Dragon Talisman

Chapter 995: Dragon Valley Continent

Chapter 995: Dragon Valley Continent

"Fa Wuxian became the ancestor, and his way was the way of devouring, even devouring the land government and the emperor. The land government and the emperor were extremely powerful. Many Yin gods and the immortal power accumulated over the years, but the masters of the realm of heaven may not be able to suppress him directly. It was actually swallowed by the lawless immortal, so it can be seen that the lawless immortal threats us greatly. "

Xun just when Fa Wuxian and Zhang Yiren talked.

In another part of the adult's dynasty, several people were discussing.

Is the ancestral Wudangkong, the ancestral willow chansha, the dharma dharma, and the ancestor Hongzhang.

These four people gathered together and were watching the river of destiny, and they saw the number of horrible things in the river of destiny and the number of lawless immortals.

That terrible thing hasn't been born yet, everyone has some time, but Fa Wuxian has begun to threaten everyone.

Especially Wudang Kong was very disturbed.

She also practiced and reached the realm of heaven, but her strength is the weakest, especially the heaven in her body has not been able to expand and it is difficult to have explosive growth. She knows that her strength may stop here. She originally was It is impossible to achieve the realm of heaven, but because she has gained a lot of benefits from the emperor, and the heavens collapse, she has worked hard to make this step herself.

But she claims to be the ancestor of heaven, but she doesn't agree with her qi, so there is no way for the truth of heaven in the body to be integrated with her own instinct.

This means that she can not only expand the celestial realm, but also cannot give birth to the power of heaven.

As a result, she naturally stagnates in her cultivation.

So she was worried about herself.

The emergence of Wufa Wuxian, quickly promoted to swallow her ancestor, caused her to have a huge sense of crisis.

So she has to draw these people to discuss.

"Fa Wuxian is a disciple of my Fa." Fa Shengdao: "But when I look at his Qi, it really threatens me. His practice of devouring the way is called ancestor ancestor, which is terrifying. If you do n’t manage heaven, you just swallow all things, and it ’s completely a way of plundering. So you ca n’t let this son grow up, but if we go to suppress this son, I ’m afraid we will also make wedding dresses for others. Do n’t forget, we are the biggest The enemies have ancient dust and sand, and the ancestor, who is on top of us, devours our energy. If there is no ancestor, our ancestors sit on an equal footing. It is definitely not the way it is now, so we can join forces and work together. Wuxian talk, let him devour Wuzu, how? "

"This is a wonderful plan."

She is not afraid of martial arts. She is still making rapid progress. The heavens in her body are becoming more and more perfect, and they are becoming huge. It seems that the power of heaven is brewing.

The so-called power of heaven is the immortal realm of the eighth layer of immortality.

The cultivation of man first advances to the seventh immortal level, the real immortal realm, slowly gathers this real immortal power, and when the seven layers of real immortal power gather to the extreme, it will explode, open up the heaven, and then reach the heaven Realm.

After Xiu became a celestial realm, she worked hard and participated in the realization of eight immortal realms in her body. Then gather the immortal power, finally boil, and all transform, you can break through to the realm of heaven.

Is also the celestial realm, and the gap is very large. Some celestial realms do not have the eighth layer of immortal power, which means that there is no power of heaven, and some of the power of heaven boils.

For example, among the "ancestors" of many celestial realms, the strongest nature is the "no ancestors" of ancient Warsaw. The celestial realms in his body are transformed into the power of the eighth layer of immortal heaven. Only a trace of opportunity can break through. , Into the realm of heaven.

Second is the "human ancestor" Zhang Ziran, who occupies the key word of human, the key way, so that he naturally becomes very strong.

Second is "Yi Zu" Zhang Yiren, who himself contains the huge variation origin of Gu Daoxian, plus terrible ideas. Of course, this is also true of "Daozu" Hongyesha.

Xun Hongsha has won the blessings of many mutated people, and she has gained that terrible idea. She has been condensed by Gu Chensha, and her strength is actually above Yizu.

He then swallowed his ancestors, Fa Wuxian, and Fa Sheng, etc.

Tian Wu Dangkong is the weakest ancestor.

"This statement makes sense, we let the swallow Zuzu Wuxian and Wuzu Ancient Warsaw fight, and we can take advantage of the fisherman, but the lawless Wuxian doesn't seem to be so stupid. Just go for cannon fodder? "Tianzu Wudangkong frowned.

"We united ourselves to deal with Wuzu, and now we are united with Fa Wuxian. But when we shot together, we held a group and let him deal with it alone. Father and son. "Fa Sheng seems to have the answer.

