
See this scene of the demon clan, eyes full of panic, at this time, Jiang Ting will be in the hands of the fireball thrown out.

A great fire of Nirvana burst on the top of the heads of many demon clans, just like a meteorite falling down, and the monstrous disaster instantly spread hundreds of meters around.

Listening to the screams of the demon clan, the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth rose slightly. He didn't stay here any longer and left the encirclement.

At the moment when the fireball appeared, many demons who felt the danger had already retreated and survived.

But those who rush in the front of the demon clan, there is no chance to dodge, was submerged in the sea of fire, not a moment of effort, completely reduced to ashes.

"Damned human! Don't run

Those powerful demon kings who fled to the sky saw Jiang Ting's figure running towards the distance and chased them madly. They are responsible for protecting Wanyao mountain. If Jiang Ting is allowed to make trouble here, I'm afraid they will be swallowed by the demon emperor.

Anyway, it's death before and after. It's better to die with honor.

Jiang Ting didn't fight with them. After all, his goal this time was not to kill the demon clan.

Taking advantage of the influence of fireball just now, Jiang Ting's figure soon disappeared in many palaces.

After him, a group of demons were chasing him, but the speed of Jiangting was too fast. They were all chasing his shadow.

In the process of running away along the way, Jiang Ting was not idle. From time to time, he would throw a fireball out, causing more palaces to burn to ashes.

At the beginning, the influence of Jiangting was only a small area. However, as the situation became more and more serious, the demons on Wanyao mountain gradually realized the seriousness of the situation, and almost all of them went out to hunt Jiangting.

Jiang Ting, who is running away, looks behind him. The dense demon clan also takes a breath of air. Now he is like a hornet's nest.

Fortunately, Jiang Ting's goal is half achieved.

At the same time, the guard under the Banshee tower can clearly see what happened on the top of the Banshee mountain because it is high above the mountain.

When they saw that most of the ten thousand demon peaks were in a sea of fire, they looked at each other one by one.

"My Lord, can we use it or not?"

One of the guards hesitated, but asked.

After all, the demon emperor is not in Wanyao mountain now. These people are the strongest group of demons in Wanyao mountain. At present, Wanyao mountain is attacked by human beings, and it is so blatant. If they don't solve it, it's hard to say.

The demon clan who was asked frowned and looked at the distant sea of fire. After pondering for a while, he said.

"Well, you guys, take people to kill that human, go back quickly."

Anyway, not all of them left. He didn't believe that anyone would dare to break into the Banshee tower at this time.

With permission, the demon clan under the ten thousand demon tower immediately walked half way.

"Keep your eyes on me! Even if it's a mosquito, I'm not going to put it in! "

The demon clan looked at the rest of the people and gave a sharp drink.

The other demon guards agreed.

As time went by, although the demon clan ruled out a large number of demon clan guards, they could never catch Jiang ting.

The reason is also very simple. Jiangting can switch between people and demons. When it comes to a desperate situation, it will become a dragon and escape a disaster.

Although his identity as a giant dragon will be doubted after many times, Jiang Ting doesn't expect to do anything with his identity in the future.

As long as the array can be destroyed today, he vowed that he would never come back to the demon kingdom in the future.

In this way, half an hour later, the whole Wanyao mountain completely turned into a pot of porridge.

Under the ten thousand demons tower, the unknown guard demons can't help feeling a little depressed. What's the matter with the five guys sent out? It's just a human, even if they are in control of the fire of Nirvana, it's time to solve it.

But in fact, Jiang Ting didn't meet them at all. At the moment, he was already in another place.

In the dark, Jiang Ting looked at the scene ahead and nodded.

It's time to do it!

Around the ten thousand demon pagoda, most of the demon clans are transferred from the mountain by him, and the rest are only a few guards, as well as five guards of the supernatural realm.

Time is precious. Jiang Ting didn't hesitate any more. He opened his hand and a fire beat.

"Give it to me!"

The fireball in the hand instantly breaks away from the palm and starts to accumulate in the air.

The powerful guards who were guarding under the ten thousand demon tower only saw a small flame flying out of the darkness.

At first they didn't care, but the more they got to the back, there was something wrong with the size of the fire.

When it came to the front, from the beginning, the fire was only the size of soybeans, and suddenly became a fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters.

If the same trick is used again at the entrance of the ten thousand demon tower, the killing effect is far less than last time.However, due to the influence of the fireball, the guards who had been guarding at the door all dodged for the first time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Ting rushed out.

But the demons here, one by one, have reached the triple existence of the supernatural realm. As soon as he came out, he was discovered by those demons.

"It's human! He's going to break into the Banshee Tower! Stop him

One of the demons yelled, and immediately, five powerful demons with triple magical power still surrounded Jiang ting.

"Damn, it's really difficult!"

Jiang Ting didn't expect that the speed of these guys' reflection was so fast, far beyond his imagination.

"In that case, die for me!"

In Jiang Ting's eyes, the murderer is sharp, and his body is bursting with fire. At the same time, his muscles burst out, transforming into Jackie Chan's form again.

Seeing him transformed into a dragon, the demon clan at the scene was full of incredible eyes.

In particular, the several magical realm demon clan, instantly understand the whole story. Glaring at Jiang Ting, he said: "let's go together and kill him!"

For a moment, five demon clans pounced on Jiangting path, but Jiangting was not afraid of them at all.

Although his realm is not as good as these guys, if he is more powerful, he is far superior to them. The power of dragons, especially what they can provoke?

Towards which has been the demon family suddenly blow out a punch, the moment it flew out, Jiangting three under five divided by two, rampage forward to fight.

His meaning is very obvious, is to rush into ten thousand demon tower.

Because the demon clan near the Wanyao tower is no longer there, their five demons alone can't stop Jiangting's momentum. In addition, there is a circle of Nirvana on his body, which makes him dare not get close at all.

With a bang, Jiang Ting shattered the entrance of the huge ten thousand demon tower, and the huge dragon rushed in.

And the five demons all look ugly.

"What shall we do, my lord?"

One of them looks at the most powerful demon clan.

He looked at the broken entrance, gritted his teeth and said: "inform the demon emperor, apply to enter and kill the human!"

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