"The wine here is no better than zuixianju..." Yin jiuzhong just took a look at Jiangting, and then went out, as if disdaining here.

Of course, Jiang Ting can also see that since the five elements palace is a hegemonic force, the inn is full of people and smells. Jiang Ting feels that he can't stand staying here, not to mention the person who comes in from outside.

But now the more important thing is that Jiang Ting looks at those surprised eyes around him and says unexpectedly, "what's the matter? Why are you all looking at me like that? "

At this time, a soldier nearby said, "general, did you really take this invitation?"

Jiang Ting quickly looked through the invitation card. He was afraid of the curse on it. Fortunately, after looking at it for a while, there was nothing. Then he relaxed and said, "what's the matter? Is there anything wrong with it? "

The soldier next to him sighed, "if you accept this invitation, it proves that you want to attend the full moon banquet."

Jiang Ting now listen to more don't understand, had to ask: "you say to understand, you say so, I feel flustered, don't know what you mean."

Snow wind suddenly said: "I know!"

Jiang Ting asked: "what is it? Is it a super curse? "

Xuezhifeng shook his head and said: "in fact, it's not that bad. It's just that the person who has accepted this invitation must attend the banquet. The only way to get out is to come out from inside."

Jiang ting a face black line: "what situation?"

Jiang Ting would like to say, do you need to say something like this? I want to die!

But the snow wind next words, but let Jiang Ting cold sweat straight out: "want to come out of that place, is to participate in the duel, although the wine inside is the best, beauty is also the best, but want to come out of that place, to accept the duel of ten beauty inside.

Duel in turn. Every beauty's Duel style is different. You are likely to be fighting in the last second, fighting in the next second, playing musical instruments in the next second It can be said that it's very torture! "

Hearing this, Jiang Ting already knew that the drunk fairy house was not simple, so he continued to ask, "well, if I don't fight, what's the problem?"

Snow wind sighed: "if you don't fight, you will die! Of course, there are two ways to die. One is to take out money, borrow money, usury, and die in the process of repaying usury. The other is to work for zuixianju! There is no other way to die but these two

Jiang Ting asked: "is there no third way? For example, I have a lot of money

Xue Zhifeng sighed: "yes, but this method costs a very high price. It is said that the last one came out was to pay for it. He was the richest man in a certain country, but now he is dead and has no idea where he went."

Hearing this, Jiang Ting took a deep breath and asked, "can't I do anything else? Or is there no organization in this place that can manage this zuixianju? "

Snow wind said with a cold smile: "what are you thinking? This place, however, is a dark area. If you have big fists, you can count your words. Here, zuixianju has big fists! "

Jiang Ting understood now, immediately slapped the table and said angrily, "what's that? Hurry up and get me the best horse. I'll leave here tonight! "

Xue Zhifeng shook his head and said, "give up. I'm attracted by the invitation of zuixianju. You can't leave here, no matter what! Oh no, even if you're good enough to leave here, you'll still be caught! This has not changed at all. In a word, you are going to make up your mind about zuixianju! "

Jiang Ting just said with a smile: "prepare for me, I don't believe it. I don't want to go to this drunken Xianju. What else can they do to me?"

Then Jiang Ting asked his men to arrange the best flying beast. Now Jiang Ting has nothing else to do. The first thing is to run. He just wants to leave this place quickly. This place is like hell to him. It's terrible.

That night, Jiang Ting didn't know where he was going, but he knew that he had to run all the time according to the map, and he couldn't stop. Finally, the next day, the night's running exhausted the flying beast. Jiang Ting had to find a city to stop and continue looking for the flying beast.

At the same time, xuezhifeng and others in the inn wake up, and the soldiers also wake up. When they see that xuezhifeng's deputy general is so safe now, they are also curious and ask, "don't you worry, deputy general? He's very dangerous now. "

Snow wind suddenly frowned and said, "what did you just call me?"

The soldier is also smart, quickly want to understand the relationship, quickly said: "Oh, Lord general! Jiang Ting, what do you think? Shall we send more people? "

Xuezhifeng thought about it and said seriously: "of course, he is the general of our Tianyu imperial court. If he has any problems, how can we explain to them?

However, if we have tried our best and still can't find it, we can only mourn and report to the Tianyu imperial court that Jiangting general sacrificed himself for the sake of the imperial court. This spirit is worthy of our admiration! "Where the soldier didn't understand what he said, he said: "cheer up for me. Today we will follow the steps of xuezhifeng. Today we will also find Jiangting general. He is a man who has made great contributions to our Heavenly Kingdom. Such a man will never be buried!"

Many soldiers below were shouting, "good!"

However, they had breakfast in the morning and walked around the inn. After a long walk, they were very tired, so they had to drink water and rest. Accidentally, they slept until the afternoon, and then continued to look for a circle. This time, they worked hard and walked around. All the snack bars around must not let go.

No way. What if Jiang Ting hides in this place? If they don't find it, isn't it dereliction of duty?

So now they are very hard to find food Oh, no, I tried to find general Jiang ting. At last, at dusk, the soldiers were fed to death Tired to death, they had to go back to the Inn and continue to search. There was no way. What if general Jiang Ting was too tired and sleeping?

And then they fell asleep

This is definitely not lazy. They feel that they are really serious. The reason why they fall asleep must be because the bed in the inn is so good. They all blame this damned inn!

On the other side of zuixianju, the red haired man asked, "will this man come or not?"

Yin Jiuchong said with a smile: "don't worry, I've found out. His name is Jiang ting. He is the general of the emperor Tianyu. This time he led the army to fight for the demon emperor!"

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