Dragon Talisman

Chapter 905: Trillion people

Chapter 905 trillion people

With ancient systems and warships left by the prehistoric science and technology civilization, the ancient dust and sand refined the Divine Land and the Four Wildlands in one fell swoop, and lost the foundation of the future heaven. This is a historic turning event.

At the moment of refining Shenzhou and the Four Wildlands, Guchensha only felt that the number of Qi in his country had suddenly increased a lot, and the hearts of the court have settled down because he forcibly seized the Qi Yun that should belong to heaven.

The future heaven is basically impossible to form.

Emperor Yun Tian wants to truly lead Wanjie, I am afraid it will be difficult.

In other words, the future planned by Tiandao was destroyed by myself.

Of course, I will face a more crazy counterattack of the heavenly people and heaven.

Alas, this doesn't matter. Even if he doesn't refine Shenzhou and Sihuang, everyone in heaven will not let him go.

"We are completely stable."

All the high-levels of the imperial court gathered and reached the center of the dragon-free gourd. They all knew that the ancient dust and sand had completed an unprecedented feat, and finally refined Shenzhou and the Four Wilds in one hand. Now the whole country wants to create a calamity like that before, I am afraid that Easy.

"Originally, Divine Land is the future heaven, and we have refined Divine Land. From a certain point of view, we have replaced the position of heaven. In the future, we can completely lead the world and create a new era. That emperor can be beaten by us. Cheng Yuyi, publicity said that the source of the sin that caused the loss of the sun and the moon, the source of all evils, the source of all evils, must be eliminated. In this way, the emperor's gas can be completely eliminated from the source. Wen Wen came up with an idea.

"This idea is good." Gu Chen's eyes moved: "Okay, good. In fact, the heaven is also a great sin that makes people lose their chances of promotion. The land government is also a place to punish all beings and restrict their development, so for us to come Said that Tiantingdifu is indeed the source of all evils. Well, now that Shenzhou and Sihuang have stabilized, my power has gradually begun to release, and a large part of it can be motivated. In this way, Tiandi must not be my opponent. With the death of the Emperor, we can truly let go of what we want to do. "

"Then I will get it right away." Wen Hong's will passed on: "First of all, a lot of news was released, propagating that there are huge sins hidden in the world, propagating the mysteries of the future heaven and earth, preparing to subvert the order, bring disaster, imprisonment The progress of all beings, at the same time, let countless people with lofty ideals write articles to criticize the guilty aspects of the future heaven and earth government structure, subtly, over time, the people of the world will deeply abhor the rule of heaven and earth government, even the emperor These people ca n’t be fooled by the people. As long as the people ’s hearts remain unchanged, our eternal dynasty will truly last a long time. Finally, we will slowly reach a point where all sentient beings can consolidate and make a final detachment. ”

"Now the human heart is still unstable, and the greed and viciousness of the human heart will never disappear. Since Heaven has lost supervision and practice has become easier, more and more people have ambitions about the rights of the court. Under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, people who want to quickly increase their strength, and more and more people who kill and plunder, will now arrest many lawbreakers every day. These people are the magic weapon to plunder others and improve their strength. At the same time, people who were preparing to fight against the court, even a small person, even had a rebellious mind, and their heart was extremely swollen. ”Lou Baiyue frowned:“ In our prisons, the number of arrested prisoners is increasing. Many more, if in a few years, I am afraid to create a brand new space to detain prisoners. In this way, and the prefecture will become more and more like, how can we be able to break away from the pattern of the heavenly court? In my opinion Now, the structure of heaven and earth is indeed the easiest structure to make the hearts of heaven and earth reach a maximum balance. Our mana may exceed that of heaven And the emperor, but the governance structure of the world, want more than heaven and hell, I'm afraid it is very difficult. "

"I'm thinking about it." Gu Chensha thought for a moment and said, "It's actually easy to surpass Heaven Emperor in strength, but if we can surpass Heaven Emperor in our rule, it is indeed a great event, it represents We truly transcended heaven and beyond the future, which we really ca n’t do. When I go to the folks to observe the changes, I keep enlightenment. In the end, the dragon-free method will be inferred to surpass the ruling structure of heaven and earth. Come."

Wulong's heart method is not only a cultivation method, it is in fact all-encompassing, and it also contains the deepest way to govern the country.

After all, the structure of Tiantingdifu can indeed maintain long-term peace and stability in all realms. The only flaw is that it impedes the development of all beings and imprisons them.

