Dragon Talisman

Chapter 887: Long Xiangtian

Chapter 887 Long Xiangtian

"Why is there such a arrogant generation in the world, Long Xiangtian. ΩΩE novel WWW.1XIAOSHUO.COM" Gu Chensha accurately grasped the change of this divine thought, and then suddenly shook his head: "This Dragon Xiangtian actually depends on the body The endless dragon is the introduction, refining the megalithic Great Wall, transforming the megalithic Great Wall into its own magic weapon, and even secretly depriving the imperial court of luck, so that the imperial court of luck can only eat his residues. Large, even past the ancient Xuansha and Gu Tiansha. But this person understands it very well and is approaching its purpose. "

In terms of plans, Long Xiangtian can indeed succeed.

There is great hope.

When is the human spirit the purest? Of course, it is the realm of enlightenment. When you are enlightened, that spirit is the most sexual. If you absorb this spirit, it is simply the king of sacrifice.

The material that can be extracted from it can definitely cross the heavens, have endless imagination and a breakthrough spirit.

Ancient dust and sand have also been refined, and they are used to create a true state among dragon-free gourds.

With this sacrifice of enlightenment, the ancient dust and sand seems to be able to create the perfect Divine Kingdom, the true Divine Kingdom of the Middle China Divine Land.

Divine Land itself is the most bizarre land created by the Tao of Heaven. The material extracted from the human heart has certain characteristics of the Cross Heaven. If it can create Divine Land, it is much more powerful than Divine Land.

After the Boulder Great Wall became a place of enlightenment, a large number of enlightenment spirits, such sacrifice kings penetrated into it, making the Boulder Great Wall a treasure of Yuehongmengshu, sacrificial celestial sacrifice, and flood gate.

In itself, the Great Stone Wall is one of the strongest magic weapons, suppressing the energy of China, and even a kind of supreme treasure that has separated China and Sihuang.

Gu Chensha also knows that this megalithic Great Wall can be used as his own support at the most critical time. In the future, when he surrenders the Four Wildlands and Divine Land, the megalithic Great Wall will be integrated into it as his most crucial help.

And now this young man, "Long Xiangtian", is actually going to collect the Great Stone Wall. This bad behavior has already shaken the foundation of the court.

However, Gu Chensha did not immediately kill it. He has seen that the strength of this small team is unstoppable. If such hands are used, I am afraid that not only will he not be able to surrender to the other party, but he will make the other party strange. , To survive, grow rapidly, and form a true enemy.

Of course, Gu Chensha didn't care about this. If he forced the amount of force, he could make this son and this small group dead. But his body is sitting in Shenzhou, refining the four wastelands, monitoring the world, exploring the emperor, and more. To divide up some forces to observe the movements of ancient Xuansha and ancient Tiansha, the most important thing is to prevent a series of variables brought about by the battle between Tiandao and Emperor Tianfu.

Therefore, he cannot divide out too much power.

Moreover, Long Xiangtian itself is one of the variables.

In the history of the future, there is no such person as Long Xiangtian. Others, such as the Nine Heavenly Kings, have appeared in the future, and even the Emperor of Heaven. In the future, there are traces to look for, only Gu Tiansha, Gu Chensha and others have never appeared in the future.

In other words, the battle between Tiandao and Gutaxian gradually lost control. Among the two supremely existing battles, the number of qis was disordered, resulting in many variables that will not be born in the future.

The reason why the weather of Longxiang is so powerful is probably because of the battle between Tiandao and Gutaxian. The two counted against each other, their fate was scattered, and they landed between heaven and earth, so that it was born such an amazing work.

Gu Chen sand calculated slightly, and suddenly all kinds of things were well known.

His heart moved.

A smile appeared on his face.

This Dragon Xiangtian is not a person of the imperial court, nor is it a person of the Emperor, nor is it a person of Gu Tiansha, Gu Xuansha. He has his own ambition to dominate the world and unify the world.

If this person makes good use of it, maybe it is the best chess piece, which can cause great damage to Tiandi and Gutiansha and Xuansha, and he can get the benefit of the fisherman himself.

In an instant, Gu Chensha had come up with an excellent strategy.

Suddenly, he walked towards this small group.

He felt the movement of Long Xiangtian immediately, and looked at him fiercely. A force slowly penetrated, and he seemed to see the ancient dust and sand thoroughly.

But everything of Long Xiangtian is in the grasp of ancient dust, how can this child see through.

"The younger brother is an extraordinary instrument. It has been cultivated to a high depth. Between my observations, the strength of your anger is incalculable." Gu Chensha walked over and said slowly: "Such anger is bound to be a great achievement in the future. , How about I want to be friends with my little brother? "

"God-level strong?" Long Xiangtian looked at Gu Chen, a smile appeared on his face. In his opinion, this Gu Chen is hidden very well, but he can't escape his vision, the surface of Gu Chen The strength that appeared on the scene was about the Twenty Changes of the Realm, but in fact the true deity was hidden, and he thought that he had seen through all the ancient dust and sand, but did not know that all the ancient dust and sand was confusing him.

