Dragon Talisman

Chapter 952: political reform

Chapter 952: Reform

In the human world.

Above the high sky, the highest node, where mortal monks can't reach, the heavenly courts are running eternally and imposingly.

The heavenly court is as huge as the former Middle-earth Divine Land. The four feet of the heavenly court are the four wastelands.

However, at this moment, the heavenly court has more sacred luster than before. It is the heavenly emperor collecting countless sacrifices, refining immortality, and even acquiring some sources of mutation, making the heavenly court stronger.

At this moment, a conference is being held in the hall of the highest center of heaven.

This meeting was chaired by Tiandi. Tiandi sits on a high seat. The whole person is extremely huge, with a flat crown, and the curtain is hanging down. He can't see his true face at all.

The Emperor of Heaven is under him, presenting a color that does not exist in the world.

The Heavenly Emperor's throne was originally at the core of the heavens. Inside the gate of the heavens, there must be an endless collection of 36 treasures before it can be opened to obtain the Heavenly Emperor's throne.

However, due to the change of the heavens, the heavens were broken in advance, and the emperor did not gather the endless thirty-six treasures to quietly obtain the emperor's throne and establish a new heaven.

Originally, according to the development of the original history, after the Divine Land was refined by the ancient dust and sand, the emperor would be displaced and become a lone soul and a ghost.

However, the Heavenly Emperor also had an adventure. Not only did he gain the title of Heavenly Emperor in advance, but he also re-created a new heavenly court, making it stronger.

The emperor sits on the top of the heavenly court, and the various gods, immortals, kings, stars, and other officials are arranged according to status. This is the first court meeting since the establishment of the heavenly court, which is of great significance. .

"You all."

The emperor made a rumbling sound, and the heavens were shaking slightly, showing his powerful power, almost boundless.

"This is the first meeting since the court established the world, established order, and the demons and gods have their own peace. This meeting is arguably the most crucial time to consolidate energy, reverse the world, build the future, and soothe fate. It is of great significance. . Those of you who can come to the meeting, can get immortality. "

Many court officials in the heavenly court kneel down: "Congratulations to the Emperor, eternal and immortal, the establishment of the heavenly court, and it will never be destroyed."

"Very good." Tiandi said: "You, the purpose of this meeting is several. First, although the court of heaven was established, there are still regrets, that is, the empress does not return, but the emperor is about to be born. As long as the empress returns, the court It's true great consummation. "

"Xi Ji, the Queen of Heaven is taken away by that building and worshiping the moon. I think we should kill Lou and worship the moon and get the source." Ming Concubine Wudangkong sitting under the emperor suddenly said.

Wu Dangkong was actually very reconciled. She always wanted to be a new queen of heaven, but the emperor did not give her the opportunity at all, and even re-elected Tianhou to be born.

This made her resentful, but she was helpless.

One day later, she was not born. One day, she was basically one person, one hundred million beings.

"Ming Fei, you have come along all the way, you have worked hard, and you all look at you, and you will never treat you badly, but a new person has been born after the day, this is also a fixed number, irreversible, you will always enjoy the throne of Ming Fei. It is also a blessing. "Tiandi said calmly.

"Chen Ye just wanted to help His Majesty to stabilize the situation quickly. After all, now Yongjie, Alien, and even the original origin of the mutation called Gu Daoxian are still there, which can cause great damage to the heaven." Mingfei Wudang empty road.

"This matter is about to be discussed." Heavenly Emperor interrupted Wu Dangkong's words: "You guys, what do you think."

"His Majesty, Chen feels that the most urgent task is to strengthen the order and prosperity of the human world. The ancient Taoist immortal is hidden in the human world. I don't know what method was used to hide it. Zhou Tian couldn't even peep out. This person is not removed, and the world is restless. Even our courtiers are at risk of being assassinated. "King Tian Luo stepped forward and started to play.

"His Majesty, in addition, many sources of variation have also landed in the human realm, which is likely to cause instability in the human realm. We must also find out one by one. There are also some rebels, which are more vicious. Some masters came from the eternal realm, contaminated with eternal energy, and practiced the dragon-free heart method. Although they did not reach the level of inspiration in the dragon-free heart method, which did not depend on the outside world, they could use this evil spell to resist humanity. The erosion of human power in the realm is also hidden in the human realm. Faith is gathered in secret. We in heaven must annihilate these people. Otherwise, these people are tumors and it is easy to completely contaminate the human realm. "New Sun and Moon Lord Huamingsha Road.

"That's right. I want to say these things." Tiandi said: "Without the Dragon Heart Method, as long as you practice, you can resist the erosion of human beings. You can't help it. You are hidden in the human world. Among them, humans are deceived everywhere. To gather faith, we must destroy and kill it. "

"The ministers understand." All the courtiers said.

