Dragon Talisman

Chapter 862: The same is against the sky

Chapter 862 Both Are Against the Sky

The immortal master and the ancestors of heaven and earth watched Gu Chensha pull the disappearing 360-headed magpies from the void, and then all of them were struggling violently, but they turned into an article and merged into In the article without dragon mind.

The dragon-free mind method seems to include all civilizations, manufacturing, cultivation, enlightenment, Yuanshen, and reason. Anything can be learned from the dragon-free mind.

This mindset is the general outline of all things, the source of all things, the true heart of cultivation, and the foundation of immortality.

The three hundred and sixty-headed puppets of the Heavenly Supreme level actually disintegrated and melted in this way, and became a part of the Dragon-free Heart Method. A lot.

"This is the case for the production of puppets at the level of Tianzun. The prehistoric civilization is really powerful. It actually caught some loopholes in the Tao and opened a new path." Gu Chen said: "The manufacturing technology among them is for me It is very useful. It really is my blessed land. With this, I have become more difficult to promote Tianzun. "

Gu Chensha put this article without dragon spirit into his body and strolled forward again.

"This is not the center of the ruins. I must find the core system of the ruins. After refining, I can master the whole ruins and obtain the true wisdom of prehistoric civilization." The three hundred and sixty-level magpies are just the first pass of defense. Then there are more powerful killing moves, and if I have not guessed wrong, I am afraid that I will encounter some old acquaintances. , These old acquaintances also want to obtain the remains of this prehistoric civilization. They are even afraid of being acquired by me. "

The old acquaintances mentioned by Gu Chensha may be some heavenly kings, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, or other powerful beings.

Gu Chensha knew that Tiandi stared at his every move secretly. If he had obtained this system of prehistoric civilization, all the advantages of Tiandi would disappear, and then he would be in a disadvantage and be eaten away by Gu Chensha bit by bit.

Therefore, Tiandi will never allow himself to acquire the system of this prehistoric civilization, or even the crystallization of all wisdom.

He continued walking and left the square.

I walked through the square, and then came to another space, this space is also very wide, in the center is a huge altar, above the altar, there are light **** like stars floating, each light ball is only the size of a firefly, but you can see these Among the spheres of light, many sentient beings are exhibiting vigorously, and they are using the hands of science and technology to spread the world.

"These light spheres have systematically selected agents. Those agents ruled their respective worlds, exhibited scientific and technological civilization, and consolidated the national movements. They will gather here and form a light ball. The ball is as vast as the stars, which means that this system has controlled many worlds. ”Gu Chen observed carefully.

The color of this light ball is different. Some are white, that is Xiaoqian World, some are cyan, that is Zhongqian world, some are pure gold, that is Daqian world, and some are purple gold, that is among Daqian world. Pinnacle.

In the chaos of time and space, countless worlds are penetrated by the system of this prehistoric civilization.

"Is that a lot of big 6s in the heavens?" Gu Chensha saw the star-like light spheres, and some of the light spheres appeared fiery red. The light **** of that color represented the many big 6s in the heavens. .

Among the heavens, there are countless big 6s. In addition to the Four Desolates and Divine Land, there are as many people as the burning of Big 6s, as many as Hengsha. The population of those big 6s is 100 billion. Hundreds of billions, or even trillions, if humans in the entire celestial sphere are calculated, it is simply a hard-to-clear number.

And many of these big 6 are penetrated by the system, in which agents are trained.

"Here it is. This is Divine Land, the national transport of our eternal dynasty."

The gaze of ancient dust and sand instantly locked one of the most dazzling existences in the light sphere. This light sphere is a flame, reddish, and can burn everything. In this flame, it appeared faintly. Shenzhou University 6, Tiangong Institute, all the creatures using the scientific and technological civilization items manufactured by the Tiangong Institute.

This is the national transport stolen by this system. For so many years, I don't know how many national transports have been stolen.

Of course, this is the result of the acquiescence of Ancient Ta Xian. Ancient Ta Xian established the Tiangong Academy to integrate the ancient civilization with the help of ancient prehistoric science and technology civilization. In his view, this prehistoric science and technology civilization also has great strengths and cannot be abandoned. It is his layout to acquiesce in this civilized system to steal the National Games.

