Dragon Talisman

Chapter 963: Attack heaven

Chapter 963: Assault on Heaven

At present, because the Emperor of Heaven has strengthened the power of Red Dust, there are almost no masters in the human world. Even those who have obtained the source of mutation can resist the difficulties, let alone ordinary masters.

The human world is now absorbing the power of so many masters who have fallen into reincarnation, and it is expanding and expanding.

Gu Daoxian could not shelter his subordinates, and he really had no way.

At present, the strongest people are the Ruyi nineteen-year-old Ruyi people. Such people are very weak. If they were not needed to manage their huge empire, collect sacrifices and beliefs, Gu Daoxian would have no interest in paying attention to these people.

"It's not a thing to go on like this, although my strength is strengthening, collecting some sacrifices and refining immortality, but that day the emperor's strength improved much faster than me, and that Hongzhangsha has surpassed me, so I will fall into it sooner or later In these people's pockets, they will never be overwhelmed, and they will never be born alive. "Gu Daoxian's heart was actually anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of any way.

"Do n’t I practice the dragonless mindless method? At the moment, it seems that this is the only way. That is, Hong Hongsha is cultivated into the dragonless heartless method, so that it can resist the erosion of the power of red dust and grow stronger. Self-esteem, I will never practice that mentality without dragons. I have to comprehend my own mentality. "Since the birth of Gu Daoxian, in fact, he actually looked down on ancient dust in his eyes, and naturally he would not practice anything. No Dragon Heart Method.

He kept running and practicing for himself, trying to refine the power of these red dust, but the power of red dust was entangled in him, and it kept flowing and changing. It was not something he could drive out and control, so , He calculated, analyzed, racked his brains.

It is a pity that with his wisdom, he could not comprehend the cultivation method that can be compared with the method without dragon heart.

"Damn. The wisdom of the ancient dust is so profound? I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe that this person can reach this state. Even if I die, I won't practice the method without dragon heart." Gu Daoxian almost growled: " Ancient dust, my name is Ancient Taoxian. Compared to higher-level beings, how can you go from the bottom to the bottom and practice the dragon-free heart method you created. "

"Hahaha ........" Between this determination, Gu Daoxian's ear suddenly passed a burst of sound. This sound was a chuckle, I don't know who made it.

"Who?" Between the moments of the ancient Taoxian, a huge divine thought swept through the void, and almost any dimension of time and space was struck by his divine thought.

In his cultivation, he far surpassed the masters in the realm of heaven and earth. With a divine thought, all the worlds were vividly remembered, with clear insight into autumn and fall, such as mercury diarrhea, and the sun and moon shining through the sky.

However, no matter how he searched, he could not find the source of the laughter at all.

The laughter seemed to come from his own heart.

"Who the **** is it?" Gu Daoxian calmed down quickly: "Is it Tiandi and Guchensha? No, even if these two are more powerful, I am not their opponent, but I have to say that these two laughed at me. I can't find it? Unless there is a stronger existence than these two people? But between heaven and earth, is there anything stronger than these two people? "

"Gu Daoxian, you are very good. You can die without practicing that dragonless mind. I see it very well. In this case, I will teach you a secret method. This secret method cannot be named, elusive, or guessable. It ’s unmeasurable. It ’s far beyond the Dragon Heartless Method. As long as you practice this secret method, you wo n’t be afraid of the power of the Red Dust. ”In the deep soul of Gu Daoxian, a voice resounded again.

This sound seems to be the core truth of Gu Daoxian himself, and it seems to be the call from the origin.

Subsequently, a wave of mystery waved in his heart.

The ancient Daoxian quickly, such as Rugao empowerment, realized the great freedom, the great secret.

A halo spread around his body.

There were ripples from his body, and the ripples shattered the power of the red dust into a golden yellow immortality.

"Haha, this immortal power has approached the eighth layer, the immortal realm. This mind is really mysterious. What kind of exercise is this? Unknown? Ca n’t you name it? Has this exercise reached the point of shocking the world, It is impossible to have a name? Or any name is not enough to describe the mystery of this technique, so there is no name at all? "Gu Daoxian suddenly felt that he was not afraid of the erosion of red dust.

"Tiandi, Guchensha, and that Hongzhangsha, you wait, since I have obtained such a powerful technique, it is impossible to let you go." The ancient Taoist immortal shouted, and this howling actually penetrated The layers of the human boundary crystal wall system reached the heaven, causing the heaven to shake.

Seems to be demonstrating to heaven.

Not only that, this sound also passed through many turbulences of time and space and reached the eternal realm, so that the crystal walls of the eternal realm made crackling sounds, as if the cracks of porcelain and glass were violently collided.

