Dragon Talisman

Chapter 942: Ji Ningsha

Chapter 942 Ji Ningsha

"So, is there no possibility of cooperation between us?" Long Xiangtian said in a gloomy way, and he also saw that he might not be able to suppress the killing of these four women. I didn't expect these people who had obtained the source of mutation, and they began to Together, the strength of the four women's union is extremely arrogant, even more than their own cooperation with Liu Chansha and Ye Qingyi.

Moreover, Ye Qingyi and him are just a short-term cooperation, they will part ways at any time, maybe they will stab in the back at the most critical time.

Long Xiangtian himself cherished the scorching sun of the heavens, and Ye Qingyi coveted.

"Cooperation, of course we have the possibility of cooperation, we can cooperate now, but the cooperation you want is actually domination, it is not equal at all, and if I do n’t show up, you will definitely refining Yun Nisha, this It was murder, do you think I would believe you? "Ji Ningsha said:" In fact, there is another advantage to relying on Guchensha, that is, he will not be afraid that he secretly peeped at my source of mutation. He is a person who can hold everything. "

"It's not obvious, this person is just the appearance of a corporal corporal sage." Long Xiang Tian sniffed: "When it does, maybe it will all be swallowed up, one by one, all killed by his refining. You see, in his eternal realm, he is actually just raising pigs. One pig is fattened, and all of them are slaughtered. You are deceived by this person. "

"We don't have to be entangled in this issue." Ji Ningsha said: "Long Xiangtian, I know you want the biggest source of mutation, but for such a large thing, if you want to swallow it alone, I am afraid it is impossible, so fat. Meat, even Emperor Tian and Gu Chen will not allow you to swallow it alone. I'm sure that as soon as the origin of this group appears, Tian Emperor and Gu Chen, and even many masters will fight desperately, absolutely not. We will give up, and with our strength, there are very few opportunities to seize the source of this group. For example, do you three really think that you can not compete with Gu Chensha? In fact, it is easy for Gu Chen to kill you. It's just fattening you. "

"So, we must be united before we can make a career?" Liu Chansha was very calm. "But according to you, even if we are united, I am afraid that we will not get the biggest source of variation. "

"This is not necessarily, our strengths add up, as long as we make good use of it, it is actually very impressive, especially now that the human world has just condensed into a formed body, and the Lord of Heaven and the court of heaven cannot completely grasp it. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, if we were able to gather souls and refine sacrifices, we could even gather tens of trillions and even trillions of humans in a few months to sacrifice us together. Our cultivation can reach a kind of At what point, you can even use these immortal materials to create a magic weapon that is not lost in heaven. You should clearly understand this matter. Long Xiangtian, now you gather to sacrifice and refine immortality, in fact, you are also extracting those essence of immortality. Infiltrated into your Xianglong Heavenly Realm, and then made Xianglong Heavenly Realm into a huge magic weapon, similar to the existence of heaven, but it is too slow for you to fight alone, if we cooperate, the first is to be fast Directly plunder the countless saints, gods, gods, gods and other nations established by masters. You think about it, seven of us Together, quickly wiped away much of the human world and the master of the country? How much faith in a short time can get? How much can be extracted from the belief among the immortal substance? "Ji Ning Sha Road.

"This is the case." Ye Qingyi said, "You mean that we unite together, quickly level the world, gather a large number of sacrifices, and refine a magic weapon? Just like the prehistoric science and technology civilization, the twelve leaders combined to refine the warship. Like the God system? "

"Yes, only in this way can we counter the many robberies that follow, otherwise we will all disappear and there will be no place for burial." Ji Ningsha said: "This model is what we need now, not alone. Indeed. In fact, we still have a great advantage over Tianting. Each of us now has far more strength than many heavenly kings in heaven. Together, even that piece of nature may not have us alone, but also ancient dust and heavenly emperor. Restricting each other, as long as we become the climate and make into a giant treasure similar to the heaven, then we can make both heaven and ancient dust and sand cast away, because if we choose to burn both jade and stone, this world and eternal world will be subject to huge fluctuations. This is what no one wants to see. "

"I agree with this situation," Ye Qingyi said first.

"You ..." Long Xiangtian looked at Ye Qingyi, his eyes flickered again with a strong killing intention: "I knew you were unreliable, and betrayed me now."

"We are cooperation, what is betrayal?" Ye Qingyi frowned. "Long Xiangtian, you are too arrogant. Do you really think I am your subordinate?"

