"What? "A hundred birds in front of the Phoenix?"

A lot of people stood up because they thought it was incredible. In this situation, in this environment, now in this era, someone can draw a picture of a hundred birds in front of a Phoenix, which has been lost for a long time?

It's said that the picture of a hundred birds in front of a phoenix has reached its limit, and it can even attract a hundred birds to observe it, and it has reached a brand new level, and even let the Phoenix come.

Even if it's a rare spirit bird, you can see it as long as you observe it carefully. But Phoenix is different. It's just a god bird existing in the legend. Even those super strong ones are hard to see. So far, no one can really see it. It's just a legend.

If this person really knows how to attract Phoenix, then one day, he will be able to attract Phoenix. At that time, the Phoenix will be added. Another superpower will be born soon. Maybe he can suppress the demon clan in the current riot!

Many people think so, at least in their opinion, it must be OK to think so.

So many people look at the picture of a hundred birds in front of a phoenix painted by Jiang ting. They swear that as long as it's a real picture of a hundred birds in front of a Phoenix, no matter by any means or by any means, Jiang Ting must be attracted and used by them. The strong of this level can never be handed over to others, otherwise it will be a disaster for them and the happiness of others!

In many people's eyes, all people just see, a servant girl, slowly open the picture, but after opening, many people are stunned, because they can't believe what they see.

They thought about this possibility. They even thought that this is not a real picture of a hundred birds in front of the Phoenix. It just looks like a picture of a hundred birds in front of the Phoenix. But they didn't expect that this picture of a hundred birds in front of them would refresh their cognition!

Even ye Qingxuan was stunned and asked curiously, "excuse me, young master, what are you drawing? Is it really a picture of a hundred birds facing the Phoenix? "

Jiang Ting said confidently: "yes, this is the picture of a hundred birds in front of a Phoenix. What's the matter? Isn't it? "

If it wasn't for his good quality, ye Qingxuan vowed that he would do it himself. What kind of picture is this? It's rubbish. How can people see this kind of rubbish?

But good professionalism, or let her very calm asked: "what is the little black chicken above?"

Jiang Ting replied very honestly: "can't you see that thing? That thing is a very common bird. "

“……” Many people are speechless. Ye Qingxuan is speechless, but she still asks, "OK This is a bird, so the top one looks strange and has four wings, isn't it a phoenix? "

Jiang Ting shook his head and said, "of course not."

Jiang Ting stands beside Ye Qingxuan. The guards beside Ye Qingxuan are stunned when they see this. They didn't expect that. What's the situation? I haven't noticed how it has become like this?

At the same time, their hearts are also very afraid. What they know about ye Qingxuan's strength is an ordinary woman. This man can suddenly appear in Ye Qingxuan's narration and pass them. It's a disaster for them. They have to keep a close eye on Jiang Ting, and they are afraid of what will happen to Jiang ting.

Fortunately, Jiang Ting didn't do anything. Jiang Ting just said the above things honestly. With Jiang Ting's explanation, ye Qingxuan found that his three outlooks had been strongly impacted again and again.

"This is a big black chicken?"


Jiang Ting explained with great confidence: "now many people have a kind of self-confidence in the picture of a hundred birds in front of a Phoenix. They feel that as long as they hold the picture in their hands, they will be able to surpass the ordinary people.

But many people haven't seen the Phoenix. The Phoenix even exists in the legend. So I invented this thing. As long as we have this thing, we don't have to worship the bullshit Phoenix. From then on, we worship the big black chicken! "

Many people almost laugh when they hear this sentence. They've heard of worshippers. It's the first time that they've heard someone worship big black chicken!

"Ha ha ha..."

A lot of people laughed when they heard this. Even the boy without trace beside him couldn't help laughing and said, "I said you were sent by monkeys to tease me, right? How can you say that you worship big black chicken? I tell you, big black chicken is a kind of food with no fighting power at all. You even say "worship". Is your brain broken? "

Jiang Ting immediately frowned and said, "your brain is broken. What's wrong when I say that you worship big black chicken? Although the appearance of big black chicken is not good-looking, but his heart, has unlimited power, as long as we control this power, we will be able to control the mystery of power, dominate everything

"Ha ha ha..." Childe Wuchen is smiling now. He doesn't know what to do. He even smiles so much that he almost lies on the ground. Many people around him are like this. They just think Jiang Ting is very interesting, but in their opinion, Jiang Ting is not interesting. It's silly. People can't understand what he is like.Many people said: "in this way, I think the doctor, he will be able to cure your disease, you then go to him, say what I said, there must be no problem!"

"It's good. You can go to the treatment quickly. If you don't go to the treatment again, there will be a big problem. When it comes out to harm others, it will make a big deal!"

Jiang Ting heard their ridicule, but insisted: "I'm not sick! I'm really not sick! What I said is true

But no one believed it at all. Even ye Qingxuan beside him said, "if not, young master, I'll recommend a good man to you. He will treat you."

Jiang Ting was speechless, so he had to say, "who's up and down? Today I'm going to use big black chicken to prove that big black chicken has dignity and strength, and it will kill you!"

Many people can't breathe with laughter, and even some people say: "we can't see that you want to kill us, but we can see that you want to kill us with laughter, ha ha ha..."

Even at this time, childe no trace stood up and said: "you come, I'll fight with you. I'll let you do three moves. Within three moves, you can hit me with big black chicken. Even if I lose, what do you think?"

A lot of people are looking at this side and laughing. Although they think it's funny now, things have come to such a point, and they really want to see how to kill a person with big black chicken?

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