Originally, what he was most worried about was that these fire poisons were not interested in the fire of nirvana.

But think of, even their masters are very fond of Nirvana fire, then these guys, should be no exception.

Not surprisingly, these fire poisons also want to swallow the fire of nirvana to strengthen themselves.

Almost at the speed visible to the naked eye, all the fire poison in the cloud heart surged towards the fire of Nirvana at the same time.

Finally, a huge encirclement was formed, which surrounded the fire of nirvana.

Seeing this, Jiang Ting was in full bloom.

Ha ha, it's really greedy.

Almost all the fire poison came to the scene. In this case, the corner of Jiang Ting's mouth slowly curved.

Then don't blame him for being rude!

Thinking of this, Jiang Ting gave an order.

Close the net!

The effect of the bait is very good. Almost all the fire poisons hover around the fire of Nirvana, which undoubtedly gives the fire of Nirvana the most effective way to attack.

Almost in an instant, Jiang Ting controlled the fire of Nirvana and expanded in an instant.

The fire poison, which was still nearby, has been swallowed into the fire of nirvana.

But as a kind of fire poison, it must be unrealistic to want to be completely eliminated by the fire of nirvana in a short time.

But Jiang Ting did not expect to save Yunxin by the fire of nirvana.

At the moment when the fire of Nirvana swallows the fire poison, Jiang Ting immediately controls the fire of Nirvana and all of them withdraw from Yunxin's body.

Then, I saw the red mist rising from the cloud.

These are the normal energy states of Nirvana fire.

In these fire red fog, contains the terrible fire poison.

Soon, I saw the fog rising in the air, a flame, a raging fire.

But as there was no further material to burn, the flame soon dissipated.

So far, those fire poisons have been eliminated.

Look at Yunxin again. Her fiery red skin has basically recovered.

Even said that behind the fair skin, compared with before had but not inferior.

Fortunately, Jiang Ting had no interest in women, and he didn't continue to look at them. He looked at Yun Xue road directly.

"It seems that Yunxin's luck is very good. The whole process is very smooth. Now the fire poison in her body has been removed. Next, she just needs to wait for her body to recover naturally."

Smell speech, cloud snow facial expression is very happy.

After looking at Yunxin, he was back to normal.

She quickly came to Jiang ting and said, "Jiang Ting, thank you so much!"

For her thanks, Jiang Ting just waved his hand and said with a smile: "nothing. It's all a team. We should help each other."

But even so, Yunxue is still constantly grateful.

Jiang Ting had no choice but to accept it all.

After a while, due to the power consumption, Jiang Ting directly entered the cultivation state, and Yun Xue didn't continue to disturb him.

Such a reply restored several hours, cloud snow looked at the scene above, sighed.

"I don't know what it looks like now..."

The three of them are very cool down there, but the captain is still up there.

What if they are in danger?

Think of here, cloud snow some complain their useless.

If only she had stronger strength, she would not let herself and Yunxin fall here, and Yunxin almost died here.

At this time, cloud heart seems to recover, slowly wake up.

See her wake up, cloud snow is very excited, immediately on the front road.

"Yunxin, how do you feel? Are you better?"

In the face of her concern, Yunxin still feels a little unreal, or rather confused.

"Well? Is anything better? "

At the end, she shook her head.

"Oh, I remember. It seems that we met a powerful beast just now, right?"

After all, just now under the attack of a strange beast, he fell into a state of near shock. It's normal that he can't remember some things.

Yunxue tells her about what happened just now, especially the fact that Jiang Ting saved her life.

However, I didn't tell the other party at that time. Jiang Ting actually saw her pretty much just now.

Yunxin doesn't know all this. After knowing what Jiangting did, she came to Jiangting and expressed her gratitude.

And Jiang Ting sees this, helpless way: "all said, thank what of have no need."

Then he looked at Yunxin's situation: "you'd better talk about your own situation first. If there is no problem, I think we should continue to start."After all, I don't know what the above situation is like. If they continue to delay here, they are likely to have big problems.

Especially in the case of so many exotic animals, how long can those guys last.

After all, in order to completely seal the black dragon, they need to complete the restoration of the array on both sides.

If the other side doesn't succeed, their side is meaningless.

But no matter what, we should still look for it. If we find it, we can save many lives.

See two people's eyes all fall on his body, cloud heart quickly nodded: "my side of the body is nothing, as long as don't fight, don't affect."

After all, it was just fire poison. Although it was a little dangerous, it didn't hurt her original strength.

Therefore, in addition to the inability to maintain combat effectiveness, the basic physical fitness has not been affected.

Smell speech, Jiang Ting nodded, also didn't talk nonsense with her what, direct way.

"OK, let's go on!"

With that, he walked directly towards the darkness in front of him.

Seeing this scene, the two women behind thought about it, and they all followed up in time.

Anyway, without Jiang Ting, it's almost impossible for them to leave here, so they just follow along.

It was very quiet in the dark tunnel, and it didn't appear again, just like the flame monarch.

Think about it, this kind of small place, generally speaking, there are powerful exotic animals, it is very strange. If there are still many, even if not between them, they will fight first.

In fact, after walking for a long time, I didn't see another beast.

Instead, I found a special place.

In front of the three, it was a huge cave, which was different from the heaven and earth in the crypt. It was a real cave, which was incomparably deep. I didn't know what would appear.

At that glance, Jiang Ting frowned slightly. Then he looked back and asked.

"There may be danger in this cave. Do you two want to follow together?"

Wen Yan, the two women almost nodded at the same time.

"Well, anyway, we'd like to follow you!"

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