Dragon Talisman

Chapter 937: Human world

Chapter 937: Human Realm

Gu Chensha and Lou Baiyue agreed on major events.

The whole eternal realm is in a stable and peaceful state. At least on the surface, everyone can practice, and the previous panic is removed.

At this time, the human world has expanded rapidly. After blending chaos, it has become a world larger than heaven, which contains many mysteries. It goes without saying that many sources of variation fall into the human world. Fall into the eternal realm.

When the human world was just established, a group of mutant origins equivalent to 100 times of Long Xiangtian landed and arrived, and in the following three months, occasionally, some small mutant origins also landed. In the near future, there will also be a lot of giants in the human world.

Gu Chensha decided to go to the human world.

On earth, there is a lot to be learned.

Gu Chensha also wanted to spread his dragon-free mentality and seize the hearts of men.

He believes that the human heart believes in the truth, and in order to pursue the highest realm, it is necessary to study the secrets of the Dragon-Free Heart Method. In fact, he also knows that Tiandi is also secretly researching.

Gu Chensha can now cultivate himself without a dragon heart to a self-confidence. He can grow stronger without relying on any causal sacrifice power, but sentient beings cannot, so this is his immortality, not his immortality. He It is also necessary to accumulate efforts to calculate the Dragon-Free Mind Method to reach any living being, and then you can be free and free, and your heart will grow to a satisfactory level.

"I would like to see what the human world is like. How can the Heavenly Emperor extract from it and immortalize it and re-create the Heavenly Court? Can it be more powerful than the original Heavenly Court. If the Heavenly Emperor gets the group a hundred times larger than Long Xiangtian? The origin, as the foundation of the heavenly court, it is really possible to build a new heavenly court, which is stronger than the old Divine Land. "


Gu Chensha, as a whole, was silent and came directly to the world.

Outside the human world, there is also a crystal wall system, but this crystal wall system is full of red dust and upside-down blur. Even if Tianzun came across the crystal wall system, he will immediately be infected by the power of this world, and cause cause and effect. Entanglement must not be separated, there will be many troubles and robberies in the future.

This is unique to the human world.

In the future, the human world will not be able to live for a long time. The powerful existence of gods, immortals, demons, and saints. If they live in the human world for a long time, they will be contaminated by the red dust of the world, and finally fall, lose their magical power and Cultivation is a realm. In the end, the suffering of reincarnation cannot be escaped. However, there are some powerful omnipotent enlightenments that can hide in the world and not be infected by the power of the world. Instead, they practice with the power of the world.

Such a giant is to avoid the supervision of heaven.

In the future pattern of heaven, a strong existence will not be allowed to appear. Therefore, as soon as the existence of the heavenly realm exists, it will be registered and then immediately arrested, or recruited, or directly imprisoned and killed and refined into a magic weapon. Strengthen the heavens. Even the masters of Tianshou Realm can't escape supervision.

Because the masters of the Tianshou realm are already the same with the heavens and the earth, Tianting will never allow the masters of Shou and Tianqi to appear. Such masters are also not subject to the reincarnation of Tianting, so they must be suppressed.

Reincarnation is an important tool for the control of countless masters in heaven. The disobedient masters directly enter into the reincarnation, deprive them of reincarnation, and reincarnate as monsters and beasts. The obedient master directly enters the heavenly court and enjoys immortality.

"Is this the world? The world of chaos, the spirit world, and a large number of shards in the celestial world are 6 large, and it is boundless, far beyond the previous celestial world 6." The ancient dust and sand passed through the crystals of the human world. The wall came down to the earth, and saw mountains and rivers, magnificent mountains and rivers, rich landforms, countless cities, and various human beings, monsters, and even some gods and monsters mixed in it.

This human world fully adheres to the foundation of the heavenly endless big 6, and even goes further. The aura is very strong, and it is supported by chaotic elements, which makes the spiritual practice in the human world extremely simple.

"The human world is huge, divided into many countries, but there is always a heavenly kingdom. It is like the kingdom that the kingdom of heaven occupied the Divine Land." The idea of ​​ancient dust and sand enveloped the entire human world in an instant.

The human world is much larger and more complex than the heavenly world, but the ancient dust and sand now has passed the realm of the heavenly world and can directly challenge the heavenly path.

Since the success of this sacrifice, the emperor was expelled and the situation of the Yong Dynasty was stabilized. The strength of the ancient dust and sand has gone further. In terms of realm, it is close to the realm of heaven.

Cultivation starts from the first ordinary people, the first glimpse of the realm of the realm, enters the hall, enters the room, becomes enchanted, and reaches the peak. After the thirty-six changes after entering the realm, I was convinced that the spirit was clear, nine cattle and two tigers, copper skins and iron bones ........ The dust was flooded, and he was at ease. Then it is out of the realm of the Three Realms, not in the realm of the Five Elements, followed by Tianshou, Tianyuan, Tianjie, Tiandao.