The structure of heaven and earth is divided into the demon world, the demon world, the immortal world, the **** realm, the human world, etc., but these people are all subject to the jurisdiction of the heaven court. The heaven court gives them good and evil merits. After they die, they all have They must go to the prefecture for review and assess their lifetime successes. If they are guilty, they will first be punished in the prefecture, then they will erase their memories, enter the cycle, and become the most inferior being.

This is a fair performance of reward and punishment.

The current imperial court is not as good at doing this as the heaven and the land. Of course, the imperial court has only ruled the Divine Land and the Four Wildlands. In the vast world and the countless worlds in time and space, the imperial court did not rule. Of course, all the beings of the court will sooner or later be included in the rule, not to mention anything else, in a short period of time, the powerful Qi and the National Games can push the ancient dust and sand to a new height and make a breakthrough again.

"Now, a large number of people are constantly pouring into the Divine Land and the Four Wastelands. Even the original hundreds of millions of people who entered the Great Burning Empire have entered the wild wilderness. Those barbarians have been completely suppressed in a small area. "Fu Shou said:" After the latest statistics, our registered people in the Dayong court have exceeded three trillion. "

"Does the population already have a trillion?" Gu Chensha remembered that decades ago, the Yong Dynasty was only close to 10 billion people, but now it has reached 3 trillion, and it is still increasing. This kind of The huge population, even the saints, cannot manage it. Fortunately, there are many talents in the court, and saints are nothing.

Wu Cangsheng's handsome men are all already cultivated in Tianshou realm, and then some managements are even more powerful. With a sweep of divine thoughts, they can almost permeate every corner of the Four Kingdoms of Divine Land.

However, the population of the whole heaven is definitely more than that, even if it is more than a hundred times.

If all the people in Tianjie are surging, it will be difficult for Yongchao to master the situation.

一 With a large population, it is naturally mixed, which makes it difficult to manage.

"Yes, in the past, the border between Sihuang and Shenzhou had no separation, and it was dark elsewhere, and there was a bright light between Shenzhou and Sihuang. In this way, countless people naturally tried to do everything possible to enter Sihuang Huang and Shenzhou, they can enter and enjoy the light as long as they reach the edge of Shihuang, but now we have refined Shenzhou and Shihuang, and also refined the warships and systems left by prehistoric science and technology civilization, and have control over Shenzhou and Shihuang. It has greatly increased, and we feel that it is now possible to arrange crystal wall systems on the edge of Divine Land and the Four Wildlands to prevent people from entering it. To enter it, it must be reviewed. "Lou Baiyue said:" Otherwise, countless people have poured into us In the realm of land, one trillion is okay, and ten trillion is okay. If trillions, trillions, billions of souls flow into them, our control will become weaker and weaker, and countless The ambitionist helped the situation, and it would first subvert our rule. "Dou Yiyu said.

"The future heaven is like this. No one can enter the heaven at will. The gate of heaven is the flood gate. If we do the same, it will be no different from the future heaven. So let the soul enter the four deserts and the state, and we strengthen the management. Gu Chensha waved his hand: "The more the population, the more harsh it is for our rule. If we still rule according to the method of heaven, then we will never be able to surpass it. In the end, we can only become a new heaven. www.readwn.com ~ What does this mean for us? "

"That's the only thing that can be done. It is true. If we don't pass the test of sentient beings, we won't be able to completely surpass Heaven." Lou Baiyue said: "Dust, what kind of realm have you cultivated for now? What do you think? After you refined the systems and warships left by prehistoric civilization, you seem to have learned something completely new. "

"Yes, my cultivation is almost ready to participate in the game between Tiandao and the emperor. My dragonless mind has been successfully completed, but I have not been able to truly surpass it, and I can surpass the heaven and the emperor." Gu Chen said: "And I have not been able to completely extract an infinite possible substance from the human heart. There are too many things that can be extracted from the human heart. Human ambition and human imagination are unlimited. My The dragon-free mind method is now the strongest substance that can be extracted from the human heart, which is called Dragon Rune Essence. "

Between the words, on the head of the ancient dust sand, a dragon charm far surpassing the sacrifice of the sacrifice to heaven appeared. This dragon charm was composed of countless stars.

These rays of light are the substance that ancient dust and sand have extracted from the human heart. They are called Dragon Rune Essences. This essence is more than heavenly matter.

However, this essence does not exceed the power of heaven.

Moreover, Heaven is also progressing.

Especially in the future, the enemy of ancient dust and sand is not Tiandao, but a variable composed of the combination of Tiandao and Ancient Taxian, so that the essence of his own dragon charm is dwarfed.

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