Dragon Talisman

Chapter 899: Moonfall and Starfall

Chapter 1989

Among the Divine Land and the Four Desolates, a scorching sun rose, and according to the Quartet, the Yong Dynasty, which had lost its light, was restored to Qingping. E novel Ww "W. * 1XIAOSHUO. In the moment of COM, Gu Chensha and the entire high-level cabinet of the Dragon-free Cabinet felt the rapid growth of the National Games, and instantly returned to the previous state.

On the Great Stone Wall, many people are still enlightenment and practice.

A group of people looked at the sky. One of the youths frowned, "I didn't think this ancient dust and sand used his will to replace the scorching sun of the heavens so quickly, but in this way, his will was hanging in the sky all the time. In the past, it was very exposed. Every move was noticed by us. We can observe this scorching sun and grasp the changes and repairs of ancient dust and sand anytime, anywhere. "

"Daluo, what you said is a disadvantage. This person is also good for doing this, so that everyone in the world will be bathed in his light at all times. Over time, it will have a concentric and moral effect." A young man said, this young man is a woman, wearing a green skirt, light and graceful.

"Don't think about it this simple. People in the world will absorb the power of the scorching sun and merge into their bodies during cultivation. This is an endless claim. The current behavior of Guchensha is to replace himself with delusion. Heaven, regards himself as a day to nurture sentient beings, but unfortunately, he is not heaven, and he is born to support others, and nothing is rewarded to heaven. Gu Chensha will be drained sooner or later by such beings. The sentient beings ’hearts It will never be satisfied. Because of this, in the future, our heaven will never allow all beings, especially people, to swell, and to suppress them. "For a middle-aged man, his face has a slight Smile, everything seems to be under control.

"How are we good now, the emperor has been born, even the top ten kings, judges, impermanence, etc. The masters of the land government have gathered around the emperor, but the emperor does not contact us. Does this person have Unwilling? Want to betray heaven? "Said the woman.

"Wisdom, it is impossible for the emperor to betray the heaven, and even if he has a different heart, once the emperor is born, he can completely suppress him." For his middle-aged humanity, this person is actually ranked No. One Chaos King.

The woman in green is the King of Wisdom, and the young man is King Da Luo.

Among the nine kings, the ranks are Chaos King, Da Luo King, Donghua King, Wisdom King, Jinmen King, King of Disposal, King of Disaster, King of No Calamity, and King of Great Burn.

Now Jinmen Tianwang Chufeng has been deprived of the origin by ancient dust and degraded to tartar, and the king of torture has completely taken refuge in Jingxian Division, disaster Tianwang Gucai, no King Tianqiu robbed, and Xiao Yan, the Great Burning King, is now He Xuansha, Gu Tiansha blended together, but they were all born with a ghost.

"Donghua is still refining Hongmengshu?" The King of Wisdom asked.

"I'm coming!"

Just as the voice just fell, a chic Confucian-like person appeared here, and in his eyebrow, there was a faint green tree flickering, which was the Hongmeng tree.

This Confucian is the King of Donghua.

Behind Donghua Tianwang, there were several people. It was a disaster, no calamity, and the three great kings were burned. That is, Valley disaster, Jingqiu, Xiao Yan.

"Things are big." Jingqiu first met the King of Chaos: "Hangkong killed a Dragon Xiangtian and fought against Gu Tiansha and Xuansha, which was dominated by ancient dust and sand, but the Celestial Day automatically contracted and entered With Long Xiangtian's body, in this case, I am afraid that things will change greatly. What should we do now? "

Originally, Jingqiu and others were surrendered by the prince Gu Xuansha, but how could these people sincerely mix with the prince Gu Xuansha?

In addition, beside Jingqiu, there were several people appearing in turn, namely the giant spirit god, mixed world demon ape god, capricorn god, Wanxianshi, Fa Sheng, these five nougat characters.

Wanxian, Fasheng once joined the alliance of Heaven and Earth and Xuanmen, and sacrificed the endless heart together. Unfortunately, the alliance of Heaven and Earth and Xuanmen was disintegrated by ancient dust and sand, and even the ancestors of Heaven and Earth were surrendered and suppressed. Captured away endless hearts. So the two were like dogs of a bereavement, who fled everywhere, and were eventually taken in by the King of Chaos, included in His Majesty, and became part of the future heaven.

These people have thought for a long time and think that joining the future heaven is still the right choice.

However, these people are still alive, which means that they still have energy, such as the giant spirit god, and now even the power of the Tianyuan realm, although not as good as the king, but can also stand on their own, dominate many time and space and planes still have a lot of time.