"It makes sense that these two fathers and sons really want to draw attention, especially Zhang Ziran. He was the ancestor of the people and founded the dynasty. He has not shown the mountains and the water in recent years. However, he has actually cultivated tyranny and accumulated counts. His character is actually in line with The overall trend in the human world. His strength is very strong. "Yizu Liuchan said.

"By the way, you have a Long Xiangtian in the other world. Although you were abolished and held in prison, after all, he was not dead. His energy is still there. Even Fa Wuxian can turn over the salted fish, let alone him?" Fa Sheng suddenly said.

"Long Xiangtian suddenly disappeared a century ago. I think he got some adventures, but it doesn't matter. He does grow up, but even after he grows up, he will go to the trouble of ancient dust and sand. He The hatred of Gu Chen is deeper than anyone else. "Yi Zu Liu Chan said.

"Not to mention him, let's lay out first." Tianzu Wudang empty road.

"Okay, I'm going to find the ancestors." Fa Sheng left here.

The other Daozu Hongshangsha, the Yizu Liuchansha also left, and each went to prepare.

Wu Tianzu frowns between Wu Dangkong and urges himself to hide, as if to hide.

嗖 嗖 嗖 ........

Wu Wudang left quickly and hid, she even urged mystery to hide her energy and fate.

Instantly, she left the adult dynasty and came to a secret place in the human world.

This is a continent called the Dragon Valley Continent. This continent is also extremely large. It is surrounded by mountains and has a pleasant climate. There were many dragons living on this continent, as well as human beings. The people here do not practice immortals. Not technology, but a magical civilization.

This magical civilization is another form of practice. It treats the various energies between the heavens and the earth as elements, and then uses its own mental power to refine it, so as to condense a variety of spells and create a variety of magic. Equipment and items.

Wu Wu Dangkong has long discovered a series of special places here.

She even felt that an ancestor might be born in this Dragon Valley continent, because she felt the gas in this continent was boiling.

If she can devour it directly when this ancestor is born, then she can break through.

This Dragon Valley continent is extremely vast. There are thousands of human nations, as well as various dragons, Warcraft, and the Academy of Magic. Among them, there are many masters, including the **** of magic, the holy magic, and the magic emperor, magic. Respect.

These masters are equal to the realm of **** level, saint, heaven, and life.

Among them, there is a higher level of existence, the element of magic, that is the master of the realm of heaven.

Wudang Kong secretly supported the emperors and magic colleges of many countries to completely control the Dragon Valley continent, but she only controlled it in secret and did not come on the bright side, because she was afraid that coming on the bright side would change the fate of the Dragon Valley continent, As a result, the ancestor of the magic could not be born, so his plan failed.

"I seem to have to use a series of plans to make the Dragon Valley continent increase, and the magic civilization will increase, so that the magic ancestor will be born." Wudang Kongmeng covered a whole force of Dragon Valley continent.

In this vast Dragon Valley continent, the time lapse began to accelerate.

At the same time, many forces have also been injected into this Dragon Valley continent. Wudang Kong is using his own power to enhance the overall Qi of Dragon Valley continent.

After three days and three nights, the time in the Longgu continent has passed 30,000 years.

I'm not wrong, it is 30,000 years.

Cultivation has reached the realm of the realm of heaven is so powerful.

But on many continents in the human world, time is not equal.

It has taken more than a hundred years since the creation of the human world by ancient dust and sand ~ www.readwn.com ~ Of course, this one hundred years is calculated based on the time of the eternal world.

In fact, among the more than one hundred years of human world condensate, some mainland times have passed thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and even hundreds of thousands of years.

The human world is too big, divided into endless continents, endless spaces, endless worlds, there are many continents and other continents that are not reachable by flying, but are not on the same plane, so not only the space line Different timelines are different.

If you want to fully understand the human world, you can reach every place in the human world, even the masters of the Tianyuan realm may not be able to do it. Unless you have reached the realm of the realm, it is possible to visit the realm of the world. It is difficult to subvert the whole world's realm, to achieve arbitrary control.

Because the human world is the only world at this moment.

Fu Tiandao and Ancient Taxian collapsed and merged with each other, making the human world exceed the common sense.

"Is the ancestor of magic born?" Wudang stared deadly at this Dragon Valley continent, and found that in this continent, countless magic elements are converging, and even extracting some mysterious forces in the human world, gradually condensing into one system.

Magic system.

Once the magic system is born and falls into the hands of someone, that person has the potential to become the ancestor of magic. At this time, Wudang Kong will shoot.

At this moment, Wudang Kong is like an old farmer who cultivates the crop carefully. When he sees that the crop is mature, he is full of joy.

这个 But at this time, the Fa Wuxian suddenly appeared behind her.

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