Dragon Talisman

Chapter 933: see it clearly

Chapter 933: Seeing Clearly

The situation reversed. E novel WwhanW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Long Xiangtian and Liu Chansha fled, and the peacock was deprived of all cultivation and turned into ordinary people. The forces in this area of ​​heaven were immediately at a disadvantage.

First, the rebellion of the mixed-world demon ape **** made Zhuge Ya free from restraint and hunted down the reincarnation star kings.

Then Lou Baiyue suppressed the peacock, extracted the source, and integrated it into the body, adding a lot to the cultivation.

You know, the peacock has obtained the origin of the mutation caused by the entanglement between the Heavenly Emperor and the Heavenly Fu Emperor. This is qualified to work with Long Xiangtian and others, and now all of this variation is absorbed and refined by Lou Baiyue, and the benefits are extremely great.

Shh .........

Lou Baiyue came out with a long boo, and it seemed that some huge force was completely exploded in the body, and the dragon-free mind operated, forming a ray of light.

In each light, there are countless magic weapons, as well as pagodas, floating slaughterhouses, murals, flying sky, **** generals, courts, mountains, rivers, stars, chaos, all things, immortals, gods ... .

The evolution of the heavens and the earth without the dragon heart method, creating all things, is more powerful than the heavenly ways of creation.

"Wu Dangkong, your biggest mistake was to choose the Emperor of Heaven. Like the peacock, now I also deprive you of all cultivation and turn you into a normal person. By the way, your original fiance, Jing Fanxing, right, we caught Living with him made him a mortal, but he finally turned to us sincerely. Now Xiu has reached the realm of Tianzun. "Lou Baiyue said:" Jing Fanxing, come out. "


At this time, Jing Fanxing appeared in front of Wu Dangkong, "Dangkong, why are you suffering? Now that I took refuge in the court, I realized that the dragon-free mind is ingenious. By practicing this mind, I almost completely restored my strength, and more Further, you have reached the Supreme Wonderland that you have never realized before. The dragon-free mind is really good and really mysterious. When it is empty, you will abandon the identity of the Heavenly Concubine. For you, that identity is actually one. This kind of bondage, if converted to the imperial court, then you can really get great freedom. "

"Jing Fanxing, you waste, you are not as good as Fa Wuxian. Although Fa Wuxian was abolished, but you are still not surrendered, and you have suffered a little setback, you are really like a dog. It seems I didn't read you wrong before, you are a thing that is not as good as a dog, but you are still the King of No Robbery. I now think that Jingqiu has taken away the origin of your King of No Robbery, and it is pure qi, the cycle of cause and effect, you It wasn't the King of Heaven without robbers, Jingqiu was the only one. "Wudang vacated a sharp laugh.

"Hey, Wu Dangkong, you are obsessed with it, and I ca n’t save you. Have you not seen the reality before you? Nothing wrong. The future is the world of heaven, but the future can change. If there is no better system and Way to replace heaven, that court is justice, if there is, that court is injustice. Now the ancient dust and sand, why the ancient step immortal was born, is actually because of the deepest souls of the sentient beings, the yearning for freedom, the most The beautiful wish, in the midst of meditation, caused some kind of variable, so the heavenly court is outdated. The heavenly heart is not the heart, the people's heart is the heart, and the sentient beings is the heart. If you do n’t change your mind, you will always be abandoned and you will never be able to stand up again. "

"Jing Fanxing, it seems that you are really fascinated by spirits, and brainwashed by some dragonless method. It seems that you will die." Wu Dangkong will step forward and kill Jing Fanxing.

"I know, Wu Dangkong, you are still obsessed with your own power. You have no advantage in actually relying on the imperial court. Now you follow the emperor to order heaven and earth for your own power. Attached, the emperor will eventually be captured by the ancient dust sand. "Jing Fanxing retreated, and concealed himself into the crowd of court officials, operating his own dragon-free mind, and expanding the sacrifice.

At this time, everyone in the world saw the supremacy of the imperial court, and suddenly many people with bad intentions also changed their minds.

Suddenly, the National Games climbed again and again.

A crunching sound came out of the entire crystal wall, and this sound seemed to be some kind of prison yoke, trying to trap everyone in it.

"not good!"

The King of Chaos resisted the attack of the mixed-world demon ape **** and came out to scream: "This is the power of the imperial court that urged the crystal wall system. It is necessary to leave all of us here and completely crush and kill."

"I'm afraid this plan failed, Long Xiangtian, Liu Chansha, a pair of dogs and men. I had expected them to be unreliable, but I didn't expect them to run so fast." Di Huang was also extremely angry: "The pair of dogs and men did not think clearly. If we failed, it would not be easy for the imperial court to arrest them. Although this infinite world is vast, how can we escape the palm of that ancient dust?"

