Dragon Talisman

Chapter 984: 1st person

Chapter 984: The First Person

"How could you be so strong?"

Fa Wuxian's face was astonished. "The power in your body seems to be comparable to the Emperor of Heaven. Life and death create nature, and everything is the way."

"It's very simple." Zhang Yiren said: "In fact, my strength has something to do with ancient dust and sand. The ancient dust and sand sealed the ancient Taoxian, condensed all the origins of this person into a ball, and then quietly injected into the body of a fetus. The delusion made the fetus his pawn, but he did not expect it. After the fetus grew up, he obtained an adventure. By chance, he destroyed the will of the ancient Taoist immortal, merged with his own will, and became independent. You must let Gu Chensha know how powerful I am. * I have to pay for my life. "

"What?" Fa Wuxian said: "You are also manipulated by ancient dust?"

"Not only me, you have also been manipulated by Guchensha. How did you get the adventure you are getting now? It was made by Guchensha, whose strength is far beyond our estimation." Zhang Yi said: "However, he can use us to get rid of his manipulation. Instead, he can use his adventures to make him suffer."

"So many adventures are made by Gu Chensha alone?" Fa Wuxian couldn't believe it. "If so, to what extent can his strength be better than heaven?"

"It's true. His strength is stronger than Tiandao." Zhang Yi Rendao said: "Do you remember any floods like Dragon Gate, Hongmeng Tree, Heaven Realm, Heaven Emperor's Throne, and Sacrifice to Heaven? These treasures were born from Heaven, ancient dust and sand. The strength now surpasses Tiandao. What is so strange about those babies born? "

"That being the case, we want to deal with him, isn't the idea of ​​revenge Xueheng always hopeless?" Fa Wuxian said.

"That's not necessarily. When Tao and Gutaxian collapse, they will be born beyond his existence. As long as we capture this existence, we can kill the ancient dust and sand in one fell swoop, and we can directly enjoy immortality." Zhang Yi's face There was a fierce look on it, and this look of shame made everyone shudder.

This is a taste that seems to destroy all the heavens, destroy the ancients, destroy everything, crush everything, and have no human feelings, even the feelings of all things, not even the feelings of heaven.

"This person is so terrible." Xianzhu said in the heart: "I'm afraid this person is not as simple as it seems, nor is it just activating the origin of the variation of the ancient Taoxian, there is no such idea in the will of the ancient Taoxian."

The current master of the fairy has won an adventure, not only completely restored the days of life, but also broke through to reach the realm of Tianyuan. She is a person with great numbers and great opportunities. As long as she restores her strength, she will be in the midst of nature. I have calculated a lot of information, otherwise how would she deserve to be regarded by Gu Taxian, and even gave birth to a daughter Gu Huansha with Gu Taxian.

"That being the case, we are willing to invest in your Majesty." The original Jinmen King Chu Feng said: "Now the court has a new Jinmen King, I am just an abandoned son, the Emperor has never thought of saving me, I I heard that even Fasheng betrayed the heaven, and merged with your dynasty to become the ancestor. In this way, the strength of your dynasty has actually completely surpassed the heaven, and the master of the heaven is left with the emperor. The so-called is difficult to support alone. "

"But there is no real strong person in the people's dynasty." A humane who was originally degraded by Gu Chensha: "I am afraid that the ancestors of the present can't compete with the emperor."

"Human ancestors can't compete, but no ancestors can." Zhang Yi said: "The strength of ancient Warsaw without ancestors is no longer under the ancient dust. Even if it is almost, it is not far behind, enough to compete with the emperor, making it The strongest supernatural power that cannot come down directly destroys the people's dynasty. The strength of the people's dynasty has begun to be full. The next step is to unify the realm, devour heaven, and devour eternal realm. "

"In this way, in the process, we may be able to obtain a lot of benefits." Fa Wuxian is now ambitious, he is ready to rise again.

"That ’s why I need your help. Now that we are adults, I am a prince. Although I am second only to the emperor in status, it is far from true." Zhang Ziran said: "Now the court is chaotic and separate. On the hilltop, there are Fazu, Daozu, Tianzu, and different ancestors who are on an equal footing with their father, and they are all managing their own strengths. Fortunately, there is no ancestor who does not manage and does not see people. It only secretly affects the situation, but it is Because of this, it is the most terrible. So of course, my strength is arrogant, but I also need the help of many people to form a party with me and secure my position in the court. "

"When it comes to this, we must be attached to His Royal Highness." Fa Wuxian said: "Help His Royal Highness kill the aliens and take control. Now the world does not know how many empires, how many empires, not Knowing how many arrogant magic weapons, of course, we must work together to eliminate these disrespectful obedience to our orders, while plundering their energy and magic weapons, we can all be promoted to the realm of heaven. "

At this time, Fa Wuxian got an adventure, and instantly became the Tianyuan realm. Of course, he must consolidate the practice. He used the practice of the Tianyuan realm to make a slight calculation, and he can see that the current human world is almost an opportunity. Everywhere, there are earth-shattering numbers. Compared to Middle-earth China and Heaven, the human world is now a real paradise.