"Everyone who disobeys me must die." Long Xiangtian suddenly shouted.

"Enough." Suddenly Liu Chansha spoke.

"Zensha, you!" Long Xiangtian was startled.

At this time, Liu Chansha ignored Long Xiangtian: "Jiningsha, what you said makes sense, that's what I meant. I agree to cooperate with you. I will take out the Xianglong Heaven Realm and create one together. How much more powerful than heaven? "

"Haha, I have known for a long time that you can see it thoroughly." Ji Ningsha nodded: "Then things are settled down now, and we will join forces now to sweep this world with a lot of cattle."

Hum .........

Between the two handshake, a deep qi came down, making these people reach the peak in an instant.

Gu Chensha silently observed and did not take any action. He saw that these people had extremely powerful Qi numbers. When these Qi numbers were gathered, an immeasurable change could occur, and now these seven people joined forces to sweep the human world. Clouds and rain can cause great trouble to the emperor. The ancient dust and sand will not only suppress these seven people, but also help them secretly. With their hands, the emperor is exhausted.

"The real world today is indeed that there are more sages than sand on the beach, heaven is full of respect, days are more than dogs, and Tianyuan is not lacking. These masters are building a country and desperately plundering sacrifices, even Zhang Tianran can't calm it down. But now the seven people who have obtained the origin of mutation can join in quickly, and the waves can be turned upside down. After they have destroyed the emperor, I can surrender and I can rest easy. "Gu Chensha reckoned in his heart," It seems that I You have to change it and join these people. You can get the whereabouts of the biggest mutation. I feel that these people quickly gather their beliefs, and the huge mutation will appear to pick peaches. "

After thinking about the plan, Gu Chensha's whole body suddenly changed, and the strong mutation of his body came out, and then he became a middle-aged man and appeared here.

"Oh? Another colleague who got the origin of the mutation was summoned." Ji Ningsha felt it first, and when she looked over her eyes, she saw a middle-aged man whose ancient dust changed.

This middle-aged man who has changed from ancient dust and sand is very elegant and extraordinary in temperament. He seems to be full of vicissitudes and full of economy.

"I have seen you and your thoughts under Xia Wensha, and I have learned that you can join your alliance to create a new world and advance together." Gu Chensha gave himself a pseudonym called "Civilization Sand" .

"Originally Brother Wen. Welcome and welcome. The origin of the mutation in your body is still above me." Ji Ningsha's eyes flashed with surprise: "With Brother Wen's joining, our business development It will be faster. "

"That being the case, let's start immediately." Long Xiangtian also calmed down at this time, his tone became gloomy, he understood the situation, and now he must take out the hard-working Xianglong world as a magic weapon. The foundation of these, refining them together.

"It seems that Brother Long can't bear your Xianglong Heaven Realm?" Gu Chen sofa came out and said, "We must gather together sincerely, or we must be united internally, otherwise we may not need the Emperor to deal with us, and we will perish. "

"Brother Wen, please rest assured, Long Xiangtian knows where the big picture lies." Liu Chansha's calm tone seemed to be able to grasp all of Long Xiangtian.

Hearing Liu Chansha's opening, Long Xiangtian unexpectedly stopped saying anything.

In a place in the human world ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhang naturally still pays attention to reach here.

A mirror appeared in front of him, and in this mirror there appeared the gathering of Long Xiangtian and others, and next to him were ancient bullet swords, ancient constant swords, Jingqiu, giant spirit gods, Fasheng and others.

"All of you, now these people are going to sweep the human world immediately. We can't stop them. Only the Emperor can take action to suppress these people. But now the Emperor is creating a new heaven and monitoring the situation in the eternal world. Faced with this situation, what should we do? "Zhang naturally looked at these people.

"I think this matter must be suppressed early, otherwise the consequences are unthinkable." Fa Shengdao said: "If it is Long Xiangtian and Liu Chansha, that's okay, who knows that there are so many mutation sources in an instant. This is not easy to do, but it is not too late. If they are allowed to expand their territories, gather tens of trillions, even trillions, trillions of human sacrifices, the immortal kingdom composed of that sacrificial power, fear It can seriously threaten the human world, and then the situation is out of control. "

"Now if we have all the masters such as the King of Heaven, the masters of several realms, and the emperor gathered, a thunder strike will have a great chance of winning." Zhang Ziran said: "Dingding human world, complete control, this is the battle."

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