"This person is divine and has a higher level than me, but if I use the means, this person will be far from my opponent." Long Xiangtian thought to himself and stood up: "Since he is a friend, come and talk Right. "

Gu Chensha walked over, Long Xiangtian's palm moved slightly, and a table suddenly appeared in front of him, with a pot of tea and a few cups on it.

"Where is the brother?" Long Xiangtian asked.

"My surname is Zhou, I forgot my name." Gu Chensha coined a name. "It is a man from Middle-earth China. Later, he went to Donghuang to cultivate an immortal path, and achieved something. This time the world changed, I came to look for opportunities, but also Come into this boulder wall and break through the realm. "

"This is the case." Long Xiangtian said: "When the imperial court was prosperous today, the four wastelands had been surrendered. To many people who have cultivated Xiandao, Donghuang has also completed the imperial court. Tiandi Xuanmen has completely turned to the imperial court and has been adapted by the imperial court. The ancestors of heaven and earth also became the officials of the imperial court of the imperial court. The imperial court has even begun to create a **** of general life, to govern the Eastern wasteland, and based on the cultivation of the brother Zhou Zhou, it is enough to find a good position in the imperial court. "

When Gu Chensha heard Long Xiangtian's words, he knew that the person was tempting and couldn't help smiling. "The variable in heaven, who can see it clearly? Right now, the court is in a strong state, but I look at the world, it seems that people's hearts are beginning to drift. The general trend, I am afraid, is still the era of hegemony and hegemony. It is not yet known who has died, and I am not willing to be involved in the whirlpool of the imperial court. "

"Oh? Brother Zhou Wang really thinks so?" Long Xiangtian suddenly raised some interests: "Then, according to the brothers, how will the future trend show?"

"In the future, I think it ’s a group of heroes, chaotic, heroes, and older people will gradually fade. In fact, the characters who dominate the world have lost their aura. In that year, between heaven and earth, the three heavenly respects, and each This old antique suppresses Wushuang, the true God spreads faith on the earth, but now, where are the three heavenly respects? Where are all the old antiques? Even the Heavenly God Emperor has disappeared. Today, only the ancient dust and sand dominate the world. Wulong Cabinet However, as time goes by, this generation will also disappear. "Gu Chensha spoke in the tone of Long Xiangtian's hope. Deep in his heart, he accurately grasped the psychology of the son.

"It seems that Brother Zhou Wang is not a bland person, but I think that today, although the masters are emerging endlessly, compared with the imperial cabinet of the imperial court, they are still far away. I heard some rumors that the imperial court has mastered it. Honghuang Longmen, the sacrifice of heavenly sacrifice, these supreme artifacts, and even mastered the supreme mystery of prehistoric science and technology civilization, can create heavenly respect. You see that the man who lives in the world, not only has the true gods, but also has the rank of heavenly respect. Masters, even if the folks have got countless adventurers, how many people can become Tianzun? I think the world is still the court. "Long Xiangtian said deliberately, still trying to understand the details of Zhou forget, which was transformed by ancient dust.

"Otherwise, the strength of ancient prehistoric science and technology civilization is not limited to the manufacture of prestige. For prehistoric science and technology civilization, the creation of prestige is only intermediate technology. The real power is to replace heaven, but even if it is so powerful, it is still fly ash. Annihilation, the current imperial court is still far different from the pre-historic civilization heyday ~ www.readwn.com ~, how can it last forever? "Zhou Chen, who was transformed by the ancient dust, talked.

"It was a bit interesting to forget what I said that week. I do n’t know if I also have ambitions. If I have, I can surrender it as my subordinate and use it for big things in the future. But this person is god-level, I am afraid that There are also many details. Maybe it is someone from a giant force who came to look for people with energy and luck in the world, but with my current strength, although I am not afraid of some giants, I can go head to head, or I will lose both. " I was also thinking: "After I have gained the Endless Dragon, I can practice thousands of miles a day, but my current strength can only be with the saints. If I meet Tianzun, I am not an opponent."

"So much said, I haven't asked the name of the little brother yet." Gu Chensha asked.

"Yixiang Longxiangtian." Longxiangtian did not hide his name: "As for my brothers who are strong when traveling around the world, everyone takes me as the center and forms a Xianglong society to fight against the demons. , There are many unpredictable variables. Brother Zhou forget you are very powerful, what if you also join us Xianglong? We can go to the magic domain, kill countless demon heads, and build merits. "

"Nature is willing." Gu Chensha arched his hand: "I have seen for a long time that my little brother is as lucky as the scorching sun and shines in the mountains and mountains, and it will definitely not be in the pool in the future."

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