In those days, the land of China and the human world was a strange blowout, but compared with the current human world, it was a small puddle and a vast ocean.

"I'm going to devour everything and achieve my own qi, Guchensha, you abolish me, but you don't kill me. This is the biggest mistake. Anyone has a chance. When the salted fish has turned over, let alone me? "Fa Wuxian secretly swears.

"Well, everyone, you are all degraded by Gu Chensha, and now I have been rescued. It is taken for granted that these great adventures are made by Gu Chensha, which can be obtained by you. This is The ancient dust and sand are lacking in you, "Zhang Yi said." Let's go, we will have more opportunities in the future. "

This group was taken away by Zhang Yiren.

Adults are facing.

Inside the Daozu Palace.

Hong Mingsha is talking to people.

These people are the "Fangzu" and "Fangsheng", as well as the "ancestor" Wudangkong, and even the ancestor "Liu Chansha".

Zhang Ziran has already solicited the realms of the realm, and directly enshrined the strongest among them, Liu Chansha, as a "foreign ancestor."

"Fasheng, you actually betrayed the heaven, which is incredible." Dao Zuhong said, "Did you bring all the people in the reform department here? Do you want to seize the power? Occupy the center?"

"I don't have this idea. The protagonist in the human world is human. Zhang Ziran is known as the ancestor of man, and he has already occupied the qi. I can't take it, otherwise it will be backfired. Will appear one after another. For example, Buddha ......... "

"What? Buddha?" "Tianzu" Wudang Kong frowned.

"Yes, we have all reached the realm of celestial sphere now, so we can call them ancestors, which means that we all have the supreme number of the atmosphere." Fa Shengdao: "But we can directly devour other ancestors and join together. Would you like to do this with me? "

"What other ancestors will appear in the future?" Daozu Hongyingsha suddenly felt that the Fa Sheng in front of him was somewhat unpredictable.

"Where can I see through my cultivation?" Fa Sheng did not continue: "No matter what, there will be many ancestors in the future, in fact, it is of no benefit to us. So we must kill such things In. "

In the middle of this conversation, Fa Sheng's eyes suddenly looked over: "Hmm? What's going on in the East Palace?

The East Palace is where the prince lives, which is also the place where Zhang Yiren lives.

"This prince is not simple. His potential is much stronger than us." Tianzu Wudang emptyly said: "I think his ambition is not small ~ www.readwn.com ~ has already expressed his intention to eliminate us. After all, now the dynasty is naturally the one in power, but we are all ancestors, and we are on an equal footing with Zhang Ziran, which has led to decentralization. Zhang Yiren naturally wants to get rid of us and share our strength. This is the most obvious thing. "

"Where can this little bunny be?" Fa Sheng sneered again and again, suddenly looking at "Zizu" Liu Chansha: "Zizu, why don't you speak? Your alien world was created by ancient dust and sand. The human world changes, so you take this opportunity to gain the power of sacrifices to enrich the realm. Now you have acquired the identity of the alien ancestor and finally built up the realm of heaven. What's your opinion on this? "

"Zhang Yiren is nothing terrible, but Fazu said that our ancestors went hand in hand. I don't think so. Now it is obvious that among many ancestors, no ancestor is the first. Above us, even if it is in In the minds of all sentient beings, Wuzu is also the strongest, tallest, and biggest ancestor. "Yizu Liuchensha said:" So I think we must break this situation, or even if we continue to operate, we will just be subservient to others. . What is the difference between being an official under Tiandi? "

"You say this is the most urgent matter." Wudang Kong said: "Now between heaven and earth, there is no existence that can restrain us. If we return to heaven, the emperor has the power to kill and kill us, and we are now the people The ancestor is the true ancestor, but this ancestor-less ancient Warsaw is indeed oppressing us. If we don't solve this problem, we will talk about nothing. "

"Then what do we do? Now we can't find the ancient ancestor without the ancestor, and we can never let Zhang Zun revoke the worship of the ancestor without annihilation? Destroy the monument without the ancestor?" The eyes of Fa Sheng also flashed his intentions.

"It's not bad, in fact, Zhang naturally dissatisfied with Wuzu Ancient Warsaw." Yizu Liuchan said.

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