"Master Di Huang, then we should go first?" The giant spirit **** had been afraid for a long time.

Of course, he has mastered the seeds of the Divine Realm, but his strength against the ancient dust and the court is not an opponent at all. If the court of heaven is defeated, he will definitely be captured by the court first. Like the peacock and others, he will lose all his ability Becoming an ordinary person, this situation he can not stand.

"No, we gather together and form a big battle again. We must not make the court sacrifice a success." The Emperor whistled, and immediately, Chaos King, all the reincarnation of the stars, gathered together, even Zhang Nature Also gathered to reach the emperor.

Suddenly, the strength of these people joined together to form a huge mask, protecting themselves, and hitting the crystal wall system at the same time. It is necessary to shatter the entire Divine Land and the Four Wastelands.

"Suppress me!"

Lou Baiyue's body moved again, all the court officials were all cheered up, connected together, and turned into a huge article, without the dragon heart method, to suppress the people in the heaven, so as not to disturb them in the Four Desolates of Divine Land.

However, after the crowds in the heavenly courts gathered and turned into a huge mask, the rebound force was extremely strong, and it was difficult to suppress the moment of worshiping the moon.

"Zhang Ziran, the court gave you countless graces for you to do things, and the contributions you have made over the years are also huge. Why should you rebel and dare not break your own destiny? Of course you are the destined master of humanity, but this is nothing but The fate imposed by heaven on you, you should immediately break this fate, so that you can be at ease. ”Lou Baiyue said:“ I will give you another chance to return to the court immediately and sacrifice with officials, your sin, I can't blame the past, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and the shore is turned back. "

"Lou Baiyue, you are good, and you have come to realize the dragon-free mind, which is beyond the current civilization's supremacy, the highest way, but unfortunately, if the dragon-free mind spreads, the world will It ’s not human. I ’ve talked to Wen Hong for a long time. There are all kinds of emotions, old age, sickness and death, pain in life, pain and suffering, magnanimous red dust and plum blossom. This is human. Without these things, human is not human. I like this Human beings, so I ca n’t let your dragon-free mind spread and destroy future human beings. "Zhang natural eyes seemed to appear like human beings in the future. Among them.

Don't have a clear taste in such a world.

"Ah, it seems that Zhang Ziran is obsessed with it. I thought you were a craftable material. I didn't expect you to be so stubborn." Lou Baiyue sighed.

“It ’s not that I ’m stubborn, but you do n’t understand that such a human being can be born of real immortality, just like a lotus can be born in the mud. If there is no smelly mud, no lotus can be born at all Why can't you understand that your current dragon-free mind is actually a tree without roots and cannot last forever. "Zhang Tianran's will cannot be shaken.

"The heart of all beings is immortal in itself, it is immortal in itself, it is everything beyond itself, and destiny." Lou Baiyue said: "What silt lotus, that is the way of Yin and Yang. The trail is a blindfold, but you haven't seen it through, and I don't blame you, and one day you will realize it all. "

"The Lord of the World ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't tell him." The Emperor said: "Let's tear up the Divine Land and the Four Wildlands first! This time, we can't make them a great offering.

"Mixed World Ape God, you will surely die without burial place." Chaos King hated the Mighty World Ape God extremely.

"I will be suppressed by the Emperor by myself, and it will never be lost again. Besides, who is dead without a burial place now, it is not good." A layer of light appeared on the face of the ape-demon ape god: "I cultivate no dragon heart Dharma has thoroughly learned the true immortality and immortality, Chaos King, in the distant future, you also have robbers, and heaven is not immortal, anyone must rob, even the emperor is no exception, such as Why was my robbery stolen to Tianzhu Zhuanyuan smoothly? That is because the emperor suffered the robbery, which made the people in Tianting feel heartbroken and each had their own calculations. Otherwise, depending on my cultivation, even if there is an adventure again It ’s impossible to steal the mixed Yuan Tianzhu, but the people in Tianting watched me stealing and making a big noise. In fact, they let me continue the countless crimes and robberies. Finally, I am gone forever, and the ash is annihilated. In fact, I have resisted the number of robberies for the heavenly court. In this case, if I have not cultivated the dragon-free heart method, I will not be able to comprehend the secrets in it. The heavenly court is not to enjoy heaven forever, but each One hundred and twenty-six thousand years, that is, one yuan, there will be a number of robbers, and then after nine yuan, there will be another robber. In each yuan robber, you will find a scapegoat. You It's hard to escape. "

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