At this critical moment. Jiang Ting grabs at the huge rocks.

The huge flame gushed out from the palm of his hand, and instantly condensed a fiery red light curtain over the Tauren.

A lot of rocks hit on it, stirring up waves one layer after another.

However, the rock is only an ordinary stone after all. It is totally wishful thinking to crack the defense laid by Kaijiang court.

Not long after all the rocks touched the light curtain, they were crushed into foam by the hot flame.

Then, it was dispersed by a hot wave.

See this one scene, the top launch attack of demon clan, all froze.

They did not expect that there was such a strong presence in this team. The terrible temperature of the fire, even the stone can be crushed?

Thinking of this, all the demons will retreat.

But before they left, Jiang Ting's body rushed up and fell in front of them.

Below the tauren, see this all cheered up: "your majesty!"

Now it seems that it is the right choice to allow Jiang ting to stay in the team. With his strength, there is no need to worry about what danger he will encounter in the demon kingdom.

"Captain, shall we go up and help the dragon?"

In the procession, some Tauren saw Jiang Ting disappear above and said excitedly.

It has long been said that along the way, there will be their kindred, who specially attack and transport the resource team to Wanyao formation. I'm not happy with what I've experienced today.

The captain, the one at the top of Hualing peak, also looked at the top of his eyes. After a moment, he shook his head.

"No, the power of adults alone should be enough to deal with them. What we need to do now is to protect the goods and don't let the adults down! "

"Yes, sir

Many Tauren cheered.

And at the same time, above the canyon.

After he really came to the top, Jiang Ting found that the demon clan that launched the attack was not an organized team.

On the contrary, it was like some scattered soldiers. Seeing Jiang Ting appear in front of them, many demons directly scattered and fled.

Among those left behind, one by one looks at Jiang ting with a generous and dying face. On the contrary, Jiang Ting feels that he is a bad man.

"Dragon! We won't be afraid of you! Even if you kill us! There are thousands of us

Hearing what he said, Jiang Ting was a little confused. What's the situation?

Finally, he had no choice but to say, "well, what do you mean by that? Why should I kill you? "

Smell speech, this next turn that talk of guy muddle force, but immediately, cold voice way.

"Well! Don't pretend to be kind! Dragon, you war loving beasts

After listening, Jiang Ting's expression was very strange: "who said I love war?"

The demon clan pointed to the following vehicles: "if you don't love war, why protect them?"

"As long as those resources are transported to Wanyao mountain, the demon emperor will regain his strength again and start a war!"

After hearing this, Jiang tingcai felt vaguely what they meant.

But in my heart, I'm not sure. I just stare at each other and release the power of supernatural realm.

He didn't want to kill each other, he wanted to make sure.

"I ask you, do you want to destroy the plan of the demon emperor to control the Terran?"

The demon clan was shrouded by the powerful power of the river court for a moment, and said subconsciously, "that's right!"

Hearing this answer, Jiang Ting nodded.

And that demon clan was just surprised by his behavior, glaring at Jiang Ting: "what did you just do to me?"

Jiang Ting glanced at him and said, "you don't have to worry about it. I'll ask you, don't you appreciate the demon emperor's hard work in fighting the Terran?"

In Jiang Ting's view, behind every aggressor, he received more or less the support of the majority.

Take the demon emperor for example, if he really ruled the Terran, then it must be these ordinary demon tribes who enjoy the cheap. If so, why fight with all your life?

Smell speech, that demon clan cold voice way: "appreciate him?"


As if to find a vent, the demon family angrily said: "the demon emperor, in order to launch a war, forcibly plundered the resources of the whole demon family, so that many innocent demon families were starved to death!"

"And the operation of the ten thousand demons array, every once in a while, needs the blood sacrifice of young demons."

"With all this, he has no right to let us be grateful!"

The more we talk about the later words, the more excited the demon clan's mood is, and the other demon clan's faces are also full of anger.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Ting felt a little desolate for the demon clan. It reminds him of a sentence he heard before. Fighting between the two sides is always the worst for the people.Now in the case of the demon clan, it's really very suitable. In this regard, Jiang Ting can only sigh.

And that demon clan, after saying these words again, looked at Jiang ting with a smile: "OK, I'm finished, you can kill me."

In fact, as early as he did these things, he was ready to face death. At this time, there was no fear on his face.

Jiang tingbai gave him a look: "kill you? Why am I doing this? "

Finish saying, in numerous demon clan one face muddle force of facial expression, light way: "well, the story listened to, quite touching, you can go."

Smell speech, that demon clan froze: "you Don't you kill me? "

Jiang Ting glanced at him like an idiot: "why should I kill you?"

"But I..."

This demon clan wants to say, are you not afraid to destroy the transportation resources later?

Jiang Ting said, "you've done a good job, demon clan. It's better to have more warriors like you."

After saying that, do not forget to remind a: "today, as I have never seen you, and you, have never seen me, understand?"

Jiang Ting's face, showing a playful smile, looking at the demon family slowly said.

He nodded his head, until now, he did not understand what happened.

Jiang Ting didn't explain his identity to him. On the one hand, it was meaningless. Besides, he just met this guy by chance and didn't trust him. If you don't kill him, it's Jiang Ting's view that it's also for the face of the demon emperor's action.

It was not until Jiang Ting left that they sent him away as if he were a godsend. They all thought that this dragon is a good demon!

The motorcade under the canyon did not come back in Jiangting and did not dare to move forward.

Fortunately, they didn't wait too long. Jiang Ting came back again. On his return, many Tauren cheered loudly.

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