But now, with the blowout of the strange encounter, many masters have stepped into the realm of Tianyuan, and some even tens, tens, hundreds of dollars.

However, almost no one has reached the realm of heaven.

Even if these people are Long Xiangtian, their strength is hundreds of yuan. Compared with heaven, it is still far away.

It is Lou Louyue. Now she has begun to combine her primordial spirit and eternal realm. Once she succeeds, her realm also reaches the realm of heaven.

The ancient realm of Gu Chen now has passed the heavens and is approaching heaven.

It can be said that if the emperor did not make progress, according to the original trajectory, the kind of cultivation in the future, he can completely suppress the emperor now.

It is a pity that the Emperor of Heaven is also improving now, his strength is terrible, and he is also good at learning.

In the near future, it is not uncommon for even Heavenly Emperor to learn the Dragon-Free Heart Method, and to use the Dragon-Free Heart Method to attack ancient dust and sand.

Of course, if the ancient Dust Sands is in conflict with the Emperor of Heaven, it can completely gain the upper hand, but it cannot be easily destroyed.

In a certain theory, even if the Emperor of Heaven is counted, the ancient dust is still the first strong, no one can go with him, the Emperor of Heaven can only rank second.

The idea of ​​ancient dust and sand permeated the entire human world in an instant, and in an instant, everything in the human world gathered into his mind, and between the calculations, all the information was integrated in the calcium carbide fire, summarized, and finally Comes out with useful information.

"In the center of the human world, there is a dynasty, which is called the Heavenly Dynasty on the list, and the current country name is" Hong ", which is the Hong Dynasty. The emperor of the Hong Dynasty is Zhang Ziran, who became a son of heaven and has a sacrifice to heaven." The dust has become an ordinary person, falling into the middle of the human world, in an extremely prosperous city.

The city is tens of thousands of miles wide, and the houses are towering, with some taste of the new city originally established by the Imperial Court of Heaven.

Countless people are living in this city, busy and busy.

Even some monks have converged on their mana and breath, exploring in secret in accordance with ordinary people's lifestyle.

"Huh? Here are a few monks in the realm of heavenly respect. It turned out to be in my Yong Dynasty and Yong Realm. In the past three months, I secretly ran to the human realm. Let me see, what do these people want to do?" Gu Dust saw three or four people, but it was the practice of Tianzun Realm that entered a house.

Gu Chensha followed the past. The house was very deep and cascading. It seemed to be a large manor house. There were many servants in it, but they were all in order and seemed to be controlled.

The three or four celestial giants entered the closet in the middle of the manor, all sat down on their knees and began to talk.

"Brother Zhang, we have been separated from the eternal realm and entered the human realm for several months. It can also be considered as a secret operation. We have laid a foundation here, but we have not been able to find the source of the mutation." A middle-aged man said: "You Are there any clues? "

"Now the master of the human world, Zhang Zhao, the emperor of the Hong Dynasty, is also looking for the existence of this mutated origin." The Tianzun named Zhang said, "Speaking of which, I am also Zhang, but I am not a relative to that Zhang. This group As soon as the source of the mutation is found, after we devour it, we can immediately achieve almost the existence of the Emperor of Heaven. This is much better than our hard work in the eternal realm to learn about the dragon-free mind. "

"Without the Dragon Heart Method, we ca n’t really comprehend it, we ca n’t grasp the realm at all, and we do n’t know if it is true or false. I suspect that the Dragon Heart Method is mostly deceiving, but it is theoretically feasible, and practical cultivation is simply impossible. Reaching the realm that does not require any foreign objects ~ www.readwn.com ~ Another Tianzun said: "We are still honestly looking for the source of mutation, not to mention the huge group, even if we get a small group, we can immediately Promote Tianyuan, even with a lot of Yuan power, don't look at us as Tianzun realm, we could be high above in the past, but now it is not enough to see, any master who comes to Tianyuan realm can kill us all with one finger. You see the stars on that day, each star represents a master of the stars. "

Ancient dust and sand have long noticed that they have reached the sky above the human world. There are bright stars covering all, there is a round of hot sun and a round of bright moon.

However, this scorching sun and bright moon are not the original version of the heavens, but were recreated by the emperor.

In the eyes of Gu Chensha, the human world sacrifices to heaven everywhere, no matter what kind of life, a kind of instinct to worship heaven is born.

As a result, the power of great sacrifice gathered from all directions and reached the sky, in a hidden space point, deep in the space point, a huge existence was slowly born.

That is the new heaven.

The emperor is using the sacrifices of the human world to extract immortal material from it to forge a new heaven.

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