Dragon Talisman

Chapter 992: 1 world

Chapter 992: A World

Fa Wuxian directly swallowed the emperor, swallowed the existence of this huge number of qi, and then swallowed the king of many places, the gods, the trolls and horses, the impermanence of impermanence, and so on. Mengpo was all swallowed by him. In his belly, even the whole land, all the space was penetrated by his power.

The entire land government is a supreme treasure second only to the heavenly court. Over the years, the emperor has worked hard and wanted to be independent and become an ancestor. As long as he has been promoted to the realm of heaven, he will break away from the heavenly court and start his own business.

But when he was about to be promoted to the realm of heaven, Fa Wuxian appeared, seizing the opportunity and directly refining this person.

"Divinity, reincarnation."


Fa Wuxian inspired the power of his celestial realm, and this power kept trembling, changing, and trembling, directly covering the land government. Under this force, the land government began to collapse and dissolve, so that the land government was finally in a state of collapse and became mucus.

The land government is divided into many spaces. It was once transformed by the infinite realm of the heavens. The realm does not know how many layers there are, and each layer is vast and boundless. There are countless demon heads. After the emperor was born, these devil heads became the food for the growth of the land government.

After the formation of the prefecture, a concept of reincarnation was formed in the human world, capturing the soul, judging the reincarnation, and over time, it created a belief and sacrifice.

In this way, the power of sacrifice has condensed, and the land government has been expanded again, adding a lot of cultivation for the emperor. Unfortunately, all of them have made wedding dresses for Fa Wuxian.


The land government eventually melted, became a liquid, and turned into a long river, which traverses the north and west, north and west in the heavenly realm of Fa Wuxian.

With this long river, the heavenly realm of Fa Wuxian almost grew up at a speed that can be detected by the naked eye.

The gods of the land, infinite souls, infinite ghosts, all became his food.

"Reincarnation system, born!"

Fa Wuxian entered into the chaos of time and space, found a hidden point, and began to operate the heavens in the body, among the various masters such as the engulfed land government and emperor, all began to change and became a huge data System, this system is stabilized in Fa Wuxian's own heaven.

This is the reincarnation system.

Fa Wuxian swallowed the yin and yang system, the five elements system, and the gossip system, and now it has swallowed the masters such as Difu Dihuang and condensed into a reincarnation system.

Then, these systems are operating in the heavens in his body, and they are gradually integrated.

There are no creatures in the heavens in his body, unlike other heavens.

Originally, if some masters of cultivation reached the realm of heaven, they must work hard to manage their own realm, create countless souls in the realm, nourish them, make them sincerely worship, enrich the realm, and then make the Orderly, this is exactly the same as before the operation of the small thousand world, the medium thousand world, and the large thousand world.

However, the operation of Tianjie is very difficult, which is hundreds of billions of times more complicated than the world.

Moreover, with the management of heaven, reaching the limit, you can evolve a trace of the power of heaven, and with the power of heaven, it will definitely be superior to other people.

Finally, if Heaven Realm manages well, it will promote itself to the realm of Heaven.

This is also inferred from the ancient dragon's heartless method, which gradually spread to the human world, making many masters understand the truth of this cultivation. If it is not ancient dust, then people can not reach the cultivation The realm of heaven, even the realm of heaven, is impossible to reach, and the top is Tianshou realm.

However, the ancient dust and sand were born, and the dragon-free mind spreads the large spaces of the universe. In many worlds, many people have learned the dragon-free mind, and they have come to understand their own truth, and then they have been promoted to the highest level, even the Emperor. Because of practicing the method without dragon heart, they have reached the realm of the eighth layer of immortality. If it were not for the method without dragon heart, it would be impossible for the emperor to do this.

Therefore, Guchensha has always been opening the way for the practice of sentient beings.

The path he created, even the Emperor of Heaven, must go.

If Gu Taxian is still there, I am afraid to admire his son's power.

Since the ancient dust and sand have come out of the tenth layer of immortality, "there is no immortality", although it has not been completed, it has theoretically surpassed the ancient step immortals, let alone heaven.

He is now the realm of heaven.

He can reach the realm of "Immortality" on the ninth level of promotion to immortality, but there is still some lack of hope, and when it is done, it is just around the corner.

At this moment, Fa Wuxian is transforming and becoming stronger and stronger. He is hiding in a certain node of time and space, thinking that no one can find him, but all his changes are clearly in the long river of fate. Shown in it, was clearly seen by the ancient dust and sand.

