"We didn't see anything!"

This is the unanimous answer of all people. Although they want to say that they see the Deputy next to you, open their eyes and suck in all the whirlwind, they know that they will die miserably!

Don't believe it? Look at the kilometer long sword mark on the ground. Would you like to, hum! It's not about whether you want it or not, it's about whether people want it or not!

But now, although people seem to be better, there is a more serious problem in front of them, that is, what about clothes and supplies?

Just now, the whirlwind was too big, and many people's clothes were blown away. Now they are bare. If you want to go to the dark area like this, I'm afraid you haven't ruled that place, and the first one will be laughed to death.

Now, in addition to some powerful soldiers and generals, almost a lot of people have no clothes to wear. This place is very cold, and now everyone is desperate.

But at this time, many people saw a group of people coming from afar. They looked like bandits. When they saw them, Jiang Ting said, "is it not good for us to do this?"

Next, a soldier immediately said, "general, you are really selfless. For our sake, we really admire you very much, don't we?"

Many people are hastily said: "yes, we all admire you, you are our God!"

Next to the snow wind is also hastily said: "for everyone, we do a bad man, nothing, and look at their appearance, as if they are bad."

By this time, the bad guys had already come. They were riding good horses under their bodies, and their clothes looked very warm. The soldiers below were all looking at them, and they wanted to start now.

But without the command of the general, they really can't do it.

Then the people saw them and said, "who are you? Why in this place? "

A man beside him said, "brother, there's no need to talk nonsense with these people. We'd better catch them quickly and go to the black market to buy a good price!"

The elder brother said, "it's not good for us. Didn't we say that before we came here? We should remember our plan and never do it casually. This is very bad behavior. "

"I'm sorry we passed here. My little brother can't speak. I'll disturb you." Then he spoke to Jiang ting. After all, in his opinion, Jiang Ting is the leader, and he probably guessed what happened here.

But he did not expect that Jiang Ting directly clapped his big hand and said angrily, "it's too much. Come on! Kill me. He insulted us for not wearing clothes, and he didn't give us clothes. It's too deceiving! "

They just want to wait for an order. Now they have not only an order but also an excuse. Can they stop? All of them roared: "you insult us, we kill, for our glory!"

Many people began to fight very hard, as if these people in front of them were their biggest enemies.

They were all confused: "what's the situation? We seem to have done nothing. Why do you treat us like this? "

But these people are not obedient at all, because they see that the blood red and bloodthirsty light is flowing out of these people's eyes, which is not what ordinary people can have, but only those crazy people who are often in the battlefield. So when they see here, they shout: "run!"

They are very fast riding horses, but these people are also very fast behind them. They are like an orderly team. They catch the tail of these horses at once, then rush up, pull off their clothes and take down their supplies.

All this happened very quickly. When we got to Jiangting, we all felt that these people were not professional robbers, right?

But they soon gathered in front of Jiang ting. Although they wore different clothes, their eyes, their movements, and the feeling to Jiang Ting, they were the iron and blood army that they often trained!

At this time, a man came forward and said, "report to the general that we have captured these heinous gangsters, and ask the general to release them."

When these people heard this, they were all puzzled, and some even retorted on the spot: "we didn't do anything. It is clear that you did it, but now you blame us?"

But as soon as he finished, a soldier nearby gave him a brain crack and even said angrily, "what do you say you do? You're still arguing? I think you are looking for death! "

Looking at the capital, Jiang Ting was almost ready and cried out: "soldiers, although they insulted us both in behavior and in words, through our unremitting efforts, we finally defeated them, we defeated the evil! Come on, clap and cheer

Thunderous applause, those who were caught, now one by one, many people are very upset, but there is no way, these people are not only fierce, or very unreasonable.

Then, Jiang Ting continued: "but we are kind-hearted. Let's leave quickly for their personal safety.""You..." One of them wanted to speak, but he didn't dare to speak to the eyes of 20000 people. The whole person seemed to be out of breath.

Those people can't help it. They can't go anywhere else. They can only stay here for a while, waiting for some people to come.

Sure enough, in the evening, those people finally came. They took the spaceship and saw them coming. These people below cheered and yelled excitedly.

These people on the spaceship looked down and frowned, "what's the situation?"

another one said, "it's said that there are a lot of hooligans around the dark area. I didn't expect that there are so many hooligans gathered here. Let's go quickly."

The more the people below cheered, the faster the people above flew. They had no choice but to chase and shout: "it's us, we are acquaintances!"

When these people on the spaceship saw that they had caught up with each other, they were so scared that they increased their motivation and flew away. They were afraid to stay in this place for another second.

Finally, after dumping them, one of the red haired men said, "they should have arrived. Let's get in quickly. The dark area is ahead."

In the past, a city does not look like a dark area at all. It is mainly because there are no rules in this place that it is called a dark area.

Now that they have arrived at this place, the red haired man takes out a disc and says to it, "we have arrived. Where are you?"

Before long, a voice came out of the disc: "what? Who are you? What the hell? There won't be ghosts in here, will there? "

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