Dragon Talisman

Chapter 979: Various realms

Chapter 979: Various Realms

Today's practice is becoming more and more complicated and more sophisticated. In those days, the masters of the realm of heaven respect were already dominating the world. The existence of time and space can almost do whatever they want, manipulate social clubs, and control artifacts. But now, it can only be counted as a similar medium person.

Even if it is Tianshou, Tianyuan Realm is the same.

But the realm of heaven is different.

In the past, the realm of heaven was no one could reach, and it was far from comparable to the realm of heaven. There is only one heavenly realm. It is known as the endless continent, and its power is endless. No matter how many worlds and thousands of heavenly realms, it cannot be compared with the realm of heaven.

Now, Zhang Ziran has achieved self-confidence as a ancestor by virtue of sacrifice, and has actually achieved the realm of heaven.

At this level, his strength is completely different from before.

Also understood a lot of truth.

The reason why no one can practice the realm of heaven before is because it is impossible to refine the power of immortality, only to be able to purify one's own immortality to the seventh level of real immortality, and then accumulate the power of immortality, see some mystery, Use immortal force to forcibly open up heaven in the body.

In other words, you must first reach the seventh immortal power, and then use this power to open up the realm of heaven.

Once it has been successfully developed, there will be a heaven in the body.

Of course, the heavenly realm in Zhang Nature's body is not as complete as the real endless continent of that year, but as long as you constantly absorb the power and infuse the immortal force into it, you can expand the heavenly body in the body and give birth to all beings. Even among them can be bred Tianzun, Tianshou, Tianyuan, Sun and Moon, Middle-earth China, and the Four Wildlands.

"This is the celestial realm. It is really amazing. I actually reached this realm." Zhang naturally felt the celestial world he had opened up, and suddenly came up with an idea. "I opened up the celestial realm in my body. I can be born in accordance with the original celestial realm. Many of the original characters came out, and even gave birth to the Emperor Tiandi, to create a Tiandi himself? However, this seems impossible. I must reach the realm of heaven, and the difference between the realm of heaven and the realm of heaven is huge. "

Ten days into the realm, Zhang Ziran's strength has soared, and he is no longer afraid of any sacred law, even between the vaguely, he sees through some sort of robbery and qi.

"The way of human beings really contains supreme vigor. As an ancestor, I actually occupy a very important link between the heaven and earth now. With this vigor and blessing on the body, my cultivation has risen continuously, and then no one can Kill me, at least for now, it seems that I have made the right move against Tianting. "Zhang Ziran felt satisfied," But the number of qi will change, the way of heaven is capricious, and the cause and effect are repeated. I have not been able to completely Transcendence. The ancient dust and the emperor are said to have reached the eighth level of the immortal realm. The immortal realm is still above me. I have not yet competed against the ability to kill them. Even if it is the power of ancient Warsaw, I am afraid Above me. But I now understand a lot of the truth. I am afraid that ancient Warsaw has many connections with the emperor. Although he now makes me resist the heaven, I always think that things are weird. But I can't tell where the weirdness is. But I absolutely I ca n’t be restrained by him. It seems that I have time to spend more time with Daozhou Hongsha, even Guchensha, and my son, Zhang Yiren ......... "

Naturally, Zhang looked at him and looked at his many sons on the high altar. The 19-year-old son Zhang Yiren has endless potential in his body, and he has a huge number of qi, which is not even below him.

He had long felt that there was something weird about this son, but this son contained his own blood. If he used it well, it would be a great help, and he could even add his own energy out of thin air.

"All of you ..." Zhang Ziran said, "This time the sacrifice is over, have you all got great benefits? I have also been promoted to the realm of heaven. After the sacrifice, you can digest the income you have today. After this sacrifice, our qi is connected. If you are misbehaving, you are weakening your qi. "

"Since then, we have been linked to Ren Chao, and we have Xing Ren Xing." Everyone shouted quickly.

"Now, I announce one thing, standing up." In a word from Zhang Ziran, he raised the hearts of all the princes. After this sacrifice, Zhang Ziran's prestige reached the extreme, and even the heavenly concubine rebelled Then, he was thrown into this man's dynasty, and the calamity of Tianting did not come down. All the people felt that Zhang Ziran had set the trend and could completely compete with Tianting.

The prince who he saved will become a big man under one person and over one hundred million people, gaining countless counts and resources.

Everyone was listening quietly.

"Zhang Yiren, you come up." Zhang naturally pointed at the nineteenth prince Zhang Yiren.

"Yes, Father Emperor." Zhang Yiren stepped up the stairs, and knelt on the altar.

