Dragon Talisman

Chapter 874: Trust

Chapter 774 Refuge

The ancient dust sand has been calculated a little, and the actual hiding positions of Donghua Tianwang and Wisdom King have been calculated. He is about to go there, suppress them, extract the origin of Wisdom King, and incorporate the Donghua Tianwang's Hongmeng tree into his body. In China, the three treasures are combined into one, which can exert great power. ┡ 』E┡" "Ω novel WwΔW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

But at this moment, the news came out of Wulong's cabinet, which forced him to go back and handle some things.


This clone of Gu Chensha reached the Wulong cabinet directly.

The Wulong cabinet is now the real authority of the court.

Moreover, the Wulong Cabinet is now established in the city of Yinzhou, and it is the center of the true Divine City. It is neither the old capital nor the wild new capital.

In that year, Emperor Tianfu moved his capital to the border, which drove the world to move side by side, causing the wild wasteland to be quickly opened up, and everyone's wealth was greatly benefited between the rolling wealth of the world.

However, times have changed. The biggest war is not the war between humans and barbarians, but the war between humans and demons. The focus of the people in the world has returned to the demon realm. Niezhou City is now the most prosperous place in the world, with countless layers of demon realms. Attacked by humans, countless demons were killed and plundered and turned into human resources. The battlefield in the demon realm has also given humans great training.

The fighting between humans and demons, human beings have all taken the upper hand, and countless layers of demons are used as trial grounds and hunting grounds. This has never happened since ancient times.

Therefore, the qi of the world and the national movement of human beings all gathered in the city of Niezhou. Gu Chensha and others naturally set up a cabinet in the city of Niezhou, in charge of the world, and suppressed Shenzhou by the way.

"One of our Jingxian divisions is called Zhang Ziran, who is the reincarnation of the endless fire? After he woke up, he immediately reported that he was willing to dedicate the endless fire to the country?" Gu Chensha reached the Wulong cabinet, and worshiped him. In the month, Zhugeya, Wen Hong, Gu Huasha, Fushou Shen, Chang Weiyang, Chang Universe, Wu Sheng and other high-level officials are present, each handling their own affairs, monitoring the Four Desolates and Divine Land, and various changes in the depths of the Demon Realm.

The situation in the world is changing with each passing day. Almost every moment, a great number of people in the state are born.

In addition, human promotion has become extremely easy.

After being promoted by many people, many people have directly changed into nine cows and two tigers, copper skins and iron bones, swallowing gold fossils, gathering spirits with gimmicks, congenital qi and other changes.

In this way, I am afraid that it will be less than a year. There are masters all over the world. Even ordinary people can completely break away from ordinaryness. All of them can become a state of affairs, and even everyone can cultivate innate suffocation and fly away from the ground.

In this way, the National Air Games will not be enhanced, but it will also bring a series of troubles. The human heart is unsatisfactory. All of them have ambitions. Yes, this is immutable. Even heaven and earth cannot be changed. Ancient dust and sand Naturally, there is no way. People's strength is growing, and ambitions are growing. There are more ambitions, but it will weaken the national spirit.

It is not that the more rude the country's people are, the stronger the national movement.

On the contrary, in the emperor's power of the past generations, sometimes the people were fools and weak people. Even some supreme truths say that the people can only be true to their belly, not their wisdom.

"Zhang Ziran, you come up."

At this time, Lou Baiyue saw the ancient dust and sand came, and slightly ordered the following, and immediately a young man was brought into the palace, with red lips and white teeth, and a handsome boy, such as jade, warm and calm, but deep inside, extremely **** At first glance, it was a teenager who was infiltrated by the original Jingxian idea.

Such a blood-blooded boy, Jingxian Secretary has cultivated many, are the foundation of the future, the backbone of the country.

As soon as this hot-blooded boy named "Zhang Ziran" came in, when he saw Lou Baiyue, Gu Chen, and others, the worship and shock of seeing idols appeared on his face.


He knelt down on one knee and a flame emerged from his hand: "My subordinate Zhang Nature, recently awakened the endless fire. I turned out to be the reincarnation of the endless fire, but I know that this endless treasure for me, It is a great bondage, so I am willing to give up this endless fire and dedicate it to the country. "

"Very good." Gu Chen's eyes repeatedly looked at this "Zhang Ziran", instead of collecting endless fire, but watching his past and future.

