The so-called array eye looks rather strange. It's just a deep hole.

The diameter of the hole is not big, just like a person entering. Looking inside through the hole, it's all dark.

Stack the resources around here, and their tasks are finished.

A group of Tauren left from then on, and Jiang Ting was placed in a palace near the array eye.

As a dragon family, even in Wanyao mountain, there are privileges. Other demons can only live in one place and live in groups.

Out of the palace, Jiang Ting walked around the palace and found that there were many demons around. Most of them are responsible for keeping the array running and putting resources into those holes.

In the face of this super huge ten thousand demon array, Jiang Ting couldn't find a starting point for a while.

The whole array is a main body. In his opinion, if he wants to destroy the array, he has to find a way to level the whole Wanyao mountain.

But obviously, in the case of ten thousand demons guarding, infinity is equal to zero.

However, since it is an array, no matter how big the array is or how many eyes there are, there must be a core eye.

As long as you destroy it, you can definitely solve this array completely.

Suddenly, Jiang Ting looked in a direction.

There stands a pillar that goes straight to the sky.

If you want to say, where the whole Wanyao mountain is the most special, it must be the pillar of heaven.

It wasn't long before Jiang Ting came to the bottom of the column and cut it. The whole column is a cylindrical structure with a diameter of more than 100 meters. At the entrance of the front pillar, there are ten demon guardians who have reached the supernatural realm.

Just ten meters away from Jiangting, a powerful demon clan approached and said respectfully, "see dragon, do you have a pass?"

Smell speech, River Court tiny a Leng, he where have what pass.

But on the surface, or sink a voice way: "my pass just lost."

This thought, these demon clan will see in his dragon clan's face, let him go in, but the result is unexpected.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. dragon. The demon Emperor himself told me that without a pass, all the demon clans are not allowed to enter the Wanyao tower."

Jiang Ting realized that it was the demon emperor who ordered him. No wonder these guys didn't give him face.

Looking at these ten powerful demon clans with supernatural powers and a large number of powerful demon clans secretly guarding around, Jiang Ting doesn't have the idea to rush in at all. On the contrary, if he wants to fight here, he may take himself in.

The hero didn't suffer from the loss in front of him. Jiang Ting didn't even think about it. He nodded and said, "yes, keep watching."

Jiang Ting seemed to be very satisfied with patting the demon on the shoulder, then turned and left.

At this time, the demon clan was relieved.

"The pressure of the dragon people is really terrible..."

If it wasn't for the orders given by the demon Emperor himself, he didn't dare to stop the Dragon here.

Now think about it, I can't help but feel ashamed.

Fortunately, Jiang Ting has left now, and he will continue to return to his post.

On the other hand, Jiang Ting, who left the Wanyao tower, did not directly choose to leave here. In his opinion, if he wanted to break through the Wanyao array, the Wanyao tower in front of him must be the biggest breakthrough point.

Otherwise, why does the demon emperor not blockade other places, but blockade the ten thousand demon tower.

Moreover, according to the previous tauren, the ten thousand demon pagoda was once a place of belief of the demon clan, or a holy land, a place of pilgrimage for all the demon clan.

To put it simply, you are here. It was originally open, but since the demon emperor revived, it has been blocked by the demon emperor.

If you think about it, you must be afraid that someone with a bad heart will enter and destroy the array.

The more I think about it, the brighter Jiang Ting's eyes are. He felt that he was a step closer to solving the contradiction between man and demon clan.

So the biggest problem now is to find a way to get into the Banshee tower.

But How to get in

There are a lot of guards around watching. It's not realistic whether he's breaking in or sneaking in.

In that case

Jiang Ting pondered for a long time, and finally came up with a crazy idea.

Even he just thought of this idea, for his own crazy, pinch a sweat.

But there is no doubt that this method he thought of is the only feasible one now. It's just a little risky, but it's worth taking some risks if you want to succeed!

Thinking of this, he decided to take action.

One day after that, Jiang Ting was wandering on the top of the Wanyao mountain almost all day. He said that he was inspecting the work and would ask about some related matters to some demons from time to time. It was really humorous.

As everyone knows, about him, now has been placed in front of the demon emperor.Looking at the portrait handed over by the people under my hand, it is the appearance of Jiang ting in the dragon body.

After staring at the portrait for a long time, the expression on his face was not so ugly: "bold guy, dare to disguise as my noble dragon! I'm looking for death

Then he looked at a man beside him and said, "go down and strangle that guy with all your strength!"


The demon clan around him, nodded his head and disappeared in the sight.

At this time, Jiangting on the other side had already prepared for the action.

What Jiang Ting wants to do this time is very simple, killing demons! Set fire! Do something!

What's more, the more noise he makes, the more favorable his actions will be.

Of course, when making trouble, he did not use the dragon body, but the body of a normal human.

As a result, there are the following situations.

At the location of an array eye, some demon clans are playing with resources near the array eye to add strength to the array.

At this time, suddenly came a funny voice: "Yo, you are very hard!"

Hear this words of time, that demon clan originally subconsciously answered a: "HMM."

As a result, when I looked up, I was forced.

I saw a human standing in front of him, smiling sweetly at him, as if to reward him for his hard work.

"There are humans!"

His exclamation was like dropping a bomb around the whole array. In a moment, all the demons looked in this direction.

When I really saw Jiang Ting's figure, I was shocked.

"Alert! There are humans breaking in! "

"Kill him with all your strength!"

"Come on, people, kill people!"

And Jiang Ting, at this time, didn't make any moves, and didn't mean to run away.

He just looked at these guys and cried out.

Until the end, hundreds of demons surrounded him, which showed a smile.

"Everyone, welcome to the world of fire!"

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