At this time, the three of them all looked at Golden Toad. Now he is the one who knows this weakness. If he can't give a real and clear answer, then it's hard for them to live.

But in the eyes of the public, the Golden Toad looked this way with a smile, and then gradually shrunk, and finally became a very ordinary little toad, even the golden color began to disappear.

People see here, is also a face Hello, because they do not know such a toad, in the end want to do?

But toad just said, "well, please follow me."

Everyone didn't speak. Anyway, it seems that they can only follow the toad now. They followed the toad and came to a disgusting place. In front of it, there was something similar to the heart. Jiang Ting could not help frowning when he saw it.

Because this thing is really disgusting and smelly. Jiang Ting found that he wanted to get close to it, and felt that his whole body was very uncomfortable.

Because xuezhifeng was born in the aristocracy, he had never been in contact with such disgusting things. Now he is just trying to hold himself close, but he still insists on not retreating. So he can't help asking, "what are you bringing us here for?"

Toad pointed to the disgusting thing and asked, "do you know what that thing is?"

Jiang Ting people are shaking their heads, heart is secretly abusive: if they know, also need you in this nonsense?

Seeing this, toad said with a proud face: "I know you don't know at all. Maybe you don't know the origin of quemoo. He used to be a very common little poisonous snake in the mountains. Later, I don't know where he got a special skill to teach the demon clan how to devour all creatures in the world.

From then on, he gradually became strong and became the ancestor of the Viper clan. However, he didn't look as ugly as himself after showing his real body.

Later, after I was swallowed by him, I lived in his stomach, relying on the treasure left by my ancestors. Later, I found this thing.

It's the first living body that Quebec devil swallowed. Although we don't know what it is, this thing is connected with Quebec devil's double lives. As long as we break this thing, we can escape here by taking advantage of Quebec devil's serious injury. "

"Wait!" All of a sudden, the snow wind had a question: "in this case, why have you not been out for so many years?"

The Golden Toad was a little embarrassed and said, "I'm really sorry. I'm also very helpless. For so many years, I've been in quemoo's stomach. Although I'm alive, I rarely have my own range of activities. I've been trapped in one place and it's hard to leave.

Later, when I mastered the way to leave, I found that quemoo was better than the seal. Even if I went out, no matter how hard I tried, I was still in the seal. Later, I worked hard and finally reached the golden level of my toad family.

This is the strength we have today. As long as we unite together, we can break this thing. Although we can't kill quemoo, it's OK to hurt him seriously. "

But xuezhifeng still couldn't help asking: "in that case, why don't you become the golden body of your family, instead, you become what you are now, and you look so ordinary?"

He said with a smile: "I want to do the same, but I can't control my golden body too much now. I can only wait for a suitable opportunity and go out later. Now I can only keep me like this and maximize my output."

Jiang ting and Xue Zhifeng make eye contact and confirm that they can do so. They nodded and agreed: "OK, no problem. We believe you for the time being."

Then they all looked at the viper, because the ancestor of the Viper was quemoo. Now let the Viper fight against their ancestor. The Viper doesn't want to, and they understand.

But the Viper didn't think so. In the viper's opinion, these people were just waiting for their own expression. Before he swore to heaven, how could he give up so casually, so he didn't dare to have any refusal. He just quickly said, "in that case, I'm willing to work for our safety. If I'm here all the time, I'm afraid it's hard for me to live in the future Go

Four creatures all choose to do so at the same time. Then they all start to act. Four powerful beams of light burst out at the same time and hit the little thing. Before long, the whole space began to shake.

At this time the toad quickly said: "everyone hurry up, we are about to succeed, absolutely can't give up like this!"

At the same time, outside, Kui Mo frowned and was furious: "just like you, you also want to compete with me?! what? Don't they? "

He seems to have found something extraordinary, and then he felt very uncomfortable. Before long, he vomited blood. In front of everyone, he vomited blood.

Then four people ran out of his body, but they didn't wait for Quemoy to start to react, so they ran. The speed was so fast that people couldn't see clearly.But this angered quemoo, and he roared, "come out!"

Countless poisonous snakes all came out and asked, "what's the matter? "Ancestors?"

The ancestor said angrily, "hurry up and find them. Don't let them run away!"

They didn't dare to talk nonsense. They all started to take action, but no matter what they did, they had been looking for more than ten days, but they still didn't take any action. This also made quemoo doubt their ability, and felt that such a race was not worthy of living in this world.

However, they did not know that they had not left at all. They had been in the territory of the Viper clan for a long time. They only left here after they stopped searching.

At this time, the three people turned into their own appearance and pulled away from the outside. Because the poisonous snake must be familiar with this place, they all looked at the poisonous snake and said, "how about it? Is there any safe way for us to get out of this place? "

The little snake said reluctantly, "yes, but I'm afraid we can't go."

Xuezhifeng didn't want to stay in this demon clan long ago, so he quickly asked, "why on earth? Come on, if we're not satisfied, we'll blow your dog's head! "

The little Viper was a little embarrassed and said, "in fact, there is a strong demon guard in all the channels of the demon territory. The probability that we want to pass by force may not be one in ten."

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