"This method Wuxian has absorbed many systems, and now it has absorbed the prefecture again, and practiced into the reincarnation system, and then combined the yin and yang system, the five elements system, and the gossip system, and combined with the reincarnation system, it can be turned into an engulfing system. With my own reason, I want to get rid of my restraint, but this is also whimsical. "Gu Chensha obtained a lot of data and experience from the changes of Fa Wuxian.

These data and experience are also incorporated into the Dragon-free Heart Method bit by bit, making the Dragon-free Heart Method more abundant.

A strong force of devour emerged from Fa Wuxian.

The entire celestial realm in Fa Wuxian's body is transformed into a system, that is, the engulfing system.

"Hahaha ..........." Fa Wuxian stood up fiercely: "People have worked hard after practicing the heaven, trying to understand the power of heaven, reaching the state of heaven, unfortunately It ’s that it ’s stubborn. It ’s useless. I ’m turning my heavens into an engulfing system. Everything is engulfing, devouring, destroying, and creating everything in my body. I am the one who can transcend everything. I swallow. Zu is invincible after all. "

Between words, he moved back to the human world.

At this moment, the **** realm, the demon realm, the fairy realm, and the demon realm have all fallen down and merged with the human realm.

Now, except for heaven, all the worlds are integrated into the human world. There is only one world in the time and space of the entire universe, which is human.

"Not good ..." Jiang Chuan, the master of the immortal world, originally manipulated the immortal world and was practicing. He also wanted to reach the realm of heaven and become an ancestor, but at the moment when the immortal world and the human world merged, a Huge swallowing force swept through, swallowed him in, and then he saw Fa Wuxian's face.

"Fa Wuxian, it's you." When he was dying, he couldn't believe it.

"Since I'm called Fa Wuxian, there is no immortal. As the master of the immortal world, naturally I will be swallowed up by me. Unfortunately, I have not been able to devour the immortal world and let this immortal world be integrated into the world of human beings. People of Guchensha, if you do n’t betray Guchensha, I'm afraid they won't die at this time. Unfortunately, you can't see clearly, you can't see people, and what emperor you follow, you end up like this. ”Fa Wuxian swallowed the Lord of the Fairy Jiang Chuan also spoke out a ridicule.

After swallowing up the river, Fa Wuxian looked at some other places: "The Capricorn God, the Giant Spirit God, and the Hua Yaosha, in fact, I have to swallow them, but for the time being, I should not worry about the genus of ancient dust sand Let ’s start. The people of Zhugeya, Wen Hong, and even the moon worshipers who belong to the ancient dust and sand, will be swallowed by me. Of course, what I want to swallow is Fa Sheng, I am a member of the Fa family. It is inextricably linked with Fasheng. Fasheng is my ancestor. If I swallowed Fasheng, I could incorporate the truth of Fa into the way of devouring. Fasheng is now the ancestor if I and him Fighting face to face, I am afraid it will be difficult to devour this person, but my cultivation should also be above him. "

Suddenly, Fa Wuxian returned to the adult dynasty. On the surface, he was still under the control of Zhang Yiren ~ www.readwn.com ~ The world changed, the heavens fell, and the divine realm merged into the realm, and many gods dispersed. "The giant spirit **** was shaking at this time.

His cultivation is still in the realm of heaven. Although he has made progress in these years, he has not touched the realm of heaven. He has not even practiced the seventh layer of immortality. After so many years of hard work, he learned about Immortal Six. Layers are often immortal.

Seeing that many masters have come to understand him more than him, the spirit of the giant spirit is very impatient. But there was no way. In the past, he was arrogant, gaining benefits everywhere, and dominating the world, but now he is completely out of the crowd.

This enabled him to activate wisdom and how to promote cultivation.

"Did I wait for an opportunity, for a great change in the emperor?"

Right now.

In the heavenly courts, they were all deserted, and there was no longer the bustling and crowded scenes of the past.

The emperor was still sitting on the throne, and he didn't know what he was thinking. At this time, Hua Mingsha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, came over: "Your Majesty, the God Realm, the Immortal Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Demon Realm were all pulled in by a force. In the human world, the land government actually disappeared directly, and the whereabouts of the emperor are still unknown. Now that the power of our heavenly courts has been lost, even if many immortal officials have fled, even some heavenly kings have left their posts arbitrarily. In this way, the heavenly courts will Not heaven, what should we do now? "

"It's easy to do. You also go to the lower world. Heaven court doesn't need any immortal officer now." Heavenly Emperor said: "There is one more thing, this **** world, fairy world, demon world, demon world, and land government are all urged by ancient dust, ancient dust. Sha has integrated his eternal realm into the human world. From then on, there is only one world between heaven and earth, that is the human realm. However, both the land government and the emperor have been swallowed by the lawless immortal. You must be careful about this person, this person can use , After all, he is the enemy of ancient dust. "

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