"From today on, you are the crown prince and the prince." Zhang Ziran said: "If I practice in isolation, you will preside over major events. Do you dare to assume this responsibility?"

"Don't give up," Zhang Yiren said in a hoe. "Given by the Father, the sons and daughters must do their best. Add energy to our dynasty and destroy the heaven."

"You're wrong, heaven, he does his thing, as long as he doesn't interfere in human affairs. We will leave him, we will not fight with him for the time being, the world will return to the world, and heaven will return to heaven. If we do not interfere, but if Heaven is here to attack us. Then we can only rise up to resist and let them never come back. "Zhang Ziran ’s sentence was a comfort to many people present, and many officials did n’t want to fight the heaven, and killed you. I want to practice safely and temporarily: "Tianzu, do you mean it?"

Tianzu, now Wudang Kong.

Wu Dangkong looked at Zhang Yiren, and was secretly shocked: "The qi and the potential in this son are almost immeasurable. I feel that the huge mutation has no origin, and there seems to be a thought that makes me feel extremely terrible and terrible The seal is in it. This son is much more powerful than the day of the Son of Heaven given by the Emperor. But this has nothing to do with me. In the sacrifice I just made, my cultivation has also grown tremendously.

Wu Dangkong indeed gained unparalleled benefits in this sacrifice. She became the ancestor of heaven, and even deprived the heavenly emperor of Qi. Moreover, this sacrifice can be successful, and her merits are the greatest. rising.

In time, even she felt that she could reach the real immortal realm of the immortal seventh layer, and then open up the realm of heaven.

"Zhang Ziran, your practice is actually one step ahead of me, but I have gained a lot of experience from the changes you just made. When I open up the heavens, the strength in my body will be much more pure than you. It ’s one thing to get to Heaven, but it ’s another thing to run Heaven. It ’s not as simple as the world of micro-dust created by god-level masters. The world of micro-dust, small thousand worlds, medium thousand worlds, large thousand worlds, heavens, There are only three different grades, but the fundamental difference is more than billions of times. ”Wudang Kong is also thinking. She has her own plan:“ This person has great strength and potential. If you can capture it, grab me. In the world, repression is the foundation, and it will be extraordinary to open up the heavens and run the Qi in the future. In addition, the emperor who created the designated son of heaven can also arrest him. "

"Zhang Yiren, get up." Zhang Ziran said.

"Thank you Father Emperor." Zhang Yiren was established as a prince, but he had no joy and was extremely deep.

"The number of qi rises, the number of qi rises!"

At this time, some people were observing the weather of this country outside the "People's Chaos" territory.

The head is a young scholar, who is followed by a few similar people and military generals, who are extremely advanced. Among them, this young scholar is actually in the realm of Tianyuan. I do n’t know where the hidden master came from ~ www.readwn.com ~ Master, I watched this person's vitality count, like the sky, the sky, the sky. I am afraid that in the future, we will fight against the Qi state for a long time. What are we going to do in this battle? Where does destiny go? To plan ahead, we need to make arrangements early. It is not easy for us to build a foundation in the Daping Dynasty and it cannot be destroyed. "A humane like Wenchen, the cultivation of this Wenchen is actually the realm of life.

"Yes, it is not easy for us to establish a foundation in the Ping Dynasty. We cannot destroy it once, so we cannot take refuge in either party and be annexed by the other party." The young scholar shook his fan. And, taking advantage of the weakening of the court of heaven, established the court, shared Qi, and learned more about the Dragon-free Heart Method, and gained some Qi from it. Now I see the future, and I see the future, who is the hegemon between the heavens and the earth, who is dead. In the past, everyone thought that Tianting was the king of qi, and no one could compete with Tianting, but the eternal realm appeared, and Zhang naturally rebelled against it. Now they are living extremely moisturizing, which shows that the hegemon between heaven and earth may have already It ’s not a fixed number. The two tigers will have a wound when they fight, and we can share a piece of it. "

"But Naqi now has the secret support of the court of heaven. It is expanding almost every day. Masters are emerging endlessly. Numerous courtiers who are destined to appear will now appear. Now that the territory has been expanded, many countries have been surrendered. It may take some time to deal with us, but it is already imminent. "One minister said," What is the countermeasure for the master? "

"It must be a combination of vertical and horizontal." The young scholar said: "I already have an idea. That ’s why I came to this dynasty. The dynasty is naturally the emperor, but do n’t forget that there are several sacrificed ancestors who have thoughts. , Wuzu, Daozu, Yongzu, Tianzu, this is our opportunity. "

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