At this time, the election of maple leaf forest has already started. More than 3000 new students have come to this place to become famous with the help of this place!

At this time, Jiang Ting looked at the jade medal in his hand and fell into thinking. Just now, the man said, it seems that with a decisive battle, he can take away the points from the other side. When the points are zero, he will die.

The more points you have, the longer you can hold the gas.

Not long after Jiang Ting entered the maple forest, a voice came from behind. Jiang Ting quickly turned around and saw a very big man with wolf skin. When he saw this man, Jiang Ting was also surprised: "snow wind, why do you come here?"

Snow wind said with a smile: "you can come here, why can't I come here?"

After that, they both looked at each other with a smile and said with a smile, "what's the situation? Well, it seems that we are the same. Shall we form a team? "

Both of them didn't expect to say the same thing at the same time. That is to say, it's easy for them to prove their careful thinking. Of course, it's impossible for them to expose each other about this kind of thing. Now they just begin to talk and want to know what each other wants to do.

At this time, Jiang Ting has already started to take action. He quickly said: "if you are like this, I don't know what to say, but now I can tell you very clearly that you can't take out something from me!"

Snow wind frowned and said, "who are you talking to?"

"And us!" All of a sudden, a lot of voices came from around. They didn't expect that there could still be such a voice now. But if it was just like this, it would not be enough. After all, this situation, the current situation, can't be maintained.

At the same time, when xuezhifeng looked around, he found that there were a lot of people around him. They were all besieging Jiangting. Jiangting ran to xuezhifeng. They both looked back to back and said, "who are you?"

A man in red over there said, "can't you see who we are?"

Jiang Ting frowned: "I know, you are a group of rubbish!"

Another man in red frowned and said, "little boy, I don't know what's good or bad. Today I'll let you know what belongs to the struggle between strong children. Now we'll give you a chance. If you can honestly solve the situation in front of me, I'll give you a chance to live. But if you can't, then your points will be given I don't know

Snow wind asked, "what's the chance? What do you want us to do so that you can let us go? "

The man in red said: "it's not easy. We feel very boring here. Well, if you two fight, we don't want the points of the living, but the points of the dead are ours!"

Jiang ting and Xue Zhifeng both took a look, nodded and said, "well, in that case, let's start! This is the fight between men

The battle has started and started. It's impossible to end it. Both of them are in a hurry to kill me. They are almost gone.

At this time, a man next to him suddenly said, "no, this boy is going to run. Hurry up

But when they catch up, they unexpectedly find that these two people seem to have disappeared. They can't find them. This is the most unexpected thing for us. What's the situation?

A lot of people look to this side and begin to think that these two people suddenly disappeared. Now they don't even know the situation. What's the difference between them and shame?

The man in red said coldly, "what are you looking at? I don't believe it if I catch up quickly. Can he still fly? "

However, just as they were about to start the operation, a voice came over their head: "if the simulation is correct, we can really fly!"

They quickly raised their heads. Oh no, they didn't even have the chance to raise their heads. They were directly suppressed, and then they gave up their points to Jiangting and xuezhifeng.

Now their scores have changed from 10 points to 50 points. One person has scored four points. There are ten people here, and the other person has given their scores to several other people. Otherwise, they are too dry and easy to run away.

At least for now, the situation is good!

After they left, the man in red said with a ferocious smile: "yes, we are going to start at last. Now is the real beginning of the battle!"

Of course, now Jiangting and xuezhifeng don't know what they are going to face. They just know that the next thing they are going to face is probably the most cruel and terrible thing in history!

Two people walked a distance, snow wind suddenly said: "you have not found, this neighborhood seems not quite right!"

Jiang Ting frowned and said, "what's wrong? I feel good, right? What's wrong? "Snow wind did not speak, just began to explore, as if to know something extraordinary, now he, like a lonely Wolf, in this forest, seems to explore something.

At this time, Jiang Ting couldn't help asking, "what are you doing? What can you find out if you keep probing like this? "

However, the other side did not speak, just looking at it like this, as if they wanted to see clearly what the other side was like and what was in the dark.

At this time, Jiang Ting saw here, but also a frown puzzled: "what is the situation, why can you continue to see?"

"Be careful!" All of a sudden, the wind of snow fell on Jiang Ting, making Jiang Ting even more confused. When he found that there was no problem, he said, "I seriously suspect that you are taking advantage, but I can't find any evidence!"

Xuezhifeng also felt that it was not good. He stood up and looked around. Now, even Jiang Ting asked, "do you see anything?"

The other side didn't speak, just looked at Jiang ting. After a moment, he said, "you seem to It's a fool

Jiang Ting was slightly angry: "how can you curse people?"

Although that's what he said, Jiang Ting also found that it was wrong. It seems that there is something wrong with the snow wind. His eyes are empty, as if he had been manipulated!

Jiang Ting asked: "snow wind, what's the matter with you now?"

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