But soon, this restriction was lifted. Jiang Ting didn't know what happened. He just saw that after he was sober, he looked around and found that the girl had turned into a corpse!

Jiang Ting hurriedly fled from this place. This place is really dangerous. Jiang Ting really doesn't want to stay in this place. Compared with the black market, it seems safer now.

On the other side of the drunken fairy house, Yin Jiuchong has been waiting for a long time. When he sees the current situation, he doesn't know what's going on. He always feels that something is wrong.

The efficiency of zuixianju should be very high. Why hasn't it appeared yet?

Can't even this kind of thing be solved?

For a moment, Yin jiuzhong had to ask questions, but this kind of question was soon solved. The servant girl who came in from outside said, "tell me, the people we sent seem to be dead."

"What?" All of a sudden, Yin jiuzhong suddenly stood up and said, "what did you say just now? You drunk Xianju those people, unexpectedly will die? It's impossible

Yin nine heavy seem to be very don't believe, quickly say: "quickly say, this is exactly what circumstance?"? You people who are drunk in Xianju will not die. There must be some accident, right? "

"Don't worry, young master. There is something wrong with the people we sent out, and only your people can solve this problem."

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared outside. Yin Jiuchong looked out and asked, "who is that?"

When Yin jiuzhong looked out, he saw the door open slowly, and a woman in a blue shirt came in. When he saw this woman, Yin jiuzhong stood up, bowed his hand, and said with a smile, "who should I be? I didn't think it was our green girl. You're not on the top floor. What are you doing here?"

The green shirt woman came in and sat beside Yin Jiuchong without any taboo. She said with a smile, "I can't come here yet?"

Yin jiuzhong said with a dry smile: "of course you can come here, but the purpose of what you want to do here is really to make people want to have a good guess."

The green shirt woman said with a smile, "do you know, don't you and I know? How many percent of you are confident that you will succeed in the banquet tonight? "

Yin jiuzhong said, "of course, it's all!"

"Well, I'll wait for the success of your plan!" The woman stood up and left without saying anything else.

Just behind the nine heavy Yin, face dignified, do not know what to think.

Soon, at night, many people come to zuixianju. The night of zuixianju is extraordinary. The best purpose for many people to come here is to enjoy the moon and taste wine with the number one Huakui of zuixianju, which is their favorite thing.

As for what is behind, it depends on their own mind.

Yin jiuzhong was sitting in the attic at the top. He looked down at a fat woman and said, "what's the situation? When is the efficiency of zuixianju so low? "

Fat woman is sweating, she quickly said: "report, we don't know what is the situation, because you said before, that person is very not simple, let's send more people, now these people, are the top drunk Xianju strong, but they didn't come back, we didn't expect it!"

"Shut up Yin Jiuchong just let out a roar and suddenly put the wine cup on the table. But it was just this moment that the strong air wave directly blew over the surroundings and made many people almost kneel down.

In the next room, a voice came: "I said, brother next door, can you deal with your own affairs and not hurt the innocent so much?"

Because he didn't know what was going on in the room and whether the person in the opposite room would be a big man, he forced a smile and said to the next door, "sorry, I'm rude."

Hearing that the opposite side didn't speak, he looked at the fat woman and said in a cold voice, "I'll give you one more time. It's OK to say that you can succeed, but if you don't succeed, you'll wait to take back your own body!"

"Yes, yes! The villain must fulfill your orders

The fat woman was too scared to talk nonsense. She rushed out and started to work. Yin jiuzhong was in the room. Looking at the guests gathering below, she was very anxious.

Before long, a man in red stood up and announced on the high platform: "now people have been waiting for almost, we can start now! Shut up

Yin jiuzhong is still anxious: "what's the situation? So long? Did you really not come back? "

Even at the last moment when the door closed, Yin Jiuchong thought, is it possible for the people over there to bring people back?

However, Yin jiuzhong found that he was wrong. Even at the last moment, he didn't wait for that person to come back, or even for anyone from zuixianju to come back. No matter how bad Yin jiuzhong was, he thought that there must be something wrong with it!"Well I've been preparing for such a long time. Is it really going to fail? "

The red haired man next to him said, "don't worry. As long as he doesn't come back at the critical time, we can only do things by ourselves. Anyway, when we come here, we have made great determination. If we can't finish it, we can't go back. We'd better give up everything and fight a real fight of our own."

Yin Jiuchong looked down at the crowd and finally nodded helplessly: "if we really can't finish our final plan, we will have to fight our own real battle at that time! The battle of life and death

However, many people don't know what to do about it. Other people in the room are dignified. They know that there is almost no way out now. Failure and success depend on their own strength.

At this time, a pockmarked woman came up and said with a smile: "everyone here has been waiting for such a long time. I think it should be waiting for someone. When she comes, let's welcome him with the warmest applause!"


Just for a moment, under the quiet, there were all kinds of applause and welcome. They were all crying, as if in their eyes, the man who came here was not a man, but a god!

In Jiangting below, I was stunned to see this scene, because the person who came here was not a human being. She was not as beautiful as a human being.

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