest part of Honghuang Longmen.

Later, Gu Chensha saw the power of a vast sacrifice, which was a sacrifice close to three thousand true gods.

"Stealing the sky for another day!"

Suddenly, Guchensha began to absorb the power of these sacrifices, and then re-evolved his mind to simulate the power of sacrifices, still in the flood gate, making Na Chufeng unable to feel it.

This is equivalent to the ancient dust and sand drilling into the silver vault, stealing a large amount of silver, and using the mud to shape the silver, brushing a layer of silver paint on the outside posing as fish eyes mixed with pearls.

This is equivalent to three thousand true gods sacrificing themselves, and the ancient dust and sand in the moment, has obtained great satisfaction, the true **** sacrifices are simply unparalleled.


A wave of power passed above the ancient dust sand deity.

Suddenly, Gu Chen's body suddenly turned into hundreds of millions of dust, each dust is turning into a world, this world is not a fantasy, but a real world.

This world keeps flowing and changing with each other, and finally gathers together, and begins to evolve into the force of Zhongqian, and then it is born from it.

His realm reached the thirty-fifth transformation "dust flood".

However, now that he is clearly in the state of thirty-five changes, he can actually give birth to a thousand forces, which is simply an incredible situation.

Upon reaching the realm of the Thirty-Fifth Change, Gu Chen's strength soared again.

In this state, Gu Chensha wants to seize the Hongmen Dragon Gate and thoroughly refine it. He has more control. Now, a core control right deep in the Honghuang Gate has been basically controlled by Gu Chensha at 20%. As more and more sacrifices of the three thousand true gods were stolen by Guchensha, then his control would become greater and greater. After five-tenths of the last, they could be collected directly, refining and repressing all Jinmen Heavenly Kings. ,surrender.

He can play whatever he wants.

"It's a little worse, you can practice to reach the thirty-sixth change. He is in the realm of freedom. This realm is also very beneficial to me. After reaching this realm, then I am one step away from Tianzun." Gu Chensha Thinking again in my heart: "As soon as you reach Heaven, you can do a lot of things. This must be accomplished by King Jinmen. King Jinmen seduce Chaos King, Daluo King, Donghua King, Wisdom King. In addition, Donghua King Master the Hongmeng Tree, and when he is born, the Hongmeng tree that the three great celestial beings will fall into the hands of Donghua Heavenly King. There will be no calculations about this three great celestial deities, and they will definitely not give up the Hongmeng tree. There will be a huge battle, and I can take this opportunity to get more things. Also, Giant Spirit God, this time I grab your core and see how you run away! When I completely control the Honghuang Dragon Gate , Is your death, and now you live longer. "

Among the three thousand true gods, there are giant spirit gods among them.

The sacrifice of the giant spirit **** is also caught by the ancient dust sand. Through this sacrifice, the ancient dust sand can let the giant spirit **** die without burial place and be completely controlled, but now the ancient dust sand can not fight the grass and scare the snake, and destroy the flood gate. Big plan.

After the ancient dust and sand has obtained the flood gate, it can use the power of the gate to make people in the world quickly become geniuses, wizards, and even natural saints.

Although Gu Chensha wanted to capture and kill the giant spirit **** immediately, he still needs to be patient.

Subsequently, Gu Chensha's will came out, and he focused on "Chu Feng". At this moment, "Chu Feng" was talking to the reincarnated person.

In the demon realm of the bottomless sea of ​​sin, many masters are fighting.

Now I want to be promoted quickly, and it is the best way to fight with the demons ~ www.readwn.com ~ The first is to gain combat experience, the second is to obtain merits in exchange for wealth, and the third is to sacrifice the demons and sacrifice the Jingxian Division to obtain More stuff.

Jingxianji now has a huge manufacturing system, imitating heaven, as long as someone kills the sacrifice, you can get some things you want. At the same time, Jingxianji also has a trading system, in which countless people can trade on this trading platform, so that the buying and selling on the market is really active.

In the fifth layer of the demon domain, there are so many demons, who can come here are masters.

"Chu Feng" is talking to a teenager.

This boy actually revealed a sense of chaos in his body. Obviously, his power has reached the realm of the twenty-ninth change of the state, "sense of chaos", only one step to reach the **** of the thirty change to create the world. Level realm.

Even now, the world is still a giant.

Among the origins of this boy, there are also huge origins of stars.

"Wen Qu Xingjun, don't you want to join Jingxian Division yet?" Chu Feng asked in disguise.

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