"The minister also has something to enlighten." The **** of the gods, the giant spirit, Shinto: "In the court of the gods, there are some characters from the heavenly realm. These characters are not tamed. Although they are temporarily jealous of the dignity of the heavenly court, they are not very serious. Serving, often secretly disturbing the divine realm, the minister asked his Majesty to deal with these rebellious generations. "

"I know your troubles, too." Tiandi listened and said something for a while before he said: "This is indeed a troublesome thing. Between the great changes of the heavens and the earth, many young and powerful men were born. These people would have been impossible to cultivate. Tianyuan Realm, but now it is actually established, this is the variable. According to the rules of the sky, these people must be killed directly, but now there are too many variables. If all of them are killed, not only will those people be stunned, and they will cause their changes It is even more detrimental to stability, so these people have to recruit security, but how exactly do you recruit security, do you discuss a charter change? "

"Your Majesty, the minister has something to say." Fa Sheng stepped forward at this time.

"Oh? Fasheng, you said." Tiandi said: "Fasheng, when it comes to Zhao'an, you can use you as an example. You are not a courtier in heaven, but since following this time in the court, you have made many plans and established the human world. There is also a great credit. He made an exception to promote you so that you are among the court officials. Today, I want to reward you and give everyone an example. You think so. "

"This is what the minister wants to say." Fa Shengdao said: "The minister was not a destined person in heaven, but he accepted the grace of the emperor, entered the heaven, and could enjoy immortality. This can be an example for those variables. It means that they are willing to contribute to the heavenly courts and set up a department dedicated to managing variables, so that those who should not be in the realm of destiny should be Tianyuan, Tianshou, and Tianzun realm. They will manage it, work for the heavenly courts, and worship the heavenly courts. "

"Good!" Tiandi overjoyed: "Yes, I have the same intention, Fa Sheng, you are the representative of the law, the example of the law, in the original Middle-earth China, to help those ancient emperors to establish order and last for 10,000 years This long-lasting legal system is not ordinary. It is even more rare that you are not seduced by the ancient dust and sand, or you are loyal to the court and the Falun Gong is heard. "

"The minister is here." Fa Sheng was also overjoyed, kneeling down.

"Yanshu sealed you as the Heavenly King of Reformation, and the Nine Heavenly Kings became the Ten Heavenly Kings." Heavenly Emperor Jinkou Yuyan, it seems that the court of heaven changed for a while: "Since the law of the future has changed, the court of the day will follow. But change, you are the saint, and the management of the variables is for the reform. The king of the reforms manages the variables, and everyone assists you. I will give you the whip of reform, the host of the world, the immortal world, the **** world, the demon world, the demon world, and even the heavenly court. political reform."

The emperor's book was sealed, and a robe was immediately added to the body of Fa Sheng. This robe even consisted of countless words. It was a variety of legal stripes. Putting on this robe, the Fa immediately There is a huge amount of energy in his body, which is consistent with the future operation, and the strength of Fa Sheng has skyrocketed.

At the same time, a golden whip appeared on the hand of Fa Sheng, and a lot of legal texts appeared on the golden whip. These legal texts appeared to be stronger than the power of the sun and the moon.

Everyone looked at Fa Sheng enviously, especially the giant spirit **** was extremely jealous.

Because Fa Sheng has now obtained the robe of reformation, the whip of reformation, combined. In a leap of strength, he became a more powerful man than Zhang Ziran.

"The word reformation has taken the air, it can be said that it is the mainstream of the future ~ www.readwn.com ~ I ca n’t think of Fasheng actually ascending to the sky in one step. Among many heavenly kings, it seems that Chaos is ranked first, and Fasheng ’s reforming king Ranked tenth, but the king of reform is the real first, because the future has changed, the heavenly path will eventually be destroyed, and the future is destined to be not the original future. Therefore, heaven must also be reformed, and reform is the mainstream in the future. Right, in one fell swoop, he was able to **** the anger that he never had before. "Zhang naturally frowned, but he knew immediately.

"This man is simply hitting a luck." Gu Tanjian, who stood below, was extremely jealous. They did not expect Fa Sheng to become one of the high-rises in the heavens.

Now that the heavenly courts have established a new order, these have no positions themselves, and they rely on the existence of the heavenly courts, which is a bit awkward now.

"The ancient bullet sword, the ancient Changjian obey orders!" The holy man who got the canon stood up: "You people have entered my reform department and collected all the variables. Rectify many world orders."

Gu Danjian, Gu Changjian and others have no way but to obey the law.

"Your Majesty." The king of punishment, King Hua Huasha, stepped out and started to play, "We are not opponents of that ancient Taoist immortal, and our Majesty may also have to surrender in person."

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