After a long time, Gu Chensha said, "It really is a good boy. There are so many young people like you, and we will have hope in the court and the world. You actively give up the endless fire, but also for the world. What is the endless 36 treasures? You should be clear. "

"The subordinates are very clear. The subordinates are studying the recent Tianfu Ceremony, which contains many secrets of the endless thirty-six treasures. These treasures are related to the secrets of the future Emperor of Heaven, the shock of the change of the state. If one sentence, The endless thirty-six treasures fell into the hands of ambitious people, which may cause China to rob us again and cause us to lose our hometown. I definitely will not allow this. ”Zhang naturally threw a voice,“ So I hope that the court will soon Gathering the endless 36 treasures, and then thoroughly refining Shenzhou, the future heaven will never be born, and the emperor will die. "

"You have this idea, it seems that you really understand the essence of our dragonless way. In this way, you give out endless fire and have great credit, but your own strength will also be greatly weakened. Our court is rewarding and punishing. Yan Ming will not let you suffer, but it will also allow you to make great progress. "Gu Chensha combined his hands, and the endless fire fell into his own hands, and after a slight rotation, he disappeared and became incorporated into the dragonless mind In.

Then Gu Gusha grabbed it again, an article appeared, kept changing, flowing, and finally the golden light flickered and fell into this "Zhang Ziran" body.

The body and body of "Zhang Ziran" changed, and her thoughts sprang up, and then a flame came out of her body.

The power of this flame is extremely huge. It seems to be able to sweep the heavens and refine all things. The power surpassed the endless fire just presented.

"This is the fire without dragons. The mighty power can endure endless fires, and it can also temper the form, so that your cultivation will soon reach the level of gods, saints, and even heaven." Gu Chen said: "This Fire can also grow. As long as you run your own mind, from your own mental thinking, according to the dragon-free mind method, you can make the fire more powerful. "

"Sure enough, my strength has at least doubled. The mystery of this fire is far beyond the endless fire. To be honest, this fire contains the mysteries of heaven and earth, which makes me understand that only the human heart can You can cross the heavenly path. "Zhang naturally runs the" Dragonless Fire "in his body, and suddenly a look of great surprise appeared on his face:" This fire is simply a capture of the mystery of the heavenly path, and it has endless effects, breaking ancient times, The sun and the moon are invincible. "

"Yes, now that you have been enlightened, you can also contact Wulong Gourd by virtue of this fire. If you encounter danger, the fire will automatically notify Wulong Gourd, and then the power in the depths of Wulong Gourd will come down to protect you. "Lou Baiyue said:" You have contributed this treasure, and you have to be promoted. Add five ranks to your position to enhance your treatment. In addition, you can lead a department to inspect the country and monitor the restless people and ambitions in the country. Family."

"Yes!" Zhang naturally shrank. "Now I also know that the strength of domestic people is increasing every moment, and ambitions have suddenly emerged. We must monitor them well, persuade them, and influence them so that they can move on. The right path requires everyone to unite, otherwise long-term chaos will occur. "

"Go." Gu Chensha waved.

Zhang naturally respectfully retreated.

"What do you think of this?" Lou Baiyue asked Gu Chensha.

"This is not simple. It may not be the reincarnation of the endless fire, but in my calculations, he has no problem at all." Gu Chen's face did not have any expression: "But my cultivation has reached this state, can I feel a lot of clues, and if I go further, I can observe it completely. "

"Do not talk about this problem." Lou Baiyue said: "We have done a lot of data analysis recently, and that is these days, there are a lot of masters in the world, the national transportation has increased, but the national transportation has already been different. In a pure trend, many people change their mindset as soon as they improve their practice. Www.readwn.com ~ The ambition breeds much faster than the practice. Recently, dozens of people across the country secretly broke through God. As soon as these people broke through and reached the level of God, the ambition of dominating the world and claiming to be the emperor was born deep in their hearts. Although it was not shown, the most real core in their hearts was felt by us. Maybe they are suppressing themselves, but this kind of thought can't be suppressed at all. But we can't just punish these people because of this. After all, according to the thoughts of people and the ideas that suddenly breed, we can convict people. This is really Too ridiculous. "

"This is also the greatest challenge to us from heaven." Gu Chensha looked at the countless recorded data and understood everything before him. "I will completely solve this matter. People's ideas are ever-changing, and no one can control their hearts. What will you think about next moment, and your thoughts and emotions will rise and fall, even if it ’s Tianzun, Tianshou, Tianyuan, or even Heaven, we ca n’t basically stop it. But now we can monitor the changes in the emotions of the people in the world. A great progress, we can always grasp the hearts of the people in the world and choose to correct their direction. "

"According to our data calculations, after another year, the National Games will go downhill. The world does not know how many ambitionists emerge, and then many people will break away from the imperial structure and even dominate the king. Their ambitions cannot be suppressed at all. People's ambitions can swell, and they can burn themselves to ashes. "Wen Hong sighed:" In fact, we are sitting in this position, countless people will also be envious, have ideas to pull us down and be the masters of ourselves. "

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