Dragon Talisman

Chapter 949: Swallow

Chapter 949: Swallow

The ancient dust and sand is to stir up the world, try the qualities of the human world and the emperor.

As far as the black and white youth Gu Daoxian in front of him is concerned, he is not an enemy, it is just trouble. Trouble can be solved, and the enemy is unpredictable.

The black and white youth Gu Daoxian is a small trouble, and the emperor is a big trouble.

In the future, the terrible things produced by the ancient step immortals and the heavens will be the real enemy.

However, the trouble must also be resolved. If the immediate and minor troubles are not resolved, after the terrible things appear in the future, the ancient dust and sand will also fall into the passive, and it will not be impossible to lose.

He urged his dragon-free mind method, all the forces gathered together, and all the human beings in the human world could feel the dragon-free mind method penetrate into the depths of his heart, and planted a seed.

Sooner or later these seeds will take root and germinate.

"Dare to take me seriously." When the black and white youth Gu Daoxian was furious, when he saw Gu Chen's shot, most of the power was suppressing the human world, and only a small part of the power came towards him. He knew that Gu Chen looked down on him, and his heart was unstoppable.


The black and white youth Gu Daoxian didn't want to think about it, and the eternal realm and heavenly court rose up behind him again. "Ancient dust, I can do it, I can create you and the emperor. You are all my playthings."

brush! Two meteor-like rays hit the ancient dust and sand.

The ancient dust and sand didn't look at it. With a flick of one's fingers, the long river without a dragon's heart was divided into a stream, and the eternal realm created by this black and white young ancient Taoist immortal was wrapped with the prototype of heaven. And began to melt.

"come back."

The black and white youth, the ancient Tao Xianxian, did not expect that the ancient dust and sand were so powerful, and they will immediately withdraw the eternal realm and heaven that they created, because this is the change of his origin. He originally thought that the ancient dust and sand could be restrained, but there was no It's so easy to get to ancient dust.

"Just want to take it back? Don't you think you are a bit naive?" Gu Chensha grabbed it again, and the prototypes of Yongjie and Tianting had already grabbed their hands, and then made a crackling sound, and finally restored to There is a clump of origin, which is a variation origin. This clump is actually as big as Long Xiangtian.

"Yes, you can afford it. The total amount of mutations in your body is 100 times that of Long Xiangtian, and now you lose 1%. For you, it won't hurt your muscles." Incorporate this group of mutation equivalent to Long Xiangtian into his own body.

Between this confrontation, Guchen Sand is equivalent to swallowing a Long Xiangtian.


In the first round of the fight, the black and white youth Gu Daoxian actually lost one percent of his original source. He was even more annoyed, but at this time he saw that even if he was more powerful, he was not an opponent of Gu Chensha at all. Originally, he thought that the ancient dust sand would not use the power of the eternal realm, but it could still be suppressed by him alone. But now it seems that the ancient dust sand is much stronger than him. If he fights again, it is likely that he will be destroyed. Ancient dust and sand are completely suppressed.


Regardless of shame, the black and white youth Gu Daoxian flew up and fled outside.

"Run away? Can you escape?" Gu Chensha was too lazy to entangle with this black and white youth, the ancient Taoxian. Suddenly, the whole dragonless heart was collected, and the vast river of civilization in the sky was collected and turned into one. Only a big mouth, swallowed in the direction of the true black and white youth.

The inside of this mouth seems chaotic, with countless thunders, earth, water, fire, and wind in operation, and the nature is controlled, and the birth and death of billions of worlds are in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this mouth swallowing towards himself, the black and white youth Gu Daoxian only felt that he had gone through tens of billions of civilizations in an instant, and his mind was lost in the reincarnation of that civilization.

"Why, why!" The black and white youth Gu Daoxian yelled, "Why this beast's strength is so arrogant, I can't even get a move. This is still the case when he did not use the eternal realm. I'm still strong, so isn't he likely to even approach the cultivation of heaven in the future? "

Faced with the big mouth swallowed by the ancient dust, the black and white youth Gu Daoxian has almost no ability to fight back. Any counterattack is futile, and the ancient dust will not give him any chance, just swallow it.


Seeing that the black and white youth Gu Daoxian was about to be swallowed up, suddenly the entire human world violently oscillated. From the core point, the power of the human body began to erupt, and the red air of dust was scattered, polluting all things and letting everything practice Become difficult and degenerate.

Seven emotions and six desires, thousands of red dust, filled the whole world.

