Dragon Talisman

Chapter 923: New insights

Chapter 923: New Comprehension

The tenth prince Gu Zhensha was extremely cruel and vicious. He joined forces with some princes, such as the third prince Gu Fensha, the great prince Gu Hengsha, the fourteenth prince Gu Yunsha, the eighteenth prince Gu Hongsha, and others colluded with him to prepare Fight against the rule of ancient dust. E 』┡ Novel Ww』 W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

However, the 10th prince Gu Zhensha has developed a secret method, devouring all these princes, melting the blood of Ian Fu emperor in their body, and those princes will be completely destroyed, and there is no chance of resurrection.

"Gu Chensha, you dare to kill me!" The tenth prince Gu Zhensha, who was surrounded by bubbles, was bathed in a golden light. He was struggling to stimulate the blood in his body, but to no avail: "Impossible, impossible. I have already developed the Taoist Method. Everyone has noticed that I can't. You used the Taoist Method to stir up the wind and rain everywhere, really handy, why I ca n’t do it today."

"What age is this? The Heavenly Way is still completely broken. Heavenly Way has completely collapsed. I have already refined a lot of heavenly things." Gu Chensha laughed: "The brothers you killed, I They can also be resurrected. Although it is impossible to be resurrected after death now, but I am different, what Heaven can't do. I can do it already. "

Between the words, a lot of spells entangled in the body of the tenth prince, Gu Zhensha.

Immediately, many injustices appeared in Gu Zhensha's whole body. These innocent souls were mixed with fate and cause and effect, and violently gathered together, turned into a group of people, and landed on the ground.

These people are simply the many princes killed by the ten prince Gu Zhensha, all of whom have been resurrected by the ancient dust sand, but they have become ordinary people, and even the ten prince Gu Zhensha has become ordinary people.

"No!" The tenth prince, Gu Zhensha, felt that he had lost all his strength, and a voice of grief suddenly appeared, but now he has lost all his cultivation and can no longer set off a big wave.

The other princes are sad and happy, looking at their hands and not believing that they can be resurrected.

But they have understood everything. The tenth prince, Gu Zhensha killed himself, and Gu Chensha saved himself. If it wasn't for Gu Chensha's rescue, he would sink completely, die, and have no chance of resurrection.

"Thank you, Dust, for saving me. I have done a lot of wrong things before. I have made a lot of mistakes, but now I have to reflect on it. Our brothers should work together to complete the cause that the Father and the Emperor did not complete, and we will be completely surrendered to Heaven." The third prince, Gu Fansha, bowed his head first, and sincerely acknowledged his mistake. He finally knew exactly how profitable he was before.

The other princes were resurrected from death, and they all seemed to have realized the dreams of the Spring and Autumn Period, and they came to their senses completely. They worshiped the ancient dust sand: "Dust, we now really understand how great you are. From now on, We sincerely pray for the prosperity of the nation, the peace of the earth and the well-being of all beings. "

"Okay, good." Gu Chensha looked at the princes and brothers. "You can be resurrected. It is also a great happy event. Now the old ten is still unwilling to wake up. You are here to persuade him well, so that he will finally be converted. Thinking about grand domination, **** is nothing but a dream. Even if he sits in the supreme position of heaven and earth, it is actually nothing more than for the living beings. "

After these resurrected brothers have returned to their hearts, Gu Chensha only felt that his whole body was a lot easier, broke some kind of bondage, and the dragon-free heart method suddenly operated, and an extra chapter was added. This chapter contains more enlightenment Sentient beings.

Indeed, if you want to educate sentient beings, you ca n’t even educate your own brother. How can you do that?

After enlightening these brothers, Gu Chensha's Dragon-Free Heart Method came to a deeper level, and many changes and mysteries were derived here.

Gu Chensha laughed and said to all the people present: "You, all of you have committed great sins, and now you are degraded to ordinary people. You ca n’t cultivate at all. Maybe it is not a good result, because now the aura, immortality, and chaotic power between heaven and earth have all disappeared. Everyone, like you, cannot practice. The only thing that can be cultivated now is the mind. You can see in the soul. The power that comes out is incredible, and it can also be condensed into various materials, which will continue to produce immortal materials that are helpful to the world. In this way, human beings in the world will no longer be looting, but contributing. "