The ancient dust and sand body sitting in the eternal realm suddenly opened his eyes.

An avatar of Guchensha followed Hongyesha, and his body was sitting in the eternal realm. It was estimated that there was no dragon heart. The eternal realm is now completely calm. Although many masters have gone to the world, they can stay. There are many more, especially the many masters who have now gone to the human world, all of which have fallen, eroded by the power of the red dust on earth, fallen into reincarnation, and there is no place for burial.

The news passed one after another into the eternal realm, making all the masters of the eternal realm trembling and afraid to go to the realm again. Instead, they practiced with peace of mind in the eternal realm and learned about the dragon-free mind method. In the meantime, Yongjie ’s national movement was solid, and many people gathered.

In this environment, ancient dust and sand also began to accelerate the refining of immortality, and strengthened the eternal realm one step further.

At this time, he felt Gu Daoxian's provocative Changxiao, and immediately urged him to repair himself. The crystal wall system of Yongjie rotated slightly with a click, and the Changxiao was scattered and absorbed into it.

As soon as Gu Chensha grabbed it, the force of this long howling was caught in his own hands.

The power of that long howl has turned into many ripples, and it seems to never cease to spread.

Gu Chensha watched the ripples of the long whistle, and his face was dignified: "The strength of this ancient Taoist fairy actually grew so fast, and I immediately learned some kind of mystery? This mystery is not my dragonless mind, nor is it Emperor of Heaven. The kind of method comes from another mysterious enlightenment. Sure enough, if I guess there is no mistake, it is the terrible thing that has finally been shot. He imparted some of his enlightenment to the ancient Taoist immortal, Immortal as a stand-in, upset everything and observe the change. This terrible thing first controlled those who reincarnate the source of variation, lurking beside Hongyusha, and seduced the ancient Taoist immortal. But in this way, this terrible thing has just born its power It ’s not very strong, and you ca n’t even deal with the Emperor. If he is strong, he will seduce the Emperor directly. Why are you still here to fight against the ancient Taoist immortal? ”

"Dust, just the provocation of Gu Daoxian?" Zhuge Ya, Wen Hong, Lou Baiyue and others came over: "How powerful is Gu Daoxian?"

"Gu Daoxian is possessed by that horrible thing." Gu Chen said: "This is a good thing. The horrible thing can only seduce Gu Daoxian for the time being, and cannot completely control Gu Daoxian. Gu Daoxian now has to choose an attack point. It is either our eternal realm, or heaven, or the Hongluosha, but Hongluosha was also invaded by that terrible thing, and that terrible thing cannot make Gu Daoxian and Hongluosha fight hard. And that terrible thing It is also impossible for Gu Daoxian to deal with my eternal realm, otherwise there is absolutely no return. Therefore, the only goal is to attack the heaven. Once attack the heaven, my opportunity will come. "

"I don't know how to resolve the emperor this time?" Lou Baiyue said, "Yes, the fourth child recently retreat and realized Wulong's mentality, and it seems that he has really learned the core truth."

"Really?" Gu Chensha nodded, indicating that he knew: "Gu Daoxian and Tiandi fight, I have to go to Tianting to see, under that pressure, Tiandi will surrender to me. The best, because now we are dealing with the same enemy, that terrible thing. If this terrible thing is finally condensed into a body, it will be a disaster for heaven and eternity. "

"But can Emperor Tian surrender to you and learn your dragon-free mind?" Lou Baiyue said.

"Then he can't help it," Gu Chen said. "My deity continues to sit in the eternal realm and incarnate to heaven."

In the world of human beings, the ancient Tao Xianxian rises into the sky.

He really gained the strength of that unknown mind, and attacked the heavens directly.

The heavenly court is so high ~ www.readwn.com ~ and there is a layer of separation from the human world. No matter how arrogant people are, they cannot break through this level of blockade and reach the heavenly court.

Now the whole world ’s heavenly court has many world rules. In the world, there are reincarnations of life and death, various numbers of calamities, also in the demon world, the **** world, the demon world, the immortal world, and the land.

Only in heaven can it be immortal, immortal, not reincarnate, and it will always exist.

Heaven is a temptation.

But Gu Daoxian did not care about this, and saw the barrier of heaven, and once again shouted, "Tiandi, you are sitting almost in the same position. With your waste, you cannot surrender the ancient dust and sand, what else is there?" Now heaven is not heaven, and earth is not earth. It is better for me to replace you and devour you. I can sit on the throne of heaven to ensure order. "


Gu Daoxian is a punch.

Between this fist, the heavens trembled, and the crystal wall system in the heavenly court was shattered and broken, and the mysterious heavenly court was almost completely exposed to the world.

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