It's hard to imagine the power of that hand just now, but one thing is sure that it's more than enough to kill all of them.

After confirming the death of the king of steel armor, everyone turned their eyes on Jiang Ting, and everyone's face was full of question marks.

Although from the beginning, they felt that Jiang Ting was very unusual. After all, he had such a good leadership ability that he must be extraordinary.

But also did not expect that the other side is not only brain is better to use, even the combat effectiveness, is also so fierce.

Yechen came to Jiangting side, seems to have a question to ask, but the words to the mouth, do not know whether to say.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ting laughed and simply said, "to tell you the truth, I'm Jiang. I believe you've heard about my name, Jiang ting."

The name Jiang Ting said in his own mouth, and several people in the team were all stunned.

Green snow is small mouth big open, inconceivable said: "you, you are not joking, you are the river court in the God's trial city recently?"

The whole God's trial City, now there is no one who does not know the existence of Jiangting.

Now, there are two hottest topics in the city of God's trial, one of which is Jiang Ting, and the other is who the mysterious genius is.

Unexpectedly, just for one mission, they met the legendary Jiang ting. Moreover, they were still in the same team with them, and they also got advice from each other.

It's just as incredible as a dream.

Ye Chen, in particular, said with a bitter smile: "Jiang Ting, I just said that there are so many coincidences in the world."

Originally, the person in front of him just happened to be Jiang, but in fact, he was given a big mouth.

I didn't imagine a particularly exciting scene. On the contrary, I was very silent.

Of course, it's just that a few people don't know what to say.

Finally, Qingxue took a deep breath and said, "Jiang Ting, thank you. Thank you for helping our team."

Originally, Qingxue had a good feeling for Jiangting. Now, after knowing Jiangting's identity, she even likes to go to infinity.

But in her heart, she is also very clear that she and Jiang Ting are not destined to be on the same road. The other side is the dragon and Phoenix among the people. Even if they are in the talent team, they are also top-notch.

And she is just one of the people.

Others, especially Ye Chen, take advantage of this time to express their gratitude to Jiang ting.

At the thought of getting Jiang Ting's advice, I was more or less excited.

There is no way in this kind of world, after grinding off the pride of a genius, people will become humble.

In the face of people's gratitude, Jiang Ting was quite calm. After all, he had never seen a big scene, let alone this kind of scene.

After being polite, he simply told yechen about the king of steel armor, and then left.

In fact, when he got here, he knew how to enter the hinterland of Thunder Mountain, so he didn't need to trouble these people any more.

Of course, before he left, he didn't forget to tell yechen to be careful.

This person, how to say, is a typical wallflower. Once he is in danger, he can abandon his teammates and only think about his own life. For this reason, he can even sacrifice other people.

With such people in the team, it's like a time bomb. Sooner or later, something will go wrong.

When Jiang Ting left, the members of the hunting team gathered here again to discuss the future. Ye Chen's decision was very direct.

He looked at Mo Feng coldly and said in a deep voice: "Mo Feng, after the end of this mission, you can leave the team by yourself."

Smell speech, Mo Feng immediately way: "why! Is it because of Jiang Ting's words that you gave up on me, captain? "

Ye Chen nodded: "almost, it can be said that brother Jiangting woke me up. At the same time, when you were facing the king of steel armor, your way was really bad!"

Smell speech, Mo Feng is almost some despair, but still not give up the Kan to other teammates.

"Brothers, I've been in the team for a long time. Help me talk!"

However, in the face of him, is the cold eyes of the people, especially Qingxue.

Although for Mo Feng just helped her pull away the hatred of things, more or less some gratitude. But before that, she almost died for each other, even if it was even.

As for other people.

Hehe, no one wants to have a teammate in his team who will abandon him at any time.

Last time, it may be someone else, but one day, it will be your turn.

In order to put an end to this kind of thing, Mo Feng, no one will pity him at all.

Even if his strength is really good, but a company friend can't deliver life and death, what's the use?In the end, Mo Feng was completely desperate.

However, this resentment, he has been deeply branded into the heart.

For Jiang Ting's hate, almost reached the acme, all blame him! Not only let oneself have no chance to see Qingxue again, also let oneself be kicked out of the team!

Blame him!

I must take revenge!

Think of here, his eyes can not help but a bit more murderous.

On the other hand, Jiang Ting, who had left the hunting team, naturally would not know that he was hated again, and he still wanted to kill him.

But even if you know, maybe it doesn't matter. Just like the evaluation of Mo Feng in his heart, it is almost impossible for such a person to reach the peak in the future.

Such a person is not worth his attention at all.

But everything in front of him is more worthy of his attention.

Along the road in the hinterland of the thunder mountain range, Jiang Ting successfully entered it. As soon as he arrived, he met a greeting.

This is a golden five-star beast. Although it may not be as powerful as the steel armored beast king just now, you know, he just came here.

As soon as I arrived, I met such a powerful beast. What else can I do?

Can't help but, River Court heart secretly careful.

As for the strange beast that I met, ha ha, I'm looking for death at this time.

Blow out with one punch, and solve the beast directly.

To be honest, just come to the Thunder Mountain to kill the beast, the score is already a very considerable number.

After that, I don't know how much to face.

To solve the problem, Jiang Ting took a deep breath and continued to go deep into the Thunder Mountain.

Finally, I vaguely saw the place described in the task.

The heart of thunder is located on the top of a high mountain in the middle of thunder mountains.

The thunder gathered there, and it became this treasure.

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