"Gu Chensha, if you can really do this, you will be far past the Emperor of Heaven, but I think your supreme power has not reached the extreme. If I do n’t eat or drink now, cultivate your skills Dharma will also die, and will starve alive, but if you eat a little, you will fall into the road of predatory. "Xianzhu suddenly said:" If you teach me the exercises now, I can practice this exercises without breathing. If you do n’t eat or drink, you can survive by relying on the power derived from your soul. I believe in you. From then on, I will do everything for you, and I wo n’t have any doubts. ”

"Not yet, but it ’s fast. I ’m going to hold a high sacrifice this time. During the high sacrifice, the strength of all sentient beings will be elevated to the extreme. The souls of all sentients will gather together to brew a perfect material. This material can Connect the souls of sentient beings. In the future, the sacrifices and sacrifices of all sentient beings will be absorbed, brewed, and fed back. In this cycle, all sentient beings will be able to completely escape the predatory means, but rely on their own spiritual sacrifice to survive Show off and make up the world again. This breaks away from the transformation and conservation of energy and transforms into eternal energy. Eternal energy is the ultimate pursuit of prehistoric science and technology civilization. Now we have seen hope and can only come from the soul. Extraction. "Gu Chen said:" Just look at it, I will succeed, my success, which is the success of sentient beings, is also your success. "

"If you can really achieve it, the future era belongs to you, and a whole new civilization will be ushered in between our entire world." Xianzhu said: "But I don't like you because this situation is against the law. Truth. "

"Actually, this situation has already happened. That is the father and your husband Gu Taxian. How did he come into being, was it energy outside the heavens? What level of energy is this and how was it born? ? "Gu Chen said.

"I'll wait and see." Jinmen Tianfeng Chufeng started silent, but then spoke.

He is the King of Jinmen, and he is a very intelligent person. He naturally knows that if the ancient dust and sand succeeded, all beings would not need to absorb any energy, and they could survive on their own. How horrible it would be. The rule of the Emperor became truly meaningless.

In the future era, the emperor of Heaven must also fill the universe with chaotic elemental force, aura, immortality, etc. Otherwise, he cannot support it at all.

In other words, the rule of the emperor is also based on the predatory of living beings. Without being plundered, living beings will not survive.

If ancient dust and sand created the practice path that can survive without plunder, the emperor is destined to be eliminated that day, and the heavenly path will also fall and sink. This truth is no longer suitable for all beings.

"Then wait and see." Gu Chensha resolved this incident of the tenth prince, Gu Zhensha, resurrected all these brothers, and let them change their lives and live in harmony.

Even Gu Zhensha did not kill him, but made him lose all his practices.


Guchensha left here.

His thoughts once again spread out, and combined with the crystal wall system of the Four Wildlands of Divine Land, he instantly monitored all the beings of Divine Land and the Four Wildlands.

Now the Divine Land and the Four Wildlands have been thoroughly refined by him. Since he has integrated the battleships and systems left over from the prehistoric civilization into this, the Divine Land and the Four Wildlands have been combined into a whole, indestructible, and has passed through any world in history. If compared with quality, even heaven cannot be compared.

Because the system and warships left by prehistoric science and technology civilization are the strongest material in a civilization, at the height of this system and warships, the mighty power even passed the heavens.

Gu Chensha has completely mastered this battleship and system, all integrated into his own dragon-free gourd, and then combined with the four wastelands of China to achieve some kind of immortal existence. This is the foundation of his mastery of the court and confrontation with the emperor , Finally defeated the capital of heaven.

Gu Chensha completely combined himself with the Four Desolates of the Divine Land ~ www.readwn.com ~ All countless voices immediately entered his consciousness.

In the wild, many masters gathered together, among them were **** level, saints, heaven, life, and even the existence of Tianyuan Realm in secret.

"Now we can't absorb any aura, immortality, and chaos, but in fact it doesn't matter. According to rumors, the emperor is about to be born. All the aura and chaotic elements are used to condense under the traction of the change of heaven. The human world, the human world will expand dramatically in the future, and it will not even be able to expand to the heavenly world, being the first of all the worlds. As long as we can enter the human world, we can cultivate. "

"Yeah, the human world will also merge with the heavens. The heavens will soon be broken. I don't know how many souls will die in the calamity."

"These are to blame the court and ancient dust sand. If it were not for the court and ancient dust sand, Wanjie would undergo a mild evolution and such a big thing would not happen."

"The imperial court is also very difficult now, basically in a state of collapse, but the ancient dust talks, saying that the big ritual will be held after three days. After the big ritual, everyone can not need aura, immortality, and chaos. , Do not even need to eat and drink to cultivate, is this true or false? "

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