"Huh?" Feeling the changes in the human world, Gu Chensha nodded: "Heaven finally made a determination and opened the final perfection of the human world. After the complete version of the human world changes successfully, it is full of the power of the world, and the emotions are mixed. In the aura, it makes it extremely difficult to practice. Not to mention, it can also pollute those who have become mana. Anyone who has reached the twentieth state of the state, is impermanent, and has physically practiced the mana completely, if they remain On earth, mana will be polluted and polluted by the world ’s red dust, seven passions, six desires, and the most severe fall into reincarnation. Eternal life must not be born, even the soul can not be saved. These monks who have become mana, even gods, saints, even heaven Tianshou and Tianyuan must belong to the immortal realm and the divine realm. Otherwise, they will be contaminated over time and extremely troublesome. "

Uh ...

The power of Red Dust swept across the earth.

Suddenly, Gu Chensha saw that the sky seemed to open up a lot of space. The vast world of humanity, and many monks who had become a twentieth "variant" were actually directly sucked into the immortal world. That is to say, these people "fly up."

The ancient dust and sand can be seen with the naked eye, and that fairyland is expanding rapidly.

The Lord of the Immortal Realm is now Jiangchuan. He is a member of the Wulong Cabinet. He usually does not show up. He is only a young talent. However, at the most critical time, he actually betrayed the Wulong Cabinet and betrayed the court. Become the Lord of the Fairy.

Now he urged the immortal world. Above the human realm, he wanted to absorb the monks of the entire human world. In an instant, he did n’t know how many monks who had become mana were included in the immortal world. Immediately, the entire immortal world began. Swelling aids the human world and establishes perfect order.

At this time, the giant spirit **** also unfolded the divine realm, and absorbed many god-level masters into the divine realm, and in the divine realm, many real **** heads were instantly produced. These real **** heads act as temptations, making Many god-level masters settled down and devoted themselves to the work of heaven.

At this moment, the demon returns to the demon, the demon returns to the demon, the **** returns to the god, the immortal returns to the immortal, and the human returns to humanity. Ghosts enter the land, Dingding reincarnation.

The whole human world has expanded again and is almost indestructible.

Under the urging of a certain force, the huge human force condensed into an extremely shining light, submerged into the huge mouth transformed by the ancient dust and sand, and then exploded!


The huge mouth transformed by Guchensha's Dragon-Free Heart Method was suddenly blown apart by this human force, and his body was rejected by the human world, and it seemed to be squeezed out of the human world at any time.

"Miaoyu." Gu Chensha nodded in the face of what happened at this moment. He didn't have the slightest panic, it seemed to be in his own calculations.

This is the strongest counterattack method of Tianting. If Tianting still does not fight back, he has swallowed the black and white youth Gu Daoxian himself, and then spreads the dragon-free heart method in the human world. The Emperor will not be able to recapture that day.

So now all the people in the heavenly courts, the nine kings, the sun and the moon, the stars in the sky, the 129,600 kings of the heavens, and the Lord of the Five Realms, and many messy devotees gathered together for the high sacrifice. The moment of sacrifice spurred the human world to make it stable quickly, order was established, and its own way. As long as the human world is stable, the power of the human world has greatly increased, and the strength of the emperor can be exerted to the fullest.

"The human world is indeed the human world. For the time being, it is still the head of many worlds. Fortunately, even my eternal world is not comparable at all. It has fallen into the world from many sources of variation, instead of falling into my eternal world. You can see that the human world has the ability to attract that mutated origin. "Gu Chen's heart thought for a moment," It seems that the energy of the human world will continue until the terrible thing is born, That terrible thing will eventually fall into the human realm and be born. "

"Exclusion on earth!"

At this time, on the high sky, there seemed to be a large array. This large array kept running, and Zhang naturally lived in it, spurring the power of the entire human world ~ www.readwn.com ~ The dust completely repels the human world, and it will not be able to descend on the human world in the future.

"The ancient dust and sand, the realm of the world does not belong to you. You go out. The things in the world belong to the living beings. There is a natural order in the living beings. If you intervene yourself, you will naturally be rejected by the human world." With ancient dust road.

"That being the case, I will devour the world." Gu Chensha once again urged Wulong Xinfa, and the big mouth condensed again.

Wulong's mind turned into a big mouth, swallowed up the world, swallowed up the sky, swallowed up nothing, swallowed up time and space.

This time, the ancient dragon's heartlessness has become more fierce and huge. It has to be connected with the human world, masters in heaven, and even the black and white young ancient Taoist immortal.

There is also the highest level of the human world. It seems that the heaven and the emperor who created it also swallowed together. The ancient dust and sand trick is to try to make tricks and let it be planned. I swallow it directly and see what the emperor can do this time. Come here.

Gu Chensha did not see the true strength of the Emperor last time. Now it is to urge all the forces, so that the Emperor must confront himself positively. If the Emperor fails to do his best this time, he will be swallowed to leave only a lonely man.

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