The strength of the flame monarch is as high as the crystal five stars, which is not inferior to Jiangting in strength alone, but maybe the flame level is not as good as Jiangting.

And the flame level is not particularly significant for their fight.

As a result, from the beginning of the fight, Jiang Ting felt a little bit downwind.

There is no way, he found a helpless thing, Nirvana fire for this guy, although it can also cause some damage to him, but it is only part of it.

Like a common beast, there is almost no thing directly burned by the fire of nirvana.

Jiang Ting saw it with his own eyes, and his fist fell on the other side, leaving a shallow mark on it.

You can see that your own strength is not enough to cause effective damage to this guy.

The battle between the two sides only lasted for a short time. From the very beginning, Jiang Ting attacked the flame monarch and turned into blood abuse on his side.

The cloud snow in the distance looks at the scene of fighting here. It's really hard to imagine that this is the result of the fight between two guys with low crystal stars.

From the very beginning, the fight between fire and power quickly became a fight of pure power.

So that later, Jiang Ting did not even use the fire of Nirvana, and directly concentrated his strength on the power, which was barely able to fight with the flame monarch.

But after a while, the flame monarch laughs strangely. It's amazing to say that this guy has no mouth, but Jiang Ting can clearly hear what this guy is saying.

"Human beings, your flame and your power are good, but it's a pity to meet me."

"I advise you to surrender obediently. In that way, you can suffer less and integrate with me. In the future, I will use your flame to go to a wider world!"

For this guy's ambition, Jiang Ting only has hehe in his heart.

Let you take my flame to think about the wider world, want to fart.

Therefore, on the surface, Jiang Ting's answer is quite direct. In response to him, he has a fist as big as a sandbag in his hand.

With a bang, it fell on the other side's body. With the violent tremor, the flame monarch didn't seem to be hurt at all,

on the contrary, it was Jiang ting. After the punch was made, he felt a huge force coming from his hand, which blew him out.

"Damn it! This guy is so powerful... "

Jiang Ting cursed in his heart that if it was just like this, he would not be the opponent of the flame monarch.

thinking of this, his eyes fell on Yun Xue not far away.

Originally, he wanted to fight with the help of dragon, but the problem is that if he used dragon here, his identity would be a little difficult to solve.

But after thinking about it, Jiang Ting finally figured out one thing.

"To expose his identity, no matter what, is better than sitting here waiting to die!"

In fact, this is not a difficult choice to make.

When the flame monarch felt that he had the absolute upper hand and wanted to kill Jiangting, suddenly, drastic changes began to take place in Jiangting.

Then, in Yunxue's shocked eyes, including the eyes of flame monarch, Jiangting's body began to accumulate.

From the beginning, it was just a normal human who was less than two meters, and became a giant dragon who was more than ten meters tall.

After seeing the change of this scene, Yunxue's whole face is full of doubts.

How many secrets are hidden in Jiang ting that they don't know

And the flame monarch side, also didn't expect, River Court unexpectedly still have this kind of ability, immediately some surprised.

At this time, Jiang Ting launched a direct attack.

After the body has become a huge dragon, the strength level has also increased dramatically.

From the beginning, it's just a crystal star, and I don't know how high the strength is in the follow-up.

He only knew that after he had absorbed the strength, he was just fighting with each other for the rest of the time.

And that's the force that broke out so recklessly. It's very objective and terrifying.

In fact, even Jiang Ting himself did not expect that his strength could be enhanced so much after the giant dragon.

In the past, although it was said that the dragon has been very helpful for the enhancement of strength, there has never been one like today.


Jiang Ting just blows out, and the moment that the flame monarch is against him, he is blown out instantly.

This terrible power, even Jiang Ting also took a breath of air conditioning, this special also too abnormal!

Looking at the flame monarch who was blasted out dozens of meters away by himself, Jiang Ting was extremely excited. At the same time, he did not forget that he should pursue him.

It was a bit miserable to be beaten by this guy just now. In that case, it's time to pay off the debt now!

Think of here, in his eyes kill machine incomparably strong, then suddenly toward flame monarch rushed out.Boom, sometimes a punch falls on the other side.

The huge dragon body, by contrast, the size of the flame monarch is a little inferior.

After that, the battle was almost one-sided.

Jiang Ting has now guessed vaguely that his fighting power after the Dragon transformation can reach the level of crystal star 89.

In the distance, looking at the scene of cloud and snow, is also a very shocking.

It was thought that even after Jiang Ting became bigger, her strength was still crystal low star, but in fact, the great power of Jiang Ting's change could be clearly felt by her as an onlooker.

On the other hand, the flame monarch thought that Jiang Ting was just a human being, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Without thinking about it, he looked at Jiang ting and roared: "you are the same kind as me! Why help those people! "

The man in this guy's mouth is obviously Yunxin and Yunxue, who are protected by Jiangting.

In response to this, Jiang Ting is too lazy to explain to him. In response to him, only Jiang Ting's huge fist is on his side.

Now that he has the strength to crush the other side, he doesn't need to be polite to the other side and solve the battle directly.

In the final battle, Jiang Ting almost beat the flame monarch, but for Jiang Ting's attack, the flame monarch had no Parry ability, and was finally blown to ashes by Jiang ting.

It wasn't really ashes. At least, a wisp of fiery red power floated out of his body.

Seeing this thing, Jiang Ting's brow picked slightly, because he felt the power of fire from it.

Is this the crystallization of the flame power of the flame king?

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting did not hesitate to absorb things directly.

It's not that he doesn't worry about what's bad, but he has absolute confidence that even if something happens, it won't endanger his life.

And it turns out that what he thought was not wrong. This thing really made him get the flame power that the flame king used just now.

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