"This national movement is our eternal dynasty. It has crossed all the worlds, and even if it is a huge world with trillions or even trillions of people, their power and sacrifice are far less powerful than our eternal dynasties." Gu Chen At a glance, you nodded secretly. This is the benefit of Divine Land. After occupying Divine Land, the imperial fortune of Divine Land is orthodox, far from many countries.

On his head, the dragon-free mind reappears. From the outside, this mind is an article, where the article swept, where the soul, the void, the material, and even all the tangible and intangible beings are affected. The influence of the article has led to detachment and freedom.

Ancient Dust Sand ’s Dragon-Free Heart Method has actually surpassed all Taoist martial arts areas and surpassed “Tian Zi Feng Shen Shu”. All the way, Ancient Dust Sand did not know how much knowledge, how much experience it absorbed, and finally condensed. There is a remnant of this dragon-free mind method. If God's system is the highest wisdom of the last technological and mechanical civilization, then the current "dragon-free mind method" is the highest crystallization and understanding of the civilization of this era.

After Guchensha gained the knowledge in this system, it was tantamount to combining the highest wisdom of two civilizations, and there was hope to replace the emperor and transform the heaven.

Now, he wants to absorb all the air transport here, and gradually cannibalize the system.

He penetrated deep into the interior, and previously collected 340 celestial puppets, and realized the secret of how to create celestial puppets, making the dragon-free mind more perfect. As a result, he has more confidence in collecting this relic. Come out for a few minutes.

Just as he received these **** of light, a sudden cloud of fog surged over them, and they disappeared again.

The highest will in this system is naturally impossible for Guchensha to collect the hard-earned luck, which once again urged some ability.

"Still wanting to hide it? I will hollow out your interior step by step and see how you can get me? After all, you are a system and haven't recovered yet, but I have to see how many means you have." Gu Chen It was a catch, and the space and time were frozen. The light spheres were actually pulled out of the hidden fog, and they seemed to fall into his hands.

Suddenly, an extremely bright light came here, cutting off the connection between ancient dust and these light balls.

Then the holy light condensed into a body, a young man in a white robe, and a crooked scepter in hand. In addition, there is a code, which contains countless sacred poems singing.

This is not a trance, but a mark left by the power of the last civilization.

The young man in this white robe has a deep breath, but it is incompatible with the present world. Gu Chensha sees that if he is not in the battleship ruins, he will be attacked by the heavens as soon as he goes out, causing devastating harm. , Become the tonic of heaven.

"This carrier of the highest civilization, you are also an anti-celestial being, unwilling to be bound by heaven, we can just work together and do many great things. We shouldn't attack each other, otherwise, we haven't all escaped Hope. "The mechanical voice of this young man in white robes still had no emotion.

"Of course we can cooperate. I came here today, that is, to seek cooperation. My dragonless mind is the highest crystallization. You also have similar things. We exchange each other and make up for each other. How?" Dusty said: "This is the most close cooperation. Our mutual knowledge is combined and both sides have been greatly improved. Since you want to cooperate, you start to exchange."

"Exchange?" The young man in the white robe smiled: "No, no, no ....... Your value ~ www.readwn.com ~ is far worse than us. If we exchange it, we will suffer a lot, I said The exchange is that you immediately let your Yong Dynasty sacrifice us all and show our civilization. In this way, all the national movements will be gathered into our system. In this way, we can protect you from You will be killed by heaven. Your strength is too weak now, and you will die at any time, so we need our protection. "

"It seems that you have no sincerity." Gu Chensha shook his head: "You are still breathing under the destruction of heaven. You do n’t even dare to enter the heavens and pretend to be dead in this chaos. If you have sincerity, I can Working with you, for example, if you give many of the worlds you control to Jingxian Division to take care of you, it will definitely be millions of times more powerful than your own business, and all your scientific and technological civilization Give it all to me, and then refine the system for me. After I defeated Heaven, I will bring you back to life. "

"Looks like we can't talk about it?" The white robe boy looked at Gu Chensha for a while, and then said: "Only siege you here, extract your origin, and then control your Divine Land. He Chaoting, do you think that your current cultivation can really obtain our wisdom in this ruin? "

"Then give it a try." Gu Chensha moved her palms, and the article without a dragon heart suddenly expanded again, sweeping towards this young man in white robe.

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