Jiang Ting asked with great interest, "what's the difference between dizi district and here?"

In his opinion, even if there is a difference between Di Zi District and Xuan Zi District, the difference is not too much.

Cold moon did not reveal to him the specific scene of the word area, just a reminder, and then said.

"Jiangting, I need to remind you that once you enter the Dizi area, unless there are extremely special circumstances, you can't go back to the xuanzi area. Are you sure?"

This sentence, which she would say to those who are about to enter the trial of God, has almost become a habit. However, there are not many people who really pass the test of God.

Smelling speech, Jiang Ting looked behind him and nodded solemnly: "well, I'm ready!"


The cold moon superimposes the scrolls in her hand, and then, it turns into countless light spots and slowly dissipates. Then, you can see that a light column falls from the sky and instantly covers the river court.

The cold moon looked at him and said with a smile, "good luck, my friend."

Smell speech, Jiang Ting want to say something, but found that the body has been unable to move.

Then I feel that the whole world has become a gray, nothingness.

In terms of his senses, he felt the strong sense of weightlessness in the transmission array.

This state lasted for more than ten seconds, and Jiang Ting gradually regained his sight.

But in front of this scene, let Jiang Ting Leng in situ.

It wasn't that he came to some incredible place. On the contrary, he was familiar with everything in front of him.

Familiar grassland, familiar trees, familiar sky and bright sunshine.

It's the testing space in the hunting ground. Unexpectedly, I came here again.

As if to confirm what he thought in his heart, a very familiar voice came to his ears.

"Dear challenger, you are about to start the test of God. The test requires you to defeat 500 beasts with the same strength level as yourself. Are you sure?"

After listening to the test, Jiang Ting almost didn't have a mouthful of old blood.

What is it? Five hundred beasts of the same strength level? You're kidding. That is to say, what I am about to face is five hundred strange beasts of Xuanjin ten stars?

Jiang Ting's face is full of black lines. Although the fighting power of exotic animals can't be compared with that of human beings of the same level, the problem is that it takes a long time to Kill 500 animals.

Before the beginning, Jiang Ting looked at the engraving on his hand, thought about it and said, "white dream! In the name of my master! Call

After the voice fell, from the engraving on the back of his hand, a large number of light masses began to emerge, and finally in front of him, Bai Meng's body condensed.

Seeing that she can be summoned, Jiang Ting is relieved. With her, there's no need to worry.

It's not that he can't solve it, but it's too tiring to let him face five hundred Xuanjin Ten Star beasts.

"Is this the place where God tries?"

Bai Meng looked at the familiar scene and frowned.

Jiang Ting said, "it should be true, but I don't know why it is the same as the scene inside the hunting range."

"But whatever, we just need to finish the test, and then we can enter the Dizi area!"

On hearing this, Bai Meng was just like a dope. He was excited: "what are you waiting for! Let's get started! I've been waiting all day. I don't know how long I've been waiting! "

Dizi District, which she has been longing for.

Jiang Ting nodded and said, "well, let's start!"

As his voice fell, suddenly, the surrounding space fell into a strange quiet, but then, we heard the sound of the earth shaking, began to ring around.

Immediately after that, a lot of strange animals rushed towards him.

There are all kinds of exotic animals in various shapes, but there is no doubt that the breath from the body is the same color of Xuanjin ten stars.

If you throw these monsters into the xuanzi area of God's trial City, I'm afraid it's a merciless killing!

But in Bai Meng's eyes, the situation turned over completely. Looking at these strange animals that rushed towards them, Bai Meng gave a cold hum.

"If you dare to stop me from going to dizi District, I'm really looking for death!"

As the voice fell, Jiang Ting saw her figure rush out. The speed shocked Jiang ting. She understood that she didn't try her best when she tested the stone pillar last time.

Then, what came into view was a slaughter without suspense. Almost all the strange animals touched by Bai Meng's fist were smashed in an instant.

Little by little, in the face of Bai Meng's terrible attack power, five hundred Xuanjin Ten Star beasts didn't last five minutes.

Just for a while, on the ground, even the corpse of a strange beast could not be seen, all of them were smashed by Bai Meng.After all this, Bai Meng pinched her fist, looked at Jiang ting with a smile and said, "here, it's all settled! Master! How am I doing? "

Since the recognition of the Lord, Bai Meng's address to Jiang Ting has changed a lot.

In this regard, Jiang Ting can only helpless way: "white dream, have said, later or call my name on the line, don't always call the host, listen to strange uncomfortable."

Smell speech, white dream scratched to scratch small head, suddenly in front of the eyes say: "that, I teach you Jiang Ting elder brother how?"

The latter thinks about it. Brother is better than master.

Immediately nodded and said: "no problem, after that, you can call my brother."

As far as Bai Meng is concerned, it's a good thing to be his sister. At least, in the future, Zan will have a younger sister who is strong enough to explode, and there is no need to be afraid of being bullied by others.

Think of here, Jiang Ting heart secretly happy, now, want to come in the word area can also some rely on.

For its own strength, the xuanzi district is really strong enough, but when it comes to dizi District, it's not sure.

But Bai Meng's strength, he still has some confidence.

Just then, the familiar voice came to my ear.

"Congratulations, challenger, on passing the test of God."

Hearing this, Jiang Ting's expression is very strange. Is this the legendary test of God?

Looking at the ashes left by those strange beasts, Jiang Ting also understood that just these 500 strange beasts of the same level can't be passed by ordinary people. But who can win is not an absolute fighting genius?

Immediately, the business said: "it's transmitting for you. It's about to enter the test of God, dizi area!"

As the voice of the mysterious voice falls, the bodies of Jiang ting and Bai Meng begin to disappear slowly.

It's the familiar sense of weightlessness.

This time, it lasted a lot longer than before.

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