As soon as the dung beetle's words fell, a rainbow came and hit Jiang ting in the face. Jiang Ting felt that his bones were falling apart in an instant. There was no time to dodge and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Chen Zhicheng was furious: "how dare you hurt my brother!"

He also directly rushed up. The two powerful fighting forces directly washed together, not only did not end, but also made the two fighting forces go on to an unprecedented state. The continuous impact of the surrounding air waves and the distant river court can also be clearly felt.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting was startled: "such a powerful fighting force, he has been hiding before?! And I couldn't see through his fighting power before. He is really a man that can't be underestimated! "

But the dung beetle's defense is too strong. Seeing that he can't support himself, Jiang Ting rushed up and started to help him attack this guy.

They kept attacking. Most of the time, they didn't really hurt the dung beetles. But it wasn't their goal. However, in dung beetle's opinion, it was just their incompetence. So he laughed at them: "your strength is like a drop of water. Do you want to fight with us? Rampant

Then, his fists kept growing, and he rushed to them with arrogance. For him, it was arrogant, but for Jiang Ting, it was rubbish?


Suddenly Jiangting began to export: "let me slow down first, I feel very angry!"

The dung beetle frowned and said, "what are you talking about?"

Jiang Ting had to say clearly: "your whole body is full of an unprecedented disgusting smell. Now I just see you, and I feel sick all over. Do you still need me to make it clear?"


Dung beetle heart Rage: "never, never dare to say that to me, you want to die!"

As soon as his figure flashed, the fury around him began to float, which made the spectators around him feel sick and don't want to move. But dung beetle didn't care about it at all. What he wanted was to be strong in the strong. He began to constantly impact and spread his powerful power around him.

Then, he said in a high voice: "today, let you people who don't know, have a good look at the scenery of hell!"

But when he finished, he opened his eyes and was completely stupid. Why did the two people just disappeared and where did they go?

"You will never escape!" he roared, enraged

Next to him, a clan went up and asked, "what should we do now, catch up?"

He said angrily, "of course, you have to catch up. Are you still waiting here? Let's go

At this time, the two people who ran in front of us saw this and said: "run fast, this man is too strong, we can't hold on at all!"

In fact, it is true that there will inevitably be casualties in the process of fighting between the two sides. Now is the beginning of the civil war in Fengyun city. If the two sides are still fighting and have not really started, it is really hard to say what will happen later.

However, the dung beetle didn't retreat at all, but Lu Hedong said: "who dares to retreat now, I will kill him first! Kill them all

At this time, he looked at the back of the two people who ran away and said angrily: "you two, no matter how you run, you can't escape from the palm of my hand. It's never possible!"

Jiang Ting said: "this is not impossible at all, but what we should do now!"

Chen Zhicheng quickly said, "hurry up, I have just informed my martial brothers with the secret letter of the clan. I believe that we will be able to get rid of these people in a short time. When the time comes, we will be able to be attacked by the strong members of the clan."

Jiang Ting also had no choice but to say: "since you all said so, well, we'd better run quickly. If they didn't run up, it's OK, we're really finished running up."

Jiang Ting said helplessly: "when can your brothers rush here? I'm afraid we can't hold on now! "

while saying this, those guys behind really rushed up and besieged two people, leaving them in the sky and on the ground. There was no way to escape.

At this time, the dung beetle stopped them and said angrily: "from today on, you two are going to die under my Kui Guang's hands!"

Jiang Ting said with a smile, "what are you? You want me to die for you, too? I want to die

When Jiang Ting said this, he was already in a rage and wanted to rush up. But he suddenly found that his power seemed to be able to maintain the mysterious realm. His Longhua was also due to the fierce fighting before, which led to Longhua for a long time. Now he could not Longhua at all, and the whole person was in a blank state.

At this time next to Chen Zhicheng is also whispered: "I used to escape too much, now no matter physical or aura, there is not much."

Jiang Ting said in a low voice, "I am the same.""What should we do now? Shall we wait here to die?"

Jiang Ting said with a smile: "certainly not!"

Jiang Ting stepped out with one foot, and there were countless cracks in the ground. Then he planned to kill you in front of him, but he found that he had mobilized his whole body strength to gather his aura, but he didn't show it. It was because of his deformity that he almost exploded and lay on the ground, unable to move.

A moment later, Jiang Ting said, "well, let's wait to die."

Chen Zhi was surprised: "what did you say just now? wait for death? No, wait to die now? We've been preparing for a long time. Do you really have nothing to do? "

Jiang Ting nodded with certainty: "there is really no way. I think a lot, but no matter how I think about it, I find that I can't escape from this boundary. These people are really powerful, especially the dung beetle!"

Dung beetle heard here, angry on the spot: "I am not dung beetle, told me to destroy the real king!"

Jiang Ting held out his middle finger and despised: "people like you also want to be big brother, stupid people dream! Come on, I'm standing here today. You can beat me. I'll follow you from now on! "

The dung beetle, who claims to destroy the real king, laughs in his heart and says: "wait for my king to come to the world. You garbage will surely surrender. Now, kneel down!"

In a word, Jiang Ting felt that he had received a great deal of pressure and couldn't even do the activity. But at this time, Jiang Ting suddenly heard a hearty laugh: "ha ha ha Zerg, that's all

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