As for the Capricorn God, all the mixed ape demon gods are full of luck and will have a great role in the future.

In particular, the mixed-world demon ape **** will be the master of the demon world in the future, and even in the distant future, the mixed-world demon ape **** will even attack the heaven and finally be suppressed. But this also shows that this person is a wonderful work. In the future There are still big adventures.

These Chaos kings all know, so he still took the mixed world demon god, because the situation will definitely change in the future, who will win the battle between Tiandi and Guchensha in the future, in fact, he is not sure.

King Chaos can't see the situation clearly.

"Long Xiangtian, this person appeared out of thin air. The emperor didn't catch him, and his appearance was a huge change." Chaos King heard silence from Jingqiu for a while, "Gu Tiansha later There will be more and more characters like Long Xiangtian. These characters are the variables that Tiandao and Ancient Tatians fought against each other, and each of them will have numerous changes when they are born. Their cultivation will become more and more severe and cause more and more trouble to us. However, these characters will also cause trouble to ancient dust. "

"Chaos, you say that we are fighting with the ancient dust and sand, in case of a loss of both, will we be taken advantage of by such people, after that, Tianting will become a small person." Da Luo Tian Wang frowned: "I am faint I feel some bad anger. "

"Be careful about this situation, because now whether it is heaven, or ancient step immortals, the entire situation has lost control, they are entangled with each other, fighting each other, and now only scattered scattered sources, Gu Tiansha and Long Xiangtian were born. If their core origins were truly out of control and merged with each other, there would be Long Xiangtian, Gu Tiansha might be a hundred times as powerful, and even a thousand times more terrible. It is not an opponent at all. "Looking into the void, the King of Chaos seems to have felt that in some mysterious, inconceivable, invisible node, Tiandao and Ancient Tasian are fighting constantly.

If both Tiandao and Gutaxian collapse, and the two forces of existence merge together to give birth to an immeasurable existence, then I am afraid that it is truly over.

"If this is the case, then we should also prepare in advance now, so as not to be caught off guard." Donghua Tianwang could not help but.

"In this matter, we still wait for the Emperor's instructions. The Emperor is planning to devour Long Xiangtian, and Gu Tiansha will also be engulfed in the future. After engulfing these two existences, the emperor's origin will be more vigorous and the power of Heaven will be strengthened "Chaos Tianwang said:" What we are still doing is actually very simple, that is, according to the emperor's intentions, to disturb the world and make the ancient dust and sand people die, and they will no longer be sacrificed. In this way, he will not be able to understand The power and material of the heavenly path are extracted during the sacrifice. "

"The sacrifice of the human heart has now been fully grasped, and his dragon-free heart method has truly become a success. I can feel that even Divine Land and the Four Wildlands have been suppressed by him. It won't be long before, He will truly refining Shenzhou and the Four Wastelands completely and become part of his dragonless gourd. "Wisdom King said this woman.

"Yes, but the Emperor of Heaven is now lurking into the court and will carry out various plans. The strength of Guchensha is constrained by Sihuang and Shenzhou. Now he has to split half of his power to shine on the world. Then he can only use three points of his power. At that time, when he is the most critical, the emperor will take the shot, completely devour him and refine it. As long as the ancient dust and sand are refined, we will be able to handle everything in the future. ”Chaos King touched the boulder Great Wall and saw Countless people who practice on the Great Wall continue to break through the realm. Since the scorching sun of heaven has disappeared, people ’s practice seems to have become faster, and there is almost no **** in the realm, which means that the Tao of Heaven is full. The contraction force in terms of ~ www.readwn.com ~ all laws and causal order have changed from thin to no. The big era of chaos is coming. "

"That's right." Everyone present nodded, and each of them felt that their own bottlenecks for spiritual practice became extremely relaxed, or even gone. Basically, as long as the strength is accumulated, they can directly break through the realm. Go up.

Tiandao deregulated. The first time was 36 years of Tianfu, the practice of people in the world became extremely easy, and then this time, the scorching sun suddenly disappeared. It was the will of heaven to give up the universal exposure to the world and try to shrink. Power, even if the world is in darkness.

Hum ...

Just as a few people talked, the moon on that day suddenly disappeared, and the bright moon in the celestial world began to shrink as hard as possible, suddenly turning into a streamer, and descending, I don't know where it went.

Since then, the sun and the moon in heaven have completely disappeared, and there are no traces left.

"One more person came out." At this time, the Chaos King was taken aback: "The bright moon in the heavens also disappeared, I don't know who fell into it, but there is no doubt that that person is also a character who exists like Long Xiangtian. "

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