Dragon Talisman

Chapter 946: Gudaoxian

Chapter 946: Ancient Dao Immortal

"It is true that at the moment of the demise of Heaven, the ancient dust and sand will encounter the greatest number of calamities. Not to mention, the essence of Heaven and the essence of ancient Ta Xianxian will be completely fused together. What terrible things will be born at that time, we all I don't know. "Gu Chensha heard Ji Ningsha's opinion, and her heart was also shocked, yes, he was worried about this.

His realm can already be extracted from the sacrifice soul of sentient beings in the eighth layer of "eternal immortality", which is already the realm of heaven and the ancient celestial being.

Regardless of heaven or ancient step immortals, the ultimate they can create is the eighth layer "forever immortal", it is impossible to reach the ninth layer, which is the highest layer "no immortality".

However, if the heaven and the ancient step immortal are entangled at the same time, they will destroy and collapse at the same time, and the terrible things born in it will likely reach the ninth-level "no immortality". At that time, the ancient dust is definitely not the opponent, only him Only then did I understand how terrifying the ninth-layer "no immortality" realm is. And reached this state, there is no distinction between good and evil, destruction and creation are all in one heart.

This terrible thing is going to die out, which is a matter of thinking.

Gu Chensha has been preparing for such a thing, but he cannot stop it.

We can only wait for this moment to emerge, and at the same time accumulate strength. After that terrible thing appears, we can directly suppress the refining and kill the refining to relieve the crisis.

However, in the meantime, Gu Chensha has to practice himself to reach the ninth-level "immortal" realm. Only after reaching this realm can he counter the birth of that terrible thing.


Between Gu Chensha and Ji Ningsha's spiritual exchanges, they urged the group of people from the realm and heaven to fight intensified.

During the many collisions, the strength of both sides had a taste of exhaustion.

At this juncture, a large hand fell from the sky, broke through the layers of void, and slammed towards the outer world. The layers of the crystal wall of the outer world couldn't resist being caught directly by this big hand.

With his immortal light, this big hand showed black and white colors, penetrated into the realm, and then caught Ji Ningsha and others.

"The breath of the source of the huge mutation." Gu Chensha moved at a glance. The winner of the source of the huge mutation finally couldn't bear it, and began to attack this group of people.

Whether it is Long Xiangtian, Liu Chansha, Ye Qingyi, Ji Ningsha, or Yun Nisha, they are all the winners of the origin of mutation, and together they have established a different world. If they are subdued and acquired, they will have huge power immediately. Their sacrifice is far beyond the masters of the realm of Tianzun, Tianshou and Tianyuan.

In this way, if the heavenly courts took all these people under their control and used their sacrifices to forge a new heavenly court, I am afraid that Guchensha has some headaches.

Therefore, Guchensha pretended to enter into it, and changed his name to "civilized sand".

"You all belong to my Majesty and become my courtiers. I will never treat you badly." The big hand made a voice: "Long Xiangtian, I know you hate the ancient dust and sand, as long as you trust me It will certainly help you kill the ancient dust and revenge. "

"This is the biggest mutant origin gainer's shot." Ji Ningsha was startled: "He had been watching us secretly for a long time, and now he was besieged by heaven in our court, and immediately shot. This is to take the opportunity to fall down the ground and deprive us of the origin, So that all the sources of variation are all in one. "

"Abominable." Liu Chansha also frowned. She tried hard to operate the power of the other world, but only felt that the source of her body was under the grasp of the big hand, and gradually separated from the body and flew towards the big hand.

The strength of the other party is extremely huge, and the origin and her origin attract each other. This must be the largest variation of origin.

Buzz ...

The inside of the alien world seems to be blocked by a force.

Then the huge origin was injected into the realm, and the whole realm shrank abruptly and disappeared in an instant.

The attack by Zhang Ziran and others suddenly failed.

"Damn, that's the biggest source of mutation." Hua Mingsha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, said: "Finally seduce this puppet. It seems that our strategy is effective, so let this person first Long Xiangtian's group of people fight, we can quickly calm down the world. "

"I'm afraid this is not the right thing. If we let Nao surrender to Long Xiangtian and others, the strength will increase sharply, and we will be even more helpless. With so many of us joining forces, we will barely suppress the alien world, plus the source of that huge mutation The wicked, the world will rise again and must be hunted immediately. "Zhang Ziran was anxious.

"We are united, and we are not Nao's opponents." Di Huangdao said: "The mutated origin of Nao is so huge that only Emperor Tian can suppress it. If we fight with him, he will be swallowed by him."

"Then what should be the current plan?" Asked the giant spirit god, deep in his heart: "It really is an eventful season, and now I don't know who is the deer, I have to bet more, I can't bet all of them The Emperor of Heaven is on his body, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be miserable in the future. "

"As long as you help me in this matter, I will not be helpless." Zhang Ziran said.

"Oh? What else can you do?" Asked Hua Mingsha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon.

"The power of the human world is huge. It is incredible. As long as it can be truly mobilized, I am afraid that it can subvert everything, but although I am the master of the human world, I cannot urge all of them after the human world is united and formed, but as long as you help I, I can move the world for the skywalk, and we can condense into a large array. "Zhang Ziran said:" This large array is 10%, and the power of the world is attributed to my body, and I can find out the source of the huge mutation. The place, at the same time, has completely strengthened the power of the world, so that all monks who have become mana and lost their flesh are stained with red dust and weakened. This is the greatest ability of the human world in the future. "

"It's not the right time to do this now?" The giant spirit **** waited for a moment.

They all have the power of national sacrifices in the human world secretly. If the whole world is permeated with red dust and people who have cultivated into mana, then they will not be so convenient to collect sacrifices, and they will not even dare to come to the world at will. So how can they secretly make small moves.

In fact, the battle between the emperor and the ancient dust sand, and the source of the huge mutation, is now more and more chaotic for the giant spirit gods. Without order, day and night are in struggle. So that you can touch the fish in muddy water.

"What do you guys say about this?" Zhang naturally looked at the Nine Heavenly Kings, as well as the Hua Mingsha and the Emperor.

In the status of heaven, with the Lord of the Sun and the Moon as the respect, the Emperor and the Lord of the Sun and Moon actually sit on an equal footing, and the Chaos King is a little worse, but no one can control who.

Now among the group of people in Tianting, if the three people nodded in agreement, helping Zhang Ziran could complete his earthly plan, inspire the power of Red Dust, and change the whole world again.

"This matter is extremely important, and it is imperative that Emperor Tiandi make the order. If Emperor Tiandi is willing, we have the responsibility." Hua Mingsha said first. This man was created by Emperor Tian, ​​and it is natural that everything was ordered by Emperor Tiandi.

"Okay, I communicate with the Emperor, hoping that the Emperor will do it." Zhang Tianran's head appeared on the top of the sacrifice.

At this moment, in the other world.

The huge realm is still in the human world, but it has only shrunk, hidden in a hidden place in the human world, confined by a huge mana.

Then, in the realm, many people entered.

In the Proterozoic, Boduo and Dousheng, there are dozens of masters in the realm of Tianyuan, and hundreds of Tianshou Tianzun, thousands of saints and gods.

These people are setting up a large array, and the power of great sacrifice has poured into the realm, and a lot of immortal materials have emerged in the operation of the large array. These immortal materials have actually begun to penetrate the crystal wall system of the alien world and deprive them of alienation. Control of the world.

This is a bold refining alien world.

However, as the controller of the other world, Long Xiangtian, Ji Ningsha, Liu Chansha and others did not dare to move. They could only watch a young man carrying his hands in front of him and staring at them.

This young man, dressed in black and white clothes, also has a circle of light behind his head. There seems to be two powerful forces fighting against each other in the light, deducing various terrible scenes, the birth and death of all realms are like clouds, and time and space are like quicksand. This kind of momentum, Long Xiangtian has only seen from the Emperor of Heaven and Gu Chensha.

"Abominable ~ www.readwn.com ~ This person does not know what **** is gone. He actually obtained the largest source of mutation in this group. This source of mutation is more than a hundred times mys. I am not an opponent at all. Now we must control us. We worked hard to create a different realm, and we were helpless. "Long Xiangtian was very frustrated and had a pessimistic mood for his future. He was extremely angry, but helpless.

"What do you mean, do you really want to kill the net?" Ji Ningsha saw a large group of people in the other world. The young man in black and white clothes actually moved his formation into the other world and began to refine. This person wants to take their foundation. But she was helpless now, this person's strength was far above her.

"The fish's dead net is broken?" The young man in black and white clothes laughed. "The fish is dying, and the net will definitely not be broken. Your strength is just a little bit. How can you compare with me? Or quickly submit to me and take the control of the other world with both hands. Blessings can save you from death. "

"His Excellency surname." Ye Qingyi stepped forward and arched his hands.

"Oh? It seems that you want to trust me. They all call me Lord, but you are different from these people, you are also the recipients of the mutant origin, you can call me Gu Daoxian." The young man in black and white clothes said: "You These people are named sand, in fact, they are trying to compete for some kind of future, but I go further than you. "

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