With the sound of the river court, the magma, which was as calm as water, suddenly seemed to explode in half, making a deafening sound.

Then, the magma, which was originally in the lake, all flowed out.

Just for a moment, the whole surrounding space was shrouded by fire, or magma.

Fortunately, among the members of the team, the strength is very strong. In the face of the sudden pouring of magma, they have been prepared for the rain for a long time.

Each of them has condensed a lot of energy shields, and this ordinary magma can't do any damage to them at all.

On the contrary, Jiang Ting's power just now exceeded their expectations.

The fire of Nirvana alone has been very terrible, but the power in Jiang Ting's hands just now clearly has the power of ice attribute.

You know, the power of ice attribute and the power of fire attribute always restrain each other. At the same time, it's enough to go against the sky before you can master the two kinds of power.

But Jiang Ting just did it, and it was the fusion of these two forces!

For them, this scene is no doubt like a miracle.

Thinking of this, their impression of Jiang Ting has changed. Obviously, this guy is not as simple as they think.

However, there is not so much time for them to be surprised.

With the deafening sound in the ear, at the same time, there are dense shadows of snakes.

The original magma lake, under the attack of Jiang tinggang, completely turned into rock, and there was no magma left.

This also means that the exotic animals that should have lived in these magmas have no space to live at this time.

As a result, naturally, they all ran out, and as soon as they came out, they attacked Jiangting angrily.

"Cover brother Jiang!"

Dongfang Hao's eyes saw that all the monsters that had been in the magma ran out. Naturally, he would not let Jiang Ting face the attack of these monsters alone. He immediately let his teammates do it.

As a matter of fact, Jiang Ting was ready to fight at the moment when those strange beasts appeared, so the appearance of these strange beasts did not surprise him.

Seeing those strange beasts fighting towards him crazily, a sneer appeared at the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth.

A group of monsters with one crystal star want to get rid of him?

With a sneer, the king of ice appeared in his hand. In the face of these guys living in the magma, although Nirvana fire can also burn them to death, its efficiency is far less than the direct use of ice power.

And white dream there, looking at a lot of toward River Court rushed in the past of strange beast, and no action, as if no want to help River Court meaning.

The reason for this is also for Jiang Ting's future consideration.

It is impossible for Jiang ting to hide behind her in the future. Therefore, before that, we must let Jiang Ting try more.

So she has some preparation in her heart. As long as Jiang Ting is not in danger, Bai Meng will never help.

Anyway, in terms of Jiang Ting's current strength, the general beast is not Jiang Ting's opponent at all.

Think of here, white dream at ease in the side to eat melon.

And the battle on Jiang Ting's side soon entered a white hot stage.

The power level of Jiangting has also reached the level of crystal one star, but the real combat power is much stronger than those guys who are just beasts.

In addition to the ice attribute's restraining effect on the fire attribute, for a moment, he was the one with the highest killing power among the teams.

Although dongfanghao's strength is much stronger than Jiangting's, it is not as rich as Jiangting's.

In terms of combat efficiency, it is a bit inferior to Jiang ting.

However, the battle did not last long.

Soon, the result of the battle ended with a lot of wastage on the other side of the beast.

The rest of the snakes basically either escaped or were cleaned up by them here.

However, although the results were brilliant, dongfanghao frowned.

Seeing his expression, Jiang Ting asked: "what's the matter, isn't the task finished smoothly?"

According to the task above, shouldn't they clean up all the exotic animals in this magma lake now?

However, Dongfang Hao shakes his head and takes out the previous task scroll from the space ring.

Only see the above task prompt, is still unfinished state.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting was also a little strange: "but I'm very sure that there can't be other beasts in it."

Just now, he did it not just to force other monsters out, but more importantly, to explore the situation inside.In fact, in addition to these snake shaped beasts, there are no other beasts.

Knowing this, everyone showed a puzzled expression.

Almost everyone in dizi District knows that the task received in dizi district is very different from that in xuanzi District, because there must be a powerful beast as the final play.

And the final beast, it is every hunting team, feel the existence of fear.

Because in the face of this beast, the general strength of the weaker team, is likely to appear casualties.

Once there are casualties, the impact on the whole team can be said to be huge. On this point, it is also the place where the genius of dizi district always complain.

The reason why Dongfang Hao didn't dare to complete the task before was because he was worried that there would be casualties again in the final battle, which would be a fatal blow to their little team of killing gods.

It is very likely that they will not recover and it will be difficult to maintain their existing combat effectiveness.

But unexpectedly, in the end, I didn't even see a hair.

Stay in place for a long time, until finally, after confirming that there is no other beast hidden around, Jiang Ting helplessly looks at Dongfang Hao.

"What should we do? Shall we retreat or..."

Looking at this scene, Dongfang Hao is also a bit tangled, I don't know whether to continue to wait here.

But at this time, a huge explosion, suddenly from the original into a rock of the ground.

the solid rock is cracked like a bubble, and there is a huge shadow in it.

At the moment of seeing the shadow, Dongfang Hao's brow jumped.

In the mouth involuntarily called out a voice: "the king of flame!"

Yes, the huge figure in front of them is what they are looking for, the final goal of the task, the king of flames!

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