Jiang Ting knew that this man should be a demon. But when Jiang Ting looked around, he found that this man had disappeared. Finally, Jiang Ting thought about it and went deep into the beacon city.

It seems that this demon clan didn't expect Jiang ting to have this operation, but it was just an accident. He also went deep inside, because he knew that if he didn't follow Jiang Ting, it would be very difficult for him not to have any accident.

At this time, because there are illusions everywhere in this room, Jiang Ting has been holding his breath and closing his eyes since he came in. After all, his eyes and nose are one of the important places for poisonous fog to attack inside. Now Jiang Ting comes to this room and always observes the surroundings with his divine sense.

When he saw the surrounding situation, Jiang Ting was even more surprised. Since he came in just now, all the things in this room have spontaneously turned into powder in front of him. That is to say, these buildings have been eroded into shape by these poisonous fog, and they can be destroyed with a touch.

At this time, Jiang Ting's heart moved. After all, this is not a joke. He has to deal with it well. If he can't deal with it well, he will have an accident. This is not a good thing for Jiang ting.

At this time, Jiangting has been hiding behind a stone, but the stone was just touched by Jiangting, and it was broken on the spot, which was unexpected to Jiangting.

In the end, Jiang Ting stood up and planned to face up to the enemy, but he felt the limit after holding his breath for a long time. His body began to lose exercise involuntarily, and he would have to do a lot of exercise later. At that time, if he still could not find a way to breathe, then he would die!

Jiang Ting believes this very much. He can't be careless. After all, this kind of thing concerns his life. Even if Jiang Ting is a fool, he can't make fun of it.

At this time, Jiang Ting is hiding in this poisonous fog with the wind of snow, but he finds that no matter how he hides, the other party seems to be able to find himself.

At this time, suddenly a flash of light hit, Jiang Ting did not even have the opportunity to resist, so he was completely attacked. Such a powerful attack, Jiang Ting did not even have the opportunity to resist. He vomited blood directly, and the whole person flew out and smashed up many houses. It was a temporary good time.

However, it's not playing yet. When Jiang Ting is thinking about it, the other party has rushed over and hit Jiang Ting's abdomen with a powerful punch, which makes Jiang Ting feel that he has lost his thinking ability in an instant, and the whole person has to be beaten out. The whole person is really too strong. Jiang Ting finds that even if he is honest, he can't do it!

Then the other side continued to attack Jiang ting. He even felt that it was not very pleasant to attack Jiang Ting like this. He pressed Jiang ting to the ground and kept attacking. For a moment, Jiang Ting found that his body was not under his control.

Am I going to die?

At this time, Jiang Ting feels that his consciousness has become more and more blurred. Anyway, Jiang Ting feels that his body, as if his control over his body, has become smaller and smaller. If he continues, he will surely die. This is really not careful.

However, when Jiang Ting looked at it, the man seemed to have disappeared. Jiang Ting found that he could not see it.

Jiang Ting uses divine sense. Under the divine sense, there is almost nothing that can be avoided. However, this man can do it. Jiang Ting is really incredible. He has a lot of feelings and is at a loss.

When Jiang Ting looks at the other side, the other side has disappeared. This is what makes Jiang Ting more confused. Who is this person? Why did he suddenly appear and disappear?

You know, it's impossible to have no clue where the divine consciousness shines. There must be something wrong with it. It must be!

However, no matter how Jiang Ting looks around, there is still no reaction around. This is what makes Jiang Ting confused. What is the situation? Why did this happen? What method did this person use?

Just when Jiang Ting thought like this, he suddenly found that he felt a strong breath coming from the underground. What's the situation? For a moment, Jiang Ting found himself muddled. He didn't understand what was going on in front of him? His own breath was disrupted in the moment just now. The terrible breath of the underground crushed him in an instant. This is the most unimaginable point for Jiang ting.

Finally, Jiang Ting still couldn't help asking: "what demon clan are you? I don't think you are a demon, but why do you work for the demon? "

However, he only replied that Jiang Ting's fists were very big. With one blow, Jiang Ting's fists were destroyed. Jiang Ting had no room to resist. He was defeated by one blow and lay on the ground motionless. Even if Jiang Ting wanted to move, it was difficult for him to move.

At this time, Jiang Ting even found that this man started to rush to his neck and wanted to kill himself completely!

Jiang Ting was furious in his heart, but he had nothing to do. This man was really fierce, unprecedented. No, it should be said that this kind of situation was unprecedented. If it was just a simple power duel, Jiang Ting vowed that he would win, even if it was skill, he would never fall behind.But now the main reason for this is that the body is defeated by its own strength. What's more important is that Jiang Ting feels that the poisonous fog is eroding his body bit by bit, making his body unable to act. This is the unimaginable point.

At the same time, when Jiang Ting was thinking about what to do, a fist of this man already started to rush to Jiang Ting's neck. But at this moment, Jiang Ting suddenly found that a light came, and at this moment, that person began to rush to that light, but that light directly flew that person, and then Jiang Ting saw all the smoke around Scattered, presented in a human eye can see all the world.

At this time, Jiang Ting was able to see the place thoroughly. There were all kinds of actors' single strokes everywhere. There were all kinds of unimaginable places, all kinds of corpses and bones.

To tell you the truth, when he saw these things, Jiang Ting didn't feel divine at all. But suddenly, Jiang Ting found that there seemed to be something on his body, which should be said to be the strength of his whole body. It was the first time that Jiang Ting found such a powerful force.

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