Her words shocked Jiang ting. At the moment, Jiang Ting was more puzzled: "what do you mean by this? Don't we live well? How can you die? "

Hearing the words, the woman sighed: "it depends on how you understand death. For ordinary people, if they disappear forever in their original world, is it not death?"

There was some truth in what she said, but then Jiang Ting seemed to think of something and said, "that is to say, if I can't get out of here, for the world I live in, I will disappear completely?"

The woman nodded her head: "it's understandable."

"In addition, everyone in the God's proving ground has only one hundred years. If you enter here for one hundred years, and you don't meet the requirement of leaving, you will..."

At this point, the woman pause, helpless way: "will disappear in God's test field, at that time exactly how, no one knows."

"But according to the investigation, if you die here, you really die..."

After listening to the explanation, Jiang Ting took a breath of air-conditioning, but in his heart, he almost said hello to the whole family. Feelings, said to be able to save their own lives, is to let themselves commit suicide.

This is special

Jiang Ting's mood is extremely complicated now. At this time, the woman came to him, stretched out her hand to him and said with a smile: "however, you don't have to worry. As long as you finish the test here, you can leave here successfully. At the same time, you can get God's approval and a huge reward."

"Besides, with your talent, I think I will be able to dominate here soon. I hope you don't forget me then."

This remark pulled Jiang Ting out of his depression. Oh, since it's a trial, isn't it enough to finish it?

Other Jiang Ting didn't have confidence, but he still had some confidence in his talent.

Then, they talked again. After a chat, Jiang Ting had a simple understanding of the situation here.

There are four areas in the so-called testing field of God. The first is the lowest level xuanzi area, which is the area where he is.

Only after completing the final test of the current region can we be allowed to enter a higher level region.

At the same time, here, because it is the pride of all the world, so that everyone's cultivation power is different.

For example, Jiang Ting cultivates spiritual power, while this woman cultivates something called fighting spirit. It is said that here, there are also practitioners of various forces, such as soul power, war spirit, magic, Xuanqi, etc.

In order to facilitate statistics, it is simply based on the strength of a person's body, divided into a unified level.

Black iron, silver, gold, dark gold, crystal.

Each rank is subdivided into ten stars.

As for the monsters we met in front of us, they are called strange beasts, which are common creatures in God's proving ground. They roam in the wild and feed on humans. Once swallowed by them, it's a real death.

The division of strength is the same as that of human beings. It is also a black iron beast, a silver beast and so on.

The one just now is a typical, golden star beast.

The River Court converted next, probably, the supernatural power realm is heavy, here is the gold level Bai.

In addition, in xuanzi District, most people's task is to kill these beasts, so as to obtain something called integral. Through integral, they can exchange some treasures or necessities in the test city of God.

As a result, integral has become a hard currency in the testing field of God.

Mention this, Jiang Ting curiously looking at the woman, oh no, should say is Lin Yue just right.

Lin Yue said with a smile, "gather your mind and have a look."

Jiang Ting did so, and then he was surprised to find that when he concentrated his mind, he had an extra card in his hand. At the moment, I saw a huge, 1000 on the card.

"This number is the total number of points you have now. It's estimated that you just killed that beast to get 1000 points."

In Lin Yue's eyes, there is some envy. After all, if you want to get 1000 points in the xuanzi area, you may not be able to do it for several tasks.

But there were so many when Jiang Ting came, but she had no idea when she thought of the power of the strange beast.

If you kill a powerful beast, you will get a lot of rewards, but again, the risk is there. She doesn't think she can be as abnormal as Jiang ting.

"I see..."

Jiang Ting is very interesting about these things.

From the above, it can be seen that the God's proving ground she is in is really like an abstract Colosseum.

A bunch of geniuses fight in it and win a small group of people in the end.

Is studying the integral, one side Lin Yue thought, or reminded: "by the way, you just came here, be careful."

Jiang Ting eyebrows a pick: "why?"

Suddenly, Lin Yue's expression became serious: "here, integral is the foundation of a person's existence. Without integral, you can't even enter the test city of God. With integral, or enough integral, you can act recklessly here.""That's why all of us have tried our best to get more points, but most of them have less than 1000 points or even hundreds. Do you know what I mean?"

In xuanzi District, the strength of most people is generally low, only silver level, a task reward is not more than dozens of points, and there is danger. In addition to the basic expenses and cultivation, you can only save 1000 points if you come here for three or five years.

It can be seen how hot Jiang Ting's 1000 points are. In addition, he is a newcomer here, and he will certainly be under some pressure.

Although a thousand points is nothing for those powerful people, Jiang Ting's character makes her doubt that something will happen soon.

Lin Yue is afraid that Jiang Ting's impulse provokes the local snake in xuanzi District, which is troublesome.

The cruelty of God's proving ground is far beyond the outside world. It's a common practice to kill people and win points.

After all, if you kill people outside, you need to worry about the huge power behind them. After all, those who can come here are almost the pride of the major forces.

When there is a contradiction between the outside world and people, it is easy to rise into a struggle between the two forces. But in this testing ground of God, there is no need to worry at all.

Originally, entering here already means death, and finally really dying here, no one will trace the reason, also can't trace the reason.

Although Jiang Ting understood what Lin Yue said, he still gave a cold hum.

"Don't worry, no one can take the points into my pocket or take them away from me!"

All the way to fight so far, how can he be a timid role to be bullied?

At that time, who grabs who's points, there are two things to say.

Seeing that he was so confident, Lin Yue sighed and was quite helpless: "I know that with your strength, you are absolutely the pride of the overlord outside, but you have to understand that everyone who can come here is the same pride as you."

She intended to let Jiang Ting keep a low profile for the time being, but Jiang Ting said in a word that she had nothing to say.

"I understand Miss Lin's intention. Maybe they are really talented, but how many of them are stronger than me?"

This is not his arrogance, but a word of truth.


Lin Yue gave a bitter smile. Indeed, to say that those guys are geniuses, Jiang Ting is the devil of genius.

"Well, I'd better take you to the trial city of God first. When you enter the city, I'll tell you more about the rules here."

Just experienced a battle of life and death, Lin Yue really does not want to stay outside.

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