From the beginning, she was killed, and she came here after waking up again.

Then I didn't go far, I met the two guys just now. Seeing this, Jiang Ting roughly understood her situation, which was very similar to her original situation.

Anyway, he had nothing to do in his spare time. Jiang Ting simply told the other party about the trial city of God.

After hearing this, Yin Xi was stunned for a long time, and then he reacted. He was surprised and said, "in other words, I still have a chance to revive?"

Jiang Ting nodded his head: "well, it's just vague."

However, after Jiang Ting looked at the strength of the other side, it was quite good. When he first came here, he had the strength of silver peak level.

If it were not for the two exiles that I met, they were all gold grade. Ordinary exiles would not have been able to help her.

After thinking about it, Jiang Ting suggested: "by the way, Yinxi, if you don't mind, come with us to the test city of God. During this time, we can protect you."

Yinxi readily accepts this proposal.

Anyway, Jiang ting and Bai Meng are her life-saving benefactors. I don't believe that they will harm her.

So he followed them away.

Jiangting, with baimeng and Yinxi, three people are flying, and they soon come to the trial city of God.

After a short period of registration, smoothly came to the city.

As for Bai Meng, the trial city of God has not been here for many years.

"Che, I thought it would be like this. I didn't expect it would be like this!"

Obviously, Bai Meng is very dissatisfied with the changes in the city of God's trial.

"Well, when was the last time you came?"

Walking on the street, Jiang Ting is chatting with each other.

"Let me see..."

Bai Meng fell into thinking, and then nodded: "probably, for hundreds of years..."

As soon as this figure was exported, Jiang Ting smacked his tongue beside him. Well, it seems that he underestimated the powerful vitality of the dragon.

For hundreds of years, I haven't lived long until now. It's definitely less than a few hundred years.

And this white dream seems to be at least thousands of years old.

But this appearance Jiang Ting shook his head.

On the contrary, Yinxi is next to her. According to what she said, her age is the same as her own appearance. She is only seventeen or eighteen years old.

In this regard, Jiang Ting said that Taite is abnormal.

At the age of 17 or 18, he has the strength to be close to the supernatural realm. It seems that he is also a peerless genius.

After a while, the three came to the manor.

When you open the array and enter it, you just see Lin Yue cleaning the manor.

Seeing Jiang Ting back, Lin Yue was surprised and said, "you're OK!"

Jiang tingbai gave her a look and said, "why, do you wish I had something to do?"

Smell speech, Lin Yue quickly shakes her head: "of course not, I'm just worried that you will have an accident in the task."

After all, that's the most difficult task for the xuanzi District of the test city of God.

Even Fengtian Hao is ready to go when everything is ready, but Jiang Ting is not ready to go.

It doesn't make her worry about ghosts.

However, seeing him come back smoothly, Lin Yue was relieved.

"By the way, these two are..."

Speaking of this, her eyes can't help falling on the white dream and Yinxi beside Jiangting.

Jiang Ting laughed and introduced each other.

Then, Jiang Ting looked at Yinxi and said, "if you don't mind, you should stay here first. You don't have points now. If you live outside, it will be more troublesome."

Generally speaking, novices will encounter some strange beasts before they come to the trial city of God. After they kill them, the points they get are enough to support their life for a period of time.

But Yinxi, who was brought back by them directly, had no chance to get points at all.

Yinxi pondered: "this..."

Seeing that she hesitated, Lin Yue said with a smile: "sister Yinxi, you can rest assured to stay. Jiang Ting is not very good-looking, but he has a good character."

Jiang tingbai gave her a look: "you guy, do you say that to me in front of outsiders?"

Bai Meng said: "cut, is what people say wrong? I don't know how you can choose such an appearance."

Jiang Ting naturally knew that she regarded herself as the same kind, and the appearance of human beings was usually chosen by herself when she was transforming.

The other side's words are obviously contemptuous of his aesthetics.

Jiang Ting stood up and said helplessly, "well, whatever you say."


Finally, Yinxi chooses to stay. On the one hand, she really doesn't know where she can go except here?There is also a part of the reason, but also feel that Bai Meng and Lin Yue are very good people.

Since Jiang ting and them are getting along well, he should pay attention to them and not be too annoying.

At night, in the hall, Bai Meng and Yinxi went to have a rest.

Jiang Ting is pulling Lin Yue, in the hall, discussing a matter.

Jiang Ting pondered for a moment, then said, "if I want to create my own power in the trial city of God, what's the advantage or other trouble?"

Lin Yue didn't expect that this guy pulled her over for this.

After thinking about it, she said slowly, "well, there must be some benefits."

"First of all, all forces certified by the test city of God, all of them, while completing the hunting task and gaining points, will also give extra points to the controller of the force."

"Once the number of forces increases, the bonus points will be very considerable, and these points data are the reason why fengtianhao only chooses to recruit strong people above the gold level."

After all, the bonus points will be different with the bonus points of the task, so that there will be more bonus points.

However, the personnel limit of a force will be changed according to the strength of the controller. For example, with the strength of fengtianhao, the upper limit should be only a few hundred people, so we choose the people who are striving for perfection.

Long Tian, on the other hand, doesn't come entirely for the sake of points. Therefore, many of them are only nominal members and have no actual registration.

After understanding the general benefits, Jiang Ting asked, "what's the trouble?"

Since there are advantages, there will be corresponding troubles.

Jiang Ting also vaguely speculated about the troubles that the founding forces might face.

Sure enough, Lin Yue didn't even think about it, so she said directly.

"Trouble, of course, with your sensitive identity, whether it's fengtianhao or Shenlong Pavilion, it won't let you develop smoothly."

"If you want to develop your power, you must pass them first! Otherwise, even if you send out an invitation, few people dare to join your forces. "

No one is a fool. It's not worth offending Fengtian Hao